I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1057: See Tao Yu again

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The Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, three floors.

Lei Yi entered the Xumi Cave behind the Meng Shiqi sculpture.

There was a flash of light in front of him, and all the sceneries of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion disappeared completely.

Lei Yi had the previous experience, but he didn't feel much.

At Cen Qiong's side before, he took an iron voucher for the pill book, and the contents recorded in it attracted Lei Yi's interest.

I don't know if there is anything here in Meng Shiqi that Lei Yi can take away.

The True Spirit Immortal Sect does not have any restrictions on their true teachings, and they can print as many as they can.

However, Lei Yi guessed that the storage here is definitely not all the relics of the past sects, some of the powerful magical powers, or the classics related to the secrets of the sect, will definitely not be stored here.

Maybe someone has already reviewed it first and took away some of the secret objects, and what is left is what is displayed in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

And now, Lei Yi also saw Meng Shiqi's relic.

"What's the matter, why is there so much dust here?" To his surprise, Meng Shiqi's relics are few, and most of them are placed here to eat ashes.

In this virtual space, there are only two rows of old wooden frames on which are placed a lot of broken jade slips and yellowed folds of silk paper.

Because of the age, the wooden frame was covered with thick dust, and there were even some spider webs in the corners.

Apart from that, there is nothing else here.

Lei Yi had seen the relics left by three generations of deputy chief Cen Qiong before. Not only were many treasures well-preserved, but there were also many more items than here.

Meng Shiqi, the second-generation deputy head teacher, ranks in the forefront of strength among the past generations of head and deputy head teachers. As a result, there are so few things left. Isn't that justified?

Are these relics, not all of them?

Lei Yi didn't know, but he still walked to the wooden frame, picked up a relatively well-preserved jade slip, and began to check it.

"On the Conception of Time Difference Space"...

Lei Yi quickly put down the jade slip, his heart was shocked.

Is this found?

He looked at the jade slip in his hand incredibly, and the content recorded in it was actually the design idea of ​​the time difference space he was looking for.

"This... Isn't it too easy?" He couldn't believe it, but his divine sense penetrated it again and looked at the text below.

"The time difference and space is a fantastic idea from the old man accidentally, but after in-depth thinking, it is a very good idea. If the structure is successful, it will..."

"Time difference and space, at the beginning of the design, the old man...needs to determine the policy...material...progress..."

Soon, Lei Yi put down the jade slip in his hand and his expression became weird.

Because of this jade slip, the content inside is actually damaged!

He quickly picked up the second jade slip and began to check it.

""The Arrangement of Time Difference and Space Array", the old man imagined, based on the array method, supplemented by...arrangement..."

Not surprisingly, the content of the second jade slip is also broken. Many important places have been destroyed. The content in the whole jade slip is meaningless.

Lei Yi, who didn't believe in evil, picked up the third jade slip and began to check it.

In this third jade slip, the content in it has nothing to do with the time difference, but a secret technique, and the content in it has also lost more than 90%.

Lei Yi put down the jade slip, feeling speechless in his heart.

Because these three jade slips are already the three best preserved here, the other jade slips can't even guarantee their integrity, so it's strange that the contents inside can be preserved.

"What's the matter, the damage on these jade slips doesn't seem to have formed naturally, but it seems to be man-made destruction?"

Lei Yi glanced at all the jade slips on the wooden frame, and his mood suddenly became very bad.

I don't know if it was because he came in full of confidence, and found something like this, which disappointed him.

It was because the person who destroyed Yujian was so incompetent that it made him a little angry.

All in all, looking at the broken jade slips on the two rows of wooden shelves, Lei Yi expressed disappointment.

"Who is this, so unqualified!" He murmured, and in his heart he despised the person who destroyed the jade slip.

The jade slips here are all destroyed and have no value. The contents inside are not fluent in reading. Many important parts are missing, and even if they are taken back, they are of little significance.

Lei Yi sighed and was about to turn around and leave.

"It's really helpless, this thing is destroyed so thoroughly, it doesn't make sense in my hands, unless someone can repair these jade slips..."

"Wait!" But as he left and complained, his mind suddenly flashed, "Repair...Yes, repair!"

There is no way to repair the jade slip, but who said that the repair must be repaired, and the repair can be another method.

For example, if the jade slip is restored to its original appearance before being destroyed, wouldn't it be complete if the content inside is not destroyed?

Lei Yi considered one thing. Since Meng Shiqi's supernatural powers are returning to heaven and reversing Yin and Yang, doesn't it mean that these things can be restored with these two supernatural powers.

Meng Shiqi left these things not for uselessness, but for the "destined person" who mastered these two magical powers.

And he is the one who is destined!

Lei Yi instantly realized that the person who destroyed the jade slip might not be someone else, but Meng Shiqi himself.

Meng Shiqi left the jade slips during his lifetime, but made many preparations. In order to prevent his research from being obtained by others, he would rather destroy it by himself.

And he also taught his own time law magical powers, which can be used to "repair" jade slips.

"Meng Shiqi heads the teacher, what is the reason why you have such a defensive heart against your own sect?" Lei Yi sighed, picking up all the jade slips from this place and bringing out the Xumi space.

Soon, he found the boy again.

"What, can these things be given to me?"

When Lei Yi asked Jinling if he could rub the contents of these broken jade slips, Jinling gave him an unexpected answer.

