I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1047: Conflict of power


"Good, good, I didn't expect that it was your kid who broke through yesterday!"

Zhuo Fang said three good words in succession, which shows how good his mood is.

"Wait, yesterday?" These words made Lei Yi stunned.

"Yes, the breakthrough vision that only happened yesterday, you came out today, didn't you consolidate your cultivation base?" Zhuo Fangyan also remembered that Lei Yi broke through yesterday, but he came out today. Is this too much? almost.

"Quickly, quickly, follow me back to the peak, I will take you to consolidate your cultivation, don't let your realm fall back!"

After that, Zhuo Fang's eyes pulled Lei Yi over, and the two of them left the place directly under the control of Escape.

The rest of the elders all stayed on the spot, watching the two leave.

"This... Is this the junior named Lei Yi who asked Xinfeng?"

"Yes, it's him. Have I seen him compete with Gu Tianfei and Jin Wuliang?"

"This junior came from Wenfeng Peak and was the first one to break through the heaven and human realm. Isn't it right?"

"Is there a junior. Now that people break through the heavens, they are my peers, so I have to call the younger brother."

"Look at what you said, ask the people at Sin Peak, how can they be considered our fellows."

Next, because of Lei Yi's breakthrough, after these elders returned to God, they all began to talk.

Among them, Huo Ruliu, Lu Youhai and others are somewhat concerned about Lei Yi.

But because of this, their mentality is also a bit bad, because their own disciples haven't made a breakthrough, and let a disciple who asks sinfeng take the lead. This is not a shame on them.

After all, there is competition between the nine peaks, and now the unwelcome Wengui Peak actually took the lead, isn't the other eight peaks weak.

This time the trip to the secret realm, Master Yun Guanhai can see in his eyes, the disciples of their Bafeng, they still need to continue to work hard.

As for the psychological game among the elders, Lei Yi naturally did not know.

At this moment, under the leadership of Zhuo Fangyan, he flew all the way and returned to the Peak of Questioning Crimes.

Ask the peak of sin, in the main hall.

After Zhuo Fangyan brought Lei Yi back to this place, he didn't even let Lei Yi return to the cave to rest.

"The aura in your boy is calm and there is no chaos that you just broke through. It should have been consolidating the realm in the secret realm. Breaking through yesterday, you have already consolidated the realm when you come out today. This is simply impossible, unless you really enter it. In the realm where Meng Shiqi teaches, this can be done only by relying on the mystery of the law of time!"

Zhuo Fangyan had previously said that he would bring Lei Yi back to consolidate his realm, which was actually a lie. He had already seen that Lei Yi had already consolidated it first.

At the same time, he also guessed that Lei Yi might have found Meng Shiqi's location.

"It's the Peak Master, I can't hide anything from you!" Lei Yi nodded, and then admitted: "I was lucky. I saw Master Meng Shiqi in the Dragon Blood Ridge, and from him, I learned about those two ways. The cultivation method of the Fa!"

"Well, yes, you kid really didn't let this seat down, but you have to remember that those two methods are from "Thirty-Six Ways of Tiangang". If you want to use it in the future, remember to avoid the eyeliner of some people in the clan. , Can’t let them know that you have mastered..."

Zhuo Fang nodded approvingly, and then he was about to tell Lei Yi something.

But as he spoke, Lei Yi's face suddenly changed.

An unknown force suddenly burst into his body and poured into his body.

"This...this power..." The next moment, his eyes went dark and he completely lost consciousness.

In front of Zhuo Fangyan, a huge and violent dark power turned into a monstrous flood, flooding the entire main hall.

"This is!" As the peak master of Jiufeng, Zhuo Fangyan is not a person with a false reputation. He discovered the abnormality in Lei Yi's body for the first time and responded.

With one foot, a magic circle spread out under his feet, covering the entire main hall.

The power of darkness and the power of the magic circle began to collide, and the two rubbed violently at the edge, and the surrounding temple walls began to rumbling, like thunder.

At the edge of the magic circle, a white light appeared, and Zhuo Fang's figure walked out of it.

"This is the power of the law of darkness?" He looked at the violently fluctuating darkness in the main hall, and said intently: "This kid, is there another law in his body?"

"No, if you practice two laws, it won't cause such an excessive reaction. Master Yun Guanhai masters the Five Elements Law, and can control the power of the Five Elements, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, and the Five Laws are in peace in the body. There is only darkness and the law of time in this kid, how can it be?"

Looking at Lei Yi, Zhuo Fang had many thoughts in his mind, and finally thought of a little.

"Unless, the two laws in this kid's body are congenital, not cultivated. This time with his breakthrough, the power of the law of time has been sorted out, but the law of darkness is because of this kid's slack And out of control!"

Thinking of this, Zhuo Fangyan looked at the field with a little surprise, because two innate laws were born in his body, which meant that Lei Yi could step out of two paths, and both would reach the highest end.

