I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1073: Sect Master can really joke

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Near the field.

Lu Shaoyou and Yin Podi are watching.

They want to find weaknesses in the field and see if there is a chance to break into it.

But at this moment, a violent shock suddenly broke out in the domain.

"Someone broke out some amazing supernatural powers, and this field is about to collapse!" Seeing this scene, Lu Shaoyou couldn't believe it.

Because he knew that Lei Yi and the three people should not have this ability. Is it possible that someone blew himself up inside?

If it explodes, Vaillant is indeed enough.

But who is so desperate and dying?

The next moment, a corner of the domain was distorted, and then it was shattered...


Lei Yi grabbed Xuan Meng in one hand and rushed out of it.

Then a huge energy burst out from the domain.

A mushroom cloud soaring into the sky rose, and the huge air wave began to spread, spreading for hundreds of miles.


The big earthquake trembled, the smoke and dust turned into sandstorms, and the clouds in the sky were quickly retreating under the impact.

The battle that took place in this field was so fluctuating that both Lu Shaoyou could only retreat.

In the field of explosion and collapse, a black shadow rose to the sky, it was Cecil.

At this moment, his aura was obviously weaker several times than when it came, the armor of his body was covered with cracks, and the life of his body was also very weak.

"Unexpectedly, someone could sacrifice himself so decisively. Today I lost..."

Looking at the huge sinkhole below, he did not make another move, but chose to leave.

Because he was injured by Zhuo Fang's last self-detonation, he no longer has the strength to fight, and there are still two opponents. If he continues to do it, the outcome will be unpredictable, and he may even be left behind by the opponent.

He entered this realm, although he obeyed Garuda, but the infinite emperor was the object of his allegiance.

If they were captured alive by the opponent and fell into the hands of some powerful people, then Lord Infinite Emperor's plan might be exposed.

Cecil chose to retreat decisively.

His figure turned into a black rainbow and quickly disappeared into the sky.

In the same place, only the seriously injured duo was left.

"Let go of me!" Xuan Meng finally stiffened again, but his complexion was also very ugly.

Because she was actually saved by Zhuo Fangyan, Zhuo Fangyan sacrificed herself and saved her and Lei Yi.

This made this woman very upset, very upset.

But more because of insufficient strength, this woman has a sense of frustration.

And Lei Yi closed his eyes tightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Brother, what are you talking about in the end? How many secrets are there in this world that I need to explore?" He sighed, then looked at Yin Podi and Lu Shaoyou who were slowly landing.

"Sect Master Yin, can you give an explanation for this matter?" He walked to the other party and asked coldly.

"Friend Lei Dao, what are you talking about?" But the latter, obviously did not understand what happened.

"Don't you know, that's really weird, because that Cecil came from your Wuxin Shenzong, the brother told me this information before he finally died, don't you have any expressions?" Lei Yi looked at the other party. , Asked in a cold tone.


Upon hearing this, Yin Podi's expression changed drastically: "How is it possible, I don't know about it!"

"That's weird. It was you Shenzong Wuxinzong who initiated the mission, and the enemy also came from Shenzong Wuxinzong. Is it because your sect is playing with us?" Lei Yi rebuked, and the hostility was gone.

"Friend Lei Dao, I really don't know about this. If I knew that was the case, I wouldn't make a request to the True Spirit Immortal Sect, let alone come to Zhongzhou in person!"

Seeing that Lei Yi was like this, Yin Podi quickly explained: “It’s true that the initiator of this mission is not my unintentional Shenzong, but myself. It has nothing to do with my sect. You can tell the situation, but I have actually already There is some speculation, it should be my father who recruited the other party!"

"This is just your one-sided words, how to verify it!" Lei Yi shook his head and expressed suspicion.

"You kid is enough!" When Lu Shaoyou on the side saw this, he finally said, "My brother Yin and I have been dating for almost a hundred years. He said no, then it is not. You have to believe him, and at the same time, believe me. !"

After speaking, he wanted to do something, but after seeing Lei Yi's face, he could only sigh the same.

Yin Podi stepped forward, clasped his fist and said, "I can only say sorry for fellow Daoist Zhuo, because of our carelessness, this led to his fall. I will definitely give fellow Daoist an explanation!"

After that, he looked at Lu Shaoyou: "Brother Lu, the matter is over here, I am going to return to the sect. As for what Fellow Daoist Lei said, I will go to my father for verification!"

After that, he didn't plan to stay, but once again held a fist at Lei Yi and left straight away.

"This guy..." Lu Shaoyou could only shake his head and sigh as he saw the other person leaving.

Because he knew Yin Sutian's style, if he really did such a thing, Yin Podi would question the opponent, but it would be meaningless at all.

After all, there is no one who is a son, dare to question the father.

At least he didn't dare to question Lu Jianxin, be careful of being beaten to death.

"Boy, you..." Lu Shaoyou looked at Lei Yi without knowing how to speak.

