I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1056: You have to rely on acting to find something

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True Spirit Immortal Sect, Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

Although Lei Yi had been mentally prepared, he was still taken aback by the amount of books in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

This is the scale of the library, it is a sea of ​​books.

Lei Yi looked towards the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, the rows of bookshelves undulated continuously, and at first glance they could not even see the end.

On the bookshelves, silk paper, scriptures, jade slips, copper plates, all kinds of recording instruments.

In the entire Buddhist scripture pavilion, the vitality is concentrated and the treasure is soaring to the sky.

"How can I find so many books?"

Lei Yi quickly discovered the problem. This place is so big that one has to find the year of the monkey before he can find the classics he wants.

It's not just him, if it's other disciples, how do they find books?

"This place is so big, hasn't the true spirit immortal sect thought about it? Is it easy for many people to get confused when they come for the first time?" Lei Yi scratched his head and vomited.

"Ask Xinfeng's newly promoted elder Lei Yi, what can I do for you?" But just when he just finished complaining, an unsentimental mechanical sound rang in his ear.

"Huh?" Lei Yi was taken aback, because he swept his gaze around and found that there was no other person on the left or right.

"I am the spirit of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, responsible for guiding the disciples and elders. If you want to observe or borrow the classics, it will be assisted by the spirit of the spirit!" The mechanical sound sounded again and explained.

Okay, Lei Yi said that he wanted less, and Nuo Da was a true spirit fairy cult. How could no one consider this.

It turns out that there are really "staff" in this Tibetan Scripture Pavilion who are specifically responsible for guiding.

It's a pity that the other party is not human, or even physical.

"By the way, you are an array spirit, you should be able to transform into a form to come out, just talk to me, I feel a little uncomfortable!" Lei Yi looked left and right, feeling weird.

"Yes!" Who knows, Zhen Ling really agreed.

Afterwards, Lei Yi saw a white light circle in front of him lit up, and a seven or eight-year-old barefoot boy walked slowly out of it.

"I'm the Array Spirit, Elder Lei, hello!" The boy bowed to Lei Yi, saluted, and introduced himself.

"It's really convenient!" This scene made Lei Yi shout out loud.

I went around the boy three times, looked at the other person several times, and nodded in praise from time to time.

Lei Yi could see that this boy was not a living thing, his body was constructed entirely of vitality, and his body also possessed the power of a law, which was obviously the soul-changing thing here.

In other words, the Zangjing Pavilion of the True Spirit Immortal Sect is actually "living" and has its own consciousness.

"Elder, may I ask what you are looking for, I can help you!" Seeing that Lei Yi did not speak, the boy reminded again.

"Well, yes, with your help, it should be easy to find!" Lei Yi muttered, but didn't immediately express his intention.

He looked forward, then pointed to the bookshelf in front, and asked, "Is this the only floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion?"

"Of course not!" The boy shook his head and explained: "There are three levels in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. Most disciples can observe the classics on the first level, and only the elders are eligible to enter the second level. On the third floor, only two true disciples under the command of the instructor are qualified to set foot."

After Lei Yi heard it, there was an accident.

This is actually the first floor, and there are two more floors above it.

But then he thought that he seemed to be a true disciple, so what he said...

"So, can I go in?"

"Of course, Elder Lei is a true disciple of the Dream Master, so he is naturally qualified to step into the third level!"

"Well, that's great!" Lei Yi laughed, but didn't immediately enter the third floor, but asked: "What ancient books are stored on the first floor?"

The boy did not hesitate, and explained: "The first-level collection is close to 40 million books, and they are placed in some divine passage methods below the Dharma stage, or some side books and miscellaneous classics, and even the travel biographies of individual monks. Monsters, ghosts, Qi Tan, etc..."

As an array spirit, he knew everything in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and he knew how many books were placed on the first floor.

"Forty million volumes, so many books, can you put it down?" But Lei Yi was already taken aback by this number.

"Of course you can put it down. Many of the classics here were sent by other sects in the immortal world, because the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is a treasure of Xumi, and the space inside is huge, but there has been no problem of being unable to put it down!" The boy continued to explain.

"Then... let's take a look on the second floor!" Lei Yi looked around and felt that he shouldn't stay on the first floor and waste time.

"Okay, elder!" The boy waved, and a white light door appeared in front of him.

Without hesitation, Lei Yi stepped straight into it.

Soon, his figure disappeared on the first floor.

The Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, the second floor.

A light gate suddenly lit up, and Lei Yi stepped out of it, stood still and looked around.

The layout of the second floor is similar to that of the first floor, with the same huge space, but the book collection is relatively small.

He saw many bookshelves in the distance, some of which were empty.

The boy slowly floated up and floated beside Lei Yi, and introduced: "The second-floor collection of books is close to 200,000 volumes, most of which are God's passage methods above the Dharma phase realm, as well as various secret arts, and some elders. Elder Lei is free to observe and observe his cultivation experience. If you want to borrow rubbings, just communicate with me!"

The boy is dedicated to his responsibilities, but Lei Yi's mind at the moment is actually not on the second floor.

His eyeballs rolled and he pondered for a moment, and then asked: "The second floor is all the cultivation experience of the elders, then the third floor is the cultivation experience of the master teacher?"

