I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1121: I want to join!

Forbidden Soul Palace, ruins.

"Why, why did the nomad die?"

Gao Jinyun couldn't accept it, and the nomad died just like that, in the Forbidden Soul Palace.

Not only that, the Soul Forbidden Palace he guarded was also completely destroyed and turned into ruins.

"It's very simple. In order to monopolize the Gushenjue, the Yunzhaoshu can kill all the scattered cultivators. Then naturally, this secret technique will not be passed on to the world. It is the best way to destroy it!"

Lei Yi pointed to the ruins of the Forbidden Soul Palace, seeing it clearly in his heart.

Gushenjue must have been taken away by Yunzhaoshu. In order to monopolize the secret technique, he destroyed the original Forbidden Soul Hall inscribed with Gushenjue, and at the same time killed all the people who entered the Forbidden Soul Hall.

Although this trick has achieved results, it is quite shameful, and ordinary decent people really can't do it.

The son of the deputy head teacher was really vicious in his mind.

Yuan Ruomeng and others came to the corpse of the nomad with different expressions.

"Oops, his commander token is not on him!" After a long time, Yuan Ruomeng discovered an abnormality.

The command token is very important, it is the key to open the Doushen Temple, and also a symbol of the status of the commander of the Eight Temples.

The person holding the command token can freely enter and exit the sect. Once it falls into the hands of outsiders, the consequences will be disastrous.

And now, where this token is, it is obviously in the hands of Yunzhaoshu.

The command token fell into the hands of the True Spirit Immortal Sect, which was beyond the reach of Yuan Ruomeng and others.

"I waited for the birth and death of the sect in front of me. I didn't expect that after so many years, the nomads would still die in the hands of the true spirit immortals!"

Yuan Ruomeng murmured, and then pinched the trick to cast a spell.

Not long after, the entire ruins were covered by a layer of flames.

The nomads were also in the flames, their corpses gradually burned and turned into dust.

"There are priorities. I wanted to bury the nomads alive, but his token fell into the hands of the True Spirit Immortal Sect. I must take it back later!"

"Yes, tokens are more important. I believe the nomads will understand what I am waiting for!"

"All the people of the true spirit immortal religion should be killed!"

"That group of people must not have gone far, we chase after!"

Lei Wanhong, Yu Fusheng, and Gao Jinyun were all killing intent at this moment, and even Yuan Ruomeng, this girl, had a chill in her eyebrows.

As for Lei Yi, naturally he would continue to be a follower and would not express any opinions.

Soon, Yuan Ruomeng used the secret technique to confirm the aura of Yunzhaoshu and others leaving.

"There are several powerful auras in that position. Among them, the aura of three people is quite weird and pure. It should be the five exercisers mentioned by the kid!"

The group immediately set off and killed in that direction.

At the same time, thousands of miles away.

"Hahaha, this secret technique is really exquisite, it's worth noting that I've tried my best to monopolize it after killing so many people!"

Yun Zhaoshu is very arrogant at the moment, looking up to the sky and laughing with a sullen expression on his face.

There were four people following him, three of them were Jin Lingsheng, Nangong Lie and Mo Qianyuan of the five exercisers.

And there was another person who turned out to be Xuan Meng.

This goddess looked complicatedly at the cloud edict, or at the scroll of silk in his hand, it was a rubbing copy of Gu Shenjue.

"Unfortunately, when I have cultivated the five-element secret technique taught by the deputy head teacher, the power of the soul can be combined into one. Once this secret technique is practiced, the soul cannot be firmly integrated!" Jin Lingsheng on the side sighed.

The secret technique that stabilizes the soul and enhances the power of the soul is naturally a treasure for the cultivator.

But the situation of the five of them is special, and there is a connection between the spirits and souls.

Once someone has practiced Gushenjue, although the spirit is stronger, it will cause problems such as the strength of the five people's spirits and the inability to merge. Therefore, none of the five practitioners have practiced the secret method of strengthening the spirit.

"It's okay, when I bring this secret technique back to the sect, the strength of my True Spirit Immortal Sect will increase a lot, and I will be rewarded for my first work in this matter!"

As Yun Zhaoshu said, he laughed again, as if he was already thinking about what kind of reward he would get.

"By the way, what's the use of this token, the guy who claimed to be the commander before has no other treasures on him, only this token is left!"

As he said, Yun Zhaoshu took out another golden token and held it in his hand for a closer look.

"This thing should be the prohibition token here!" Jin Lingsheng glanced at it and said.

They also don't know the things about Po Tian Xuanzong, they can only speculate about one or two.

"Hmph, ban tokens!" Yun Zhaoshu sneered after listening to it, and threw the token to Jin Lingsheng who was aside.

Since it is a ban token, if you hold the token, you can open some bans.

However, how could he let his young master go out in person with this kind of ban on helping people, naturally it was handed over to his subordinates.

Jin Lingsheng also saw the intention of the Yunzhao book, but didn't say much.

After all, the five of them are all working for Yun Guanhai, and this one is the only son of the other party, so you and others can't offend the other party.

"Yeah!" But at this moment, Jin Lingsheng frowned suddenly, and then looked to the rear: "Someone is approaching, the speed is very fast, it's not like passing by!"

The speed of the opponent's flight is like chasing them, if it is passing by, it would be too coincidental.

Since they are not passing by, it must be directed at them!

Soon, the back light finally appeared, and the two sides shortened the distance to more than a hundred feet within one breath.

"The Edict of Yun, three five exercisers, and Senior Sister Xuanmeng!" In the rear team, Lei Yi pointed to a few people in front of him and said loudly.

"Well, that kid, isn't that the traitor I taught?" And Jin Lingsheng, who also saw Lei Yi, frowned.