After all, the other party just died, brother, it's strange that he can be in a good mood.

"You kid, don't blame that guy. He doesn't know the situation. You may not know the urinary **** of Shenzong Wuxin. Anyway, this matter should be very complicated!"

"Master Lu, I understand what you said, but I still have to go back to the sect to inform the True Spirit Immortal Sect of the death of my senior brother!"

Having said that, Lei Yi didn't care about the Xuan Meng behind him, and this woman couldn't die anyway.

He also flew up and rushed in the direction of Zhongzhou.

At this moment, only Xuan Meng and Lu Shaoyou were left on the spot, both of them stared at each other, and the atmosphere was a little embarrassing.

at the same time.

Western Regions, Wuxin Shenzong.

Yin Podi came back and returned to the sect.

In his eyes, Wuxin Shenzong is still the same old, black peaks and black buildings.

Soon, he came to a huge palace in Wuxin Divine Sect.

Wanmo Hall is the name of this place. Wuxin Shenzong will discuss important matters here.

At this moment, there were only two people in the hall, Yin Suitian, Sect Master of Wuxin Divine Sect, and Yin Podi, Sect Master of Younger Sect.

Yin Sutian, wearing a blood-colored robe, sits at the front of the hall.

He is tall and straight, his head is bloody, he has a short beard, and his face is serious and gloomy.

Yin Podi is similar to his five or six points, but as a father, Yin Jitian looks more calm, or more vicissitudes of life.

"You actually went to the True Spirit Immortal Sect, you know that my father has always been uncomfortable with them!" Yin Jitian asked in an emotionless tone as he looked at his own son.

"Father, I went to the True Spirit Immortal Sect to investigate..."

"shut up!"

Yin Podi wanted to explain something, but was directly interrupted by Yin Sutian's reprimand.

"This time, for the father, I won't care about you, but if you want to investigate something, just give it to me and let it go!"

Yin Podi's eyes flickered when he heard the words, and he was already guessing.

He raised his head, looked directly at the father in front of him, and said, "So, father knows about this, or are you involved in it?"

"Huh?" Yin Sutian saw that his son actually dared to talk to him like this, his face suddenly became extremely cold.

"Father, this investigation is extremely harmful to my immortal cultivation world, and there is also a fellow Zhuo Daoist who fell because of me, so I won't just let it go!" Yin Podi looked directly at his father again. Said word by word.

But these words made Yin Sutian's expression even more gloomy.

"It seems that for the father..."

"Ahem, Young Sect Master can really be joking, isn't Zhuo alive and well?"

Just when Yin Sitian was about to have a seizure, there was a cough from the side, which interrupted him.

Then Yin Podi looked in the direction of the sound, and his expression suddenly became extremely shocked.

Because the person here is actually Zhuo Fangyan.

"Young Sect Master, how long has passed since? You look at Zhuo Mou's eyes, Zhuo Mou has become like this, people who don't know really think I am dead!" Zhuo Fang's eyes laughed, his expression on his face is playful.

His words made Yin Podi speechless and didn't know what to say.

"You...you are not dead?" After a long time, he suffocated such a sentence.

"Why, does Young Sect Master think I'm dead?" Zhuo Fang spread his hands and smiled even more.

Yin Podi was speechless again, feeling that you were scammed to death before.

"Then I will tell Fellow Dao Lei this news, he must..."

"No, no, no, I can't tell him about this, let alone disclose it, and I also ask the Young Master not to pass the information to that kid, otherwise I won't act in vain for a long time!"


"This is an order from Sect Master Yin, please understand Sect Master Yin!"

After Yin Podi heard it, he looked at Yin Jitian who was in the front, but the other party did not respond, obviously tacitly acquiescing.

Then, Zhuo Fangyan said again: "As for the investigation of Sect Master Young, Sect Master Yin has already made arrangements. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, you can just follow his instructions. Anyway, the threat you mentioned in your mouth has nothing to do with me. , To worry about it is to let the true spirit immortal teach, let the dream supernatural power worry about it."

"What do you mean, those outsiders, are they already..."

"Yes, we are all now in a cooperative relationship, including those from other worlds!" Zhuo Fang said with a smile, and said:

"It was really dangerous before. I never thought that Sect Master Yin and the group of people reached a cooperation. If it hadn't been for that kid in the field, I would really not be able to contact the other party. What if I really fight? It’s not really wrong to die, hahaha..."

Zhuo Fang laughed while speaking, but Yin Podi didn't have the joking energy of the other party at all.

Feelings became a clown himself, and after running outside, he did nothing.

And Yin Jitian, still sitting in the front, said nothing.

As for Zhuo Fangyan, he took out a mask from his collar and put it on his head.

"Oh, yes, Young Sect Master, to remind you, now I have left the True Spirit Immortal Sect, and the name Zhuo Fangyan will no longer be used."

"Next time, please call me an impermanent ghost!" He emphasized.

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