I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1074: Report and practice

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Zhongzhou, the true spirit fairy sect.

Lei Yi is back.

When they went, they were a group of five people.

When he came back, he was alone.

After walking a familiar road, he didn't linger in the Zongshan Gate, went straight to Wenxin Peak, and finally entered the main hall.

Looking at this familiar place, but Zhuo Fang's eyes were no longer there, a sorrow emerged in Lei Yi's heart.

Since coming to this time and space, he first lost the shadow, and then lost his guide.

"In the final analysis, I am still too weak!" He looked at his hands, lost in thought.

If he had the strength in the middle or even late stage of the Celestial Realm, he could face Cecil directly, would Zhuo Fangyan not die.

Unfortunately, without if, he can't change all of this.

"No, I must become stronger!"

He said so and left the main hall directly.

The fall of Zhuo Fang's eyes still had to be explained to the sect.

Soon, he came to Yinyu Peak in the main mountain gate, and met Qian Zongyao, the owner of Yinyu Peak.

"What, Junior Brother Zhuo is dead!" Qian Zongyao was a little surprised when he heard this news, but he was not surprised.

Even, there was no trace of grief in his eyes, he just nodded indifferently, which was considered to have known the matter.

"You went to investigate, is it a task arranged by the head teacher?"

"Yes!" Lei Yi nodded, and replied indifferently.

"If this is the case, then report it to the head teacher. As for Junior Brother Zhuo's affairs, I will arrange it!" Qian Zongyao said, and directly sent Lei Yi away.

As for how he would arrange Zhuo Fangyan's funeral, Lei Yi didn't want to take care of it.

Because he remembered that Zhuo Fangyan had said that he had no descendants. After he left the Western Regions, he was alone.

It is estimated that Zhuo Fangyan's family members also died long ago.

After all, he is a cultivator of the Celestial and Human Realm, and may be the longest living in his family.

Afterwards, Lei Yi came to the vicinity of the unnamed pavilion, and asked for instructions from the entrance: "Disciple Lei Yi, please see Meng Master!"

"Come in!" Soon, there was an illusory voice of Dream Supernatural Power.

Lei Yi didn't have the mind to care about these things, but went straight in, and came to the top of the pavilion with a cold look.

Here, he saw the magical power of dreams, and this time there was no cloud view next to him.

"I already know about Zhuo Fang's eyes."

As soon as Lei Yi arrived, Dream Supernatural power spoke up.

But as he said, a suspicion appeared between his eyebrows, and he asked: "Are you sure, is he really dead? Why in my eyes, his life has not yet come to an end?"

"This is what I saw with my own eyes. In order to save me and Xuan Meng, the brother had to die with the strong enemy, but in the end let the other party escape!" Lei Yi told the truth.

"I know you didn't lie, but did you really see it with your own eyes?"

"Master, do you mean, brother is not dead?"

Meng Shen had the ability to laugh without saying a word, it was hard to tell, because he also couldn't see through.

It seemed that either the secret of heaven had changed, or someone with great magical powers used methods to interfere with him.

All in all, the death of Zhuo Fangyan is strange.

However, Xuan Meng was also sent back just now, and the content was the same as Lei Yi said, and it didn't look like it was fake.

"The matter of Zhuo Fang's eyes, let's put it down for the time being." Mengshen asked, "Lei Yi, do you know who is the enemy I am waiting to face this time?"

Lei Yi was asked so, his eyes narrowed slightly, but there was no wave in his heart.

This was a method he realized after seeing the dream magic power.

As long as there is no distracting thoughts when facing the dream magic power, you will not be afraid of being peeped by the other party.

"Why is the head of the church asking like this, as if I know the details of the enemy?" Lei Yi actually asked back.

Meng Shentong was a little surprised, Lei Yi had no idea in his heart, and he dared to talk to himself like this.

He gently twisted his beard and asked in a slow voice: "Are you answering my question with a question?"

After thinking about it for a while, Lei Yi said with a serious face: "Master, do you think there is anyone better than you in this world?"

"Hahaha, you junior, it's interesting!" Meng Shentong smiled and shook his head.

"As you know, no one has ever asked me this question before!" He said, but he still said leisurely: "But there are people outside the world, and there are heaven outside the world, so you must know the truth too."

Lei Yi naturally understood that Dream Supernatural power meant that he was not the strongest, because he didn't know where there were people who were stronger than him.

But unfortunately, there should be no more in the world of immortality.

Lei Yi didn't intend to vacillate and succumb to this head teacher, and directly said: "Head teacher, I don't know if you have ever heard of the name of Infinite Emperor!"

"Oh, infinite emperor?" Meng Shentong was slightly taken aback, because this was the first time he had heard of this person.

"I call myself an emperor, this is rare, but I don't know if this is the ruler of the mortal kingdom, or..."

"It is the emperor of a realm, he rules a realm, calls himself the emperor, and controls the rules of heaven in that interface!"

Lei Yi answered simply and neatly, without concealing anything.

As soon as this statement was made, the eyes of Dream Magical Power were slightly narrowed, and a strange light was faintly visible in the depth of the light.

"You... saw it with your own eyes?"