But the boy shook his head, "There are only a handful of master teachers in the past will record their own practice experience. The third layer stores the secrets of my true spirit immortal religion, such as "Thirty-six Ways of Tiangang". The rubbings of the Law and the Seventy-Two Spells of the Shaman are in the third layer. Because of this, the third layer is set up, and even some elders can’t set foot. Only the true heirs approved by the master Restrictions on access."

"That's it!" Lei Yi nodded, and then pretended to observe in the second floor.

""Changchun Gong", "Wind, Fire and Thunder", "Star Sword", "Yimu Tunajue", "Shenbing Forging Method"..."

At this moment, Lei Yi found many secret books, magical powers, and even a forging book by a refiner.

Many of these are priceless treasures in the outside world, but in the true spirit fairy sect, they can only be placed in the second floor of the Cangjing Pavilion.

The foundation of the True Spirit Immortal Sect can be seen in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

After watching it for a long time, Lei Yi saw that his goal was achieved, and he said as if unconsciously: "The classics on the second floor are not very good, take me to the third floor to see!"

"Okay, please follow me!" The boy waved again, and a white light door appeared again.

Lei Yi stepped into it and quickly left the second floor.

The Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, three floors.

Compared with the vastness of the second floor, the third floor is somewhat different.

When Lei Yi walked out of the light gate, the first thing he saw was huge sculptures.

"Why do you look familiar with these sculptures?" Lei Yi looked at the sculptures, feeling some impression of himself.

The boy came to Lei Yi and introduced: "These are all the masters of my true spirit fairy sect. Behind them are connected to a Sumi space, which contains the books and books left by the masters. There are techniques and secrets. But many of the classics they left behind may not be their magical powers, some are the spoils they seized from the opponent after defeating a strong enemy, and some are the ancient classics they obtained by exploring the relics. In short , Whether you can find the right secret technique for you depends on luck, even I don’t know how many secret techniques have been left behind by the past masters."

Lei Yi hurriedly looked at these sculptures. When he saw a very familiar figure, he only paused for a while, and then quickly looked away.

"You said you don't even know what the secret techniques they left behind, don't you mean I want to find them one by one?"

"This is nature. Every head teacher is a predecessor of my true spirit immortal sect. The relics they leave behind, the observers naturally dare not turn over them casually!"

The boy seemed to respect these instructors very much, lowered his head, and explained respectfully.

"So, are you not clear about the supernatural powers that these masters are good at?" But Lei Yi asked in a different way.

"I know a little bit about this!" The boy did not disappoint him either, and nodded.

"That's good!" Lei Yi knew in his heart, but still pretended to be excited, and hurriedly said: "Well, I specialize in fists and kicks. I don't know if there is anyone who is proficient in physical training among the past masters?"

"Physique refining?" The boy's eyes rolled around, and then quickly flew in front of a sculpture.

"This is Cen Qiong, my third-generation deputy head teacher of the True Spirit Immortal Cult. He was extremely combative during his lifetime. At the same time, he refined physical skills. He was proficient in the 36 ways of Tiangang and the supernatural powers of the dragon and the sea!"

"Isn't this the woman who performed it?" Lei Yi looked at the sculpture of the deputy head teacher, but the woman Xuan Meng appeared in his mind.

Thinking of this woman, his body aches again.

No way, after a severe beating by this woman, there are still some fresh memories in my mind.

"It's so good, I'll go in and take a look!" Lei Yi nodded, then stepped into the Xumi space behind the sculpture.

His figure disappeared in a burst of white light, and it took a quarter of an hour to enter.

When Lei Yi walked out again, he was holding an iron voucher with a red book in his hand.

"Could you please help me to make a copy of the content in this thing?"

"Of course you can!" The boy nodded and quickly started to operate.

He took out a jade slip, then put the iron voucher and the jade slip in front of him at the same time, and started rubbing.

As for Lei Yi, he pretended to be in front of the sculptures of the master teachers of the past dynasties, and watched them carefully.

When the boy was rubbed, Lei Yi pointed to the sculpture of Meng Shiqi, the second-generation deputy head teacher, and asked: "I have heard that the second-generation deputy head teacher Meng Shiqi is the strongest in the past. I don’t know how he was born. What supernatural powers are you practicing?"

"The second generation deputy head teacher Meng Shiqi cultivated the law of time, one of the three supreme laws, and the magical powers he cultivated were the return to the sky and the reversal of Yin and Yang and the reversal of yin and yang, which is truly supreme magical power! Replied conscientiously.

"So awesome!" Although Lei Yi had known it a long time ago, he still showed an exaggerated expression.

"So, I have to go in and take a look, if I can learn the magical powers of this master teaches, isn't it...!" Before he finished speaking, he looked like he couldn't wait, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Walk into the Xumi Cave Sky.

As for the boy, he was already familiar with it, waiting in place with a blank face.

However, after Lei Yi entered the Xumi Cave, the eager expression on his face slowly converged, but he dared not show too much.

He muttered in his heart: "Sure enough, sometimes it depends on acting. This spirit has been monitoring people who enter the Buddhist scripture pavilion. Maybe they may be monitored here. I have to be careful not to show too much. ."

He didn't believe it, the spirits didn't know anything about this place.

Otherwise, if a true disciple secretly took something, wouldn't it be a mess.

So Lei Yi is still very careful.

He is also professional in acting.

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