"These jade slips are all scrapped, and the contents inside have no value. Although this is a relic left by the second-generation deputy head teacher, head teacher Yun has long planned to dispose of some useless things. If you like it, you can do it. Take it away!"

Although this is telling the truth, it still sounds a bit heart-wrenching.

After all, the relics of the predecessors are treated as waste products, and there is still some disrespect for the predecessors.

However, this is what Yun Guanhai meant after all, and it was a favor to Lei Yi before he knew it.

"Then, I want all of these!" Lei Yi took out all of Meng Shiqi's "relics", not only about time difference and space, but also other jade slips.

If you simply take the jade slips of time difference and space, it may cause the suspicion of the Zongmen.

But if all of them are taken away, outsiders will only feel that someone is interested in Meng Shiqi's relics and wants to "purchase the treasure" among the scraps. This is a fluke.

After Lei Yi got what he wanted, he didn't leave immediately. Instead, he found the relics of several other head teachers on the third floor, looked at them at random, and also printed a few secret techniques.

After that, he stayed for a while in the third-story secret text area, looking for some cultivation experience recorded by the seniors of the sect to observe.

Later, after thinking that the time was almost up, Lei Yi chose to leave.

This time, he gained not little, but he took many things to divert the attention of the spirits.

Outside the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

The Tibetan Scripture Pavilion of True Spirit Immortal Sect does not stipulate that monks who are not True Spirit Immortal Sect are not allowed to enter.

So if an outsider arrives, you can enter the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion as long as you notify the True Spirit Immortal Sect.

Of course, the floors that these people can enter are limited, it is impossible to enter the third floor, and even many people cannot enter the second floor.

But for outsiders, the massive collection of books on the first floor is enough for them to look through for a long time.

And now, several people came to the vicinity of the Buddhist scripture pavilion, chatting right at the entrance.

"Everyone, this place is my Zongjing Pavilion, which contains more than 40 million books. I don't think there is any school in the world of immortality, and it is as deep as my Zong!" One of the old men, when introducing the Zongjing Pavilion, The look is extremely proud.

If Lei Yi was there, there would be some surprise, because this old man was actually Tao Yu, the elder of Misty Peak.

Because he framed the same door, he was questioned by the peak master Yu Wuxia of Law Enforcement Peak, and he was punished to think about it for 50 years.

And now, the other party unexpectedly appeared outside the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and many monks of the same rank followed behind him.

At this moment, he seemed to be a guide.

When this group of people came outside the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, they just happened to see someone walking out.

"Hey, who is this person, who is so young?"

"Is this the newly promoted elder of the Guizong? Haven't I seen this before?"

This group of people saw the people coming, and many people didn't know each other, so they were a little confused.

"Tao Yu?" The person who came by also saw the old man in the crowd, slightly surprised.

"Lei Yi!" Tao Yu called out the name of the person in a vicious tone.

The visitor was Lei Yi, he got what he wanted, and left the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

Unexpectedly, when he came out, he ran into his enemy, Tao Yu, the elder of Misty Peak.

He remembered that Tao Yu should have been thinking about it right now at Miao Mifeng, and the deadline was 50 years.

"Elder Tao Yu, who is this person, and how do you think about your attitude? You have a poor relationship with this fellow?" The person next to him, seeing the friction between the two, asked immediately.

"Huh, this person comes from my Zongwen Crime Peak and has a background in the magic way. I didn't expect that a few days ago, I had a good luck and succeeded in being promoted to Heaven and Human. Now I am the new elder of my Zongwen!" Tao Yu looked at Lei Yi, impatiently The introduction said.

"It turns out to be the magic way of asking the peak of sin!"

"Leaving the Western Regions and joining the True Spirit Immortal Sect is a good way out."

"Unfortunately, the nature of a person of the devil's way is difficult to change, and the noble family still has to take care of this person well, lest he creates and kills evil again."

The people around Tao Yu heard that Lei Yi was asking about the evil way of Sin Peak, and they immediately started talking and expressing various opinions.

And Lei Yi became the center of these people's topics, especially when someone discussed himself face to face, he felt a little disliked.

But each of these people is a cultivator of the Celestial and Human Realm, and there is no need for him to engage in evil with each other.

Although Lei Yi didn't want to befriend other people, Tao Yu was different.

He looked at each other and said contemptuously: "What about the magic way, this is better than a certain elder who has planted and framed the same family, UU reading www.uukanshu.com at least Lei has a clear conscience in doing things!"

"You..." Tao Yu was furious when he was exposed.

"Elder Tao, I remember that you were punished by Law Enforcement Peak and faced the wall for 50 years. Could it be that I remembered the wrong time?"

"Humph!" was questioned by Lei Yi, Tao Yu coldly snorted: "Because Headmaster Meng will open the altar to preach in the near future, and the sect will receive guests from all walks of life, so this elder is also lifted by the sect. Come to receive you fellow daoists, it's like some people, you can't even get an errand!"

Although he didn't say it explicitly, anyone could hear it. This was mocking Lei Yi.

"That's the case, then Elder Tao will continue to help!" Lei Yi was too lazy to entangle with the other party, and after a perfunctory sentence, he left straight away.

Tao Yu stared at Lei Yi's leaving back with a vicious look when no one was paying attention.

In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (see Tao Yu again in Chapter 1058), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf!

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