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes!" Lei Yi nodded, and then recalled: "Emperor Infinite had four strong saints, and when the fifth broke through, he showed his respect. At that time, I saw The scenery is unforgettable in a lifetime!"

"Hmm, hahahaha..." Dream Magic smiled again, and laughed up to the sky.

"Unexpectedly, there are such characters outside of this immortal world, it is really incredible!"

After he sighed, he waved Lei Yi away: "Well, since your investigation is related to this character, then everything that follows has nothing to do with you, let's go on!"

Lei Yi took his orders, and left without saying a word.

And the dream magic power was looking at Lei Yi's back, his eyes faintly glowing.

After a long time, he withdrew his gaze.

"It seems that this kid doesn't seem to be lying, but why can his heart be so peaceful? Is it because Zhuo Fang's eyes are so silent that he is immersed in grief, so there is no fluctuation?"

"Forget it, this kid's problem is not too big, it's mainly what he revealed is the point!"

With that, Meng Shentong frowned tightly, because he was thinking about what strength this Infinite Emperor possessed.

Whether the other party has mastered that power.

"He has four saints, and when the fifth one breaks through, it is not the rules of heaven, but his deity that appears, doesn't it mean..."

A solemn color was revealed for the first time on the face of Meng Shentong.

He couldn't remember how long he hadn't revealed this expression.

The last time he looked like this was when Meng Shiqi was practicing.

Ask the peak of sin.

Lei Yi is back.

He looked at the empty main hall with a look of helplessness.

The Demon Dao trio obviously didn't ask in the Peak of Sin, just don't know if they were in the main gate, or went out to do a task.

Anyway, Lei Yi doesn't have much intersection with them.

Because of Zhuo Fangyan's matter, Wenxin Peak has now completely become a place where no one has jurisdiction, and the nine peaks of the True Spirit Immortal Sect can be regarded as only eight peaks left.

Lei Yi did not occupy the main hall, but practiced on the top of a nearby mountain with a decent view.

Although he didn't have a good impression of Dream Shentong, what the other party said was right.

The next thing has nothing to do with him.

The matter of Xiuxian Realm and Infinite Emperor should be a headache for the saint realm masters. What can he do in the early days of the Celestial Realm.

"Now I can finally practice, and my top priority is to understand the realm, and to get through the 108 Divine Apertures of Heaven and Earth, and then aim at the Saint Realm!"

"Only when I reach the Saint Realm, can I be qualified to intervene in these things and know how to go on my own path!"

As for how to get through the 108 Divine Apertures of Heaven and Earth, Lei Yi converges to his new life, and his consciousness digs into the sea of ​​knowledge.

He opened the "Breaking Heaven True Art" that he hadn't practiced for a long time.

This practice is considered his major practice, but since he advanced to the Celestial Realm, because of the cumbersome affairs, he has forgotten to check the follow-up practice.

Soon, his mind sank into it.

When Lei Yi's consciousness fully penetrated the Po Tian Zhen Secret Art, an invisible force of the law flickered all over his body.

The surface of his body began to faintly bloom with golden light.

But Lei Yi, who was the party involved, didn't know all of this.

At the same time, the Western Regions hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Wuxin Shenzong, the Temple of All Demon.

Yin Xitian sat in the main hall, as if contemplating.

Apart from him, there is no other person in the hall.

"Report!" But at this moment, a notice came from outside the hall.

"What's the matter?" Yin Jitian asked with an indifferent expression.

"Sect Master Qi, there is a change in that place, and the seal at the entrance seems to have begun to loosen!"

"What, that place!"

Yin Jitian stood up suddenly, but his eyes seemed to penetrate the void, looking towards a certain place.

"Ah, after a thousand years of waiting, it's finally time to wait for the result!" Then, he showed excitement on his face.

But soon, he calmed his expression and ordered: "Send my order and block the news. No one is allowed to approach that place except for the confidant of this seat!"

"Yes!" The man outside took the order and left quickly.

"Po Tian Xuanzong, Po Tian Xuanzong, this dusty history, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, after all, needs someone to open it, and I, Yin Sutian, is the one who opened it!"

As Yin Jitian said, he looked at a corner of the hall and asked, "Impermanence Ghost, what do you think of this matter?"

"Sect Master Yin, what else can I see? Of course, I stand from the perspective of an onlooker. After all, what does the Xuantian Sect have to do with me?" A voiceless voice came from the shadows.

"You can't say that!" Yin Jitian snorted, and then coldly said: "The existence of Xuantian Xuanzong in the ancient times, but the existence of the true spirit immortal sect, if you find some from the ruins of this sect. What, maybe if I don’t have the heart of Shenzong, I might overwhelm the true spirit immortal religion!

"Sect Master Yin, although some things are ugly, but I still want to say." The person in the shadows said, and some were not optimistic: "This Xuantian Xuanzong has long been destroyed, and who still remembers this sect in the world of cultivating immortals. On the contrary, it is the true spirit fairy. The teaching is still passed down to this day, so which one is strong and which one is weak, don’t I need to say more?"

"Hmph, that's why I don't want to talk to you too much. You always look at things like this, really cold-blooded!"

Yin Xitian snorted again and didn't speak any more.

The people in the shadows also fell into silence.

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