Lei Yi betrayed the True Spirit Immortal Sect and fled from the pursuit of Huo Ruliu and others. The disciples of the sect may not know much about this, but they are all high-ranking clan members and naturally know about it.

"Come well, since you are a traitor, let me Nangong Lie to kill!"

Nangong Lie, who had the hottest temper, couldn't help but start after seeing the traitor Lei Yi.

But Jin Lingsheng waved his hand to interrupt him, and reminded him. "Wait, there are a lot of people on the other side, and the aura is very weird!"

The edict of Yunzhao seems to be aggressive, with obvious dissatisfaction in his heart, and he hums: "Hmph, what about the weird breath? This young master doesn't believe it, and there are people who dare to have a bad relationship with my true spirit fairy cult!"

But what he didn't expect was that just because of such a sentence, Yuan Ruomeng and the others couldn't bear it.

"Kill the dog thieves of the true spirit fairy cult, and avenge the nomads!" The girl shouted and rushed directly to the edict.

"Young Master, get out of the way!" Seeing this, Jin Lingsheng on the side also rushed to the Yun Zhaoshu reluctantly, blocking Yuan Ruomeng.

"Dare to do it?" At the rear, Nangong Lie and Mo Qianyuan did not expect that they would do it, and they all shot.

Yu Fusheng, Lei Wanhong and Gao Jinyun, seeing that Yuan Ruomeng had started, they also killed them directly.

For a while, a war broke out in the sky.

Jin Lingsheng was protecting the edict of the cloud, and Nangonglie and Mo Qianyuan were also nearby.

Yuan Ruomeng, Yu Fusheng, Gao Jinyun and Lei Wanhong launched a fierce attack on Yun Zhaoshu and others.

For a time, the mighty power of the world spread to all directions, and the void in the center of the battle group was distorted by the melee of several people.

As for Lei Yi, he was facing the last person in the opposing team alone.

"Senior Sister Xuanmeng, don't be unharmed, Junior Brother, I still remember being beaten up by you!"

Lei Yi rubbed his face and looked at Xuan Meng.

In this position, he had been hit by the opponent's fist before.

"You... have you broken through to the mid-term?" Xuan Meng looked at Lei Yi with some surprise.

Because she could feel that the cultivation base of the person in front of her had grown too much compared to when she was beaten last time, and there was something wrong with it.

"Yes, 37 of the divine orifices in my body have been opened, and it has come to the middle of the heaven and human realm!" Lei Yi said, with countless light spots on the surface of the body, these are the divine orifices that he has unlocked.

"How could you...!" This scene surprised Xuan Meng.

How long has it been since Lei Yi had just entered the Celestial Realm to the current mid-range realm, it hasn't been many days.

If it’s not broken, then it’s...

A possibility suddenly emerged in Xuan Meng's mind.

"You used the stars to pull the big array, and absorbed the power of the heavens from the sky!"

"Oh, Sister Sister knows this too?"

"The traction formation of the Xuantian Sect is not that the descendants of this sect cannot use it, you..."

"It seems that Senior Sister knows a lot, but now you and I are both sides, it is better not to talk too much!"

Lei Yi said, looking at the side of the battle group.

At this moment, Yuan Ruomeng and others were really mad, with powerful magical powers when they shot, and the tricks were deadly.

Under the cover of Jin Lingsheng, Yunzhaoshu retreated steadily, and at the same time had to drive some treasures to resist the siege of several people.

And Jin Lingsheng, Mo Qianyuan, and Nangong Lie all tried their best to protect the edict, not giving Yuan Ruomeng and others a chance.

So against this side, Xuan Meng and Lei Yi, who were chatting at the moment, seemed a bit lazy.

"Xuan Meng, what are you doing in a daze, don't you soon kill that traitor!" Yun Zhaoshu immediately scolded when he saw this.

But this scolding made Xuan Meng's brows frowned tightly.

"Okay!" But in the end, she still chose to shoot.

As soon as Xuan Meng's figure moved, her whole person disappeared in place.

Seeing this, Lei Yi's expression was dreadful, and he glanced around.

Finally, his gaze focused on somewhere in front of the side.

There was a twist in the void, and a figure rushed out, it was Xuan Meng.

However, after this woman appeared, her hands had already begun to seal.

"The field is unfolding, martial arts arena!"

In the next moment, the force of the turbulent law spread out, covering Lei Yi and the space around him.

"This field..." As if sensing something, Yuan Ruomeng and the others had a pause, and they all looked sideways.

They never expected that they would be able to see this familiar magical power here.

That woman named Xuanmeng, isn't the person of the True Spirit Immortal Sect, how could she use the realm of Xuan-tian Xuanzong?

Not to mention their doubts, in the domain, Lei Yi and Xuan Meng are really one-on-one at the moment.

But after Xuan Meng pulled Lei Yi into the realm, UU Read www.uukanshu.com did not do anything.

"Lei Yi, what are the identities of the people around you?" The woman stood in the middle of the field and asked.

"What does this matter do to you?" Lei Yi naturally didn't give it to the other party, and replied in a cold voice.

"It's nothing, it just surprised me, you actually also practiced "Breaking Heaven"!"

"Yes?" Lei Yi frowned, but he reacted quickly. The other party used the word "Yes", which shows that...

"Forget it, don't care about it, anyway, I can't get used to Yun Zhaoshu, and my identity shouldn't be hidden for too long!"

Xuan Meng seemed to have made up his mind, looking at Lei Yi with a serious face: "Those people around you should be seniors of Xuantian Sect. I want to join your team and act with you!"


Hearing Xuan Meng's words, Lei Yi's mouth opened wide and his face was dumbfounded.

Xuan Meng, actually want to betray the True Spirit Immortal Sect?

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