Master Yun Guanhai, when he was promoted to the Saint Realm, the first breakthrough was the metal law, and the first in his body was also the metal law.

As for the other four of the power of the five elements, he cultivated only the day after tomorrow with the aid of treasures and opportunities.

Because of this, although the head of Yunguanhai is known to be familiar with the five elements, the most powerful magical power is the power of gold among the five elements.

Because the power of gold is the innate law in his body, and the remaining four are the law of acquired cultivation.

"That said, this kid is a blessed person!" Zhuo Fangyan finally understood.

He pinched the tactics with both hands, communicated the restrictions in the main hall, and began to block the leakage of the dark breath.

At this point, he was still a little lucky. In order to avoid listening to some people's nagging and ridicule, he came back with Lei Yi one step earlier.

Fortunately, this is the Peak of Questioning Sin, and the disciples from other peaks in the sect will not come, no one can discover the abnormality in Lei Yi's body.

Soon, with the help of Zhuo Fangyan and the magic circle, the darkness of the riot was finally suppressed.

After all, Questioning Peak is one of the nine peaks of the True Spirit Immortal Sect. Even if it is not to be seen by the sect, the restrictions here have extremely high standards, and it is more than enough to block this force.

When the power was suppressed, the dark breath began to quickly converge, returning to Lei Yi's body.

The main hall, which was still dark and misty just now, was restored to its original state in just a few moments.

And Lei Yi woke up leisurely, his face blurred.

"Peak Master, what's wrong with me?" He looked at Zhuo Fang's eyes strangely, and then looked at his body, always feeling what happened just now.

"Boy, there is still a force in your body. There was a riot just now. Fortunately, it was suppressed by this seat." Zhuo Fangyan didn't hide it, and told Lei Yi what had happened just now.

"It's Shadow Classmate..." Lei Yi thought in his heart, with a sad expression on his face.

Shadow was dead, but his power remained in Lei Yi's body and became Lei Yi's power.

And now, with the breakthrough of the heaven and human realm, the power left by the shadow has also become stronger.

Lei Yi focused on the power of time, ignoring this power, which caused the dark riot just now.

"Peak Master, I made you laugh, I can't even control my own strength..." Lei Yi smiled bitterly, and a wave of helplessness appeared in his heart.

"It's okay." Zhuo Fang waved his hand, and said: "You should be fortunate that this seat is your peak master!"

"Peak Master, is there any problem with this?" This made Lei Yi a little bewildered, it was not obvious.

"I mean, you have a way to solve this problem you encountered!"

"Really, Peak Master, can you solve it?"

"If it's other people in the sect, even other peak masters, they won't be able to answer you, but this seat can!"

At this point, Zhuo Fangyan changed his sloppy look and his tone became serious: "However, if you want to solve this hidden danger, you must promise one thing!"

"Peak Master, please speak!" Lei Yi also solemnly nodded.

"Very well, then please, stop everything I saw today in my stomach!"

Having said that, Zhuo Fangyan suddenly raised his hands, and a light ball appeared in the palms of his left and right hands.

But this is not the point, the point is the energy in the light cluster.

In Zhuo Fang's left hand, there is a white light ball, exuding a soft vitality.

But in his right hand, there was a group of pitch-black light, and it contained an aura of corruption.

"This is..." Lei Yi saw this scene and his pupils shrank for a while.

"In the eyes of outsiders, I am Jiufeng’s least powerful and unconvincing peak master. Even the vast majority of people in the sect have never seen me take a shot. I don’t know that my cultivation has two different attributes, and they are even mutually exclusive. The power of law."

Zhuo Fang said with his eyes, his hands joined together.

And the two energies in his palm, under his movement, merged into one, turning into a black and white ball of light.

In front of Lei Yi, the two forces began to merge and became one, and finally became a yin and yang fish Tai Chi picture.

"Look, I have created a certain balance between the two laws in my body, so I can control the two laws handily~www.readwn.com~ As for you, whether you can achieve this step depends on whether you have the savvy. !"

After speaking, Zhuo Fang glanced at the storage bag, and an extra jade slip appeared in his hand.

"Boy, this is the method of this practice. As for the method of fusion of two forces, you have to take it!"

"Thank you, Peak Master!" Lei Yi quickly thanked him after taking the jade slip from Zhuo Fang's eyes.

"It doesn't matter, you go and practice!" Zhuo Fang sent Lei Yi away, but then immediately reminded:

"This trip to the Secret Realm of Heaven may not only allow you to break through to the realm of Heaven and Humanity. In all likelihood, the sect will hold a celebration for you. Don't fix the moths at that time. Give me a good control of your body. power!"

"Understood, Peak Master, I will definitely control my strength before the celebration!"

Lei Yi took the jade slip, immediately withdrew from the main hall, and went back to practice.

"The law of darkness, this kid is really good material for cultivating the magic way!"

But Zhuo Fang looked at Lei Yi leaving, but there was a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

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