I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1046: Leaving the Secret Realm

Lei Yi felt as if he had been practicing here for several years, even decades.

He has almost forgotten how long he has been here.

Under Meng Shiqi's guidance, he has been practicing the two methods of returning to heaven and reversing the yin and yang.

In the practice of selflessness, he completely forgot about time.

In other words, after being immersed in the magical powers of studying the laws of time, he would unconsciously forget the passing time around him.

When Lei Yi recovered, he suddenly asked himself.

When did he enter the ascending secret realm?

Because of cultivation, Lei Yi's concept of time is a bit vague.

At exactly this time, Meng Shiqi appeared.

"Senior Meng!" Lei Yi bowed and saluted the opponent.

But then he became confused, when he saw Meng Shiqi last time.

"It seems that you have noticed it!" Meng Shiqi seemed to have a feeling, haha ​​smiled.

"Senior, what's wrong with me, why do I feel a little confused?"

"It's right to be confused. Anyone who just touches the power of the law of time will be confused!"

Meng Shiqi said, recalling the past, when he first grasped the power of the law of time, he was also confused.

At that time, when he first came into contact with the power of the law of time, he was obsessed with it, immersed in it, and unable to extricate himself.

When studying the power of the law of time, one often overlooks the most important point, that is, oneself will also be affected by time.

You can grasp a part of the power of time between your gestures, but you don't know that you are not exposed to time all the time.

Once indulged in it, you will forget yourself and ignore your own changes.

Meng Shiqi shook his head, suppressed these thoughts, and continued to look at Lei Yi.

"Boy, do you know how long you have been cultivating in my field, and how long has the outside world passed by?"

"How long?" This question confuses someone.

"After you go out, you will know!" Meng Shiqi sold it for a while.

Then he raised his hand and pointed at the sky, and saw the floating clouds above the wind blowing towards the sides, revealing a clear sky of thousands of miles.

"In this period of time, you have been comprehending the art of reversing Yin and Yang, and the old man will perform it for you for the last time now. After you finish reading it, how much you can comprehend depends on your understanding!"

"Senior, what you said is like you are going to send me out after reading this time!"

"Coincidentally, I was about to tell you this, your kid guessed it first."

Lei Yi: "..."

"Boy, you have been cultivating with me for a long time, but you have to know that it is not an overnight thing to understand the magical powers of Taoism..."

Having said this, Meng Shiqi sighed, then looked at himself, and said with emotion: "Human abilities are ultimately limited, and what we can do is to use this time as efficiently as possible in this limited time. Go as high as possible..."

"But what about it? In the end, I haven't been sitting here, but my good apprentice has dreams and supernatural powers. He lives longer than me, and even so long that I think he is abnormal."

"Senior, you..." Lei Yi opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

"Boy, the grumbling is over, now you are optimistic, this is the old man's last yin and yang technique for you to reverse!"

Meng Shiqi looked straight and waved.

In the sky, stars appeared, and the stars shifted.

Under the darkness of night, a red sun rose from the west, slowly rising into the sky.

Meng Shiqi saw that Lei Yi was still stuck in place, and shouted: "Don't see with your eyes, feel with your heart, understand the flow of time, and feel the change of the law!"

Lei Yi hurriedly closed his eyes, and released the question outside his consciousness, covering the surrounding void.

In the darkness all around, he "sees" countless golden light spots flowing, but the trajectory of this flow is completely different from what he sees in normal days.

He saw many golden runes, centered on Meng Shiqi, spreading out infinitely into the surrounding void, and the coverage even extended to the sky.

This is the method of invoking the law of time when performing the technique of reversing Yin and Yang. Lei Yi tried his best to keep all of these in his mind, and did not dare to relax.

Because he knew that this was the last time Meng Shiqi had performed this technique.

After a long time, the sun in the sky "sets down" in the east, and the inversion of Yin and Yang is considered complete.

Soon, on the east side of the earth, a crimson appeared, and a round of sun slowly rose.

In the morning sun, Lei Yi opened his eyes.

"How do you feel?"

"Senior, I..."

"Needless to say, how much you can comprehend is your own destiny! Next, the old man will send you away!"

At this point, Meng Shiqi spoke for a while, but quickly took over: "Remember, the old man teaches you Taoism so that you can help the old man investigate one thing, and this matter is only known to you, and no one else knows it. Don’t know, even if it’s your loved ones, don’t reveal anything!"

Seeing Meng Shiqi speaking so seriously, Lei Yi naturally understood the importance and danger of that matter.

Because what he was going to investigate was that True Spirit Immortal Sect's current master of dream supernatural powers, the other party's supernatural powers, may be stronger or not weaker than the second-generation master superintendent in front of him.

Who has let the family live for so long?

"Yes, there is one more thing, I almost forgot!" Meng Shiqi suddenly slapped his head and slowly said: "Back then, I once studied a secret technique called time difference space, which was a whim during my cultivation field. Unfortunately, the conditions at that time were limited, and this research was not perfect. Later, I sealed my experience of this technique in the Zongmen Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. If you have the opportunity, you can go and see if the research experience is still there. Really If you find it, maybe you can add some of your own understanding to my research in the future, and then perfect this technique!"

"Senior, what is this time difference?"

"When you see it, you will know it, but unfortunately the old man has already sat down. Although his consciousness stays in the realm of the eternal realm, he can no longer continue to study these things!"

Meng Shiqi sighed, there was still a lot of concern about these in his heart, but there was no way to start.

"Well, having said so much, the old man will send you out!"

"Senior, after leaving this time, I don't know when I can see you again, please be respected by Lei Yi!"

Lei Yi bowed to Meng Shiqi and did a lot of courtesy.

"You, you, this is enough. What use are these common manners for a dead person like me..."

Meng Shiqi shook his head, then gently waved his hand, a golden beam of light enveloped Lei Yi's body.

In the golden light, Lei Yi's body gradually faded, and finally disappeared here.

"Junior, wherever you can go next is destiny!"

After sending Lei Yi away, Meng Shiqi looked up at the sky, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.

But soon, his eyes gradually cooled.

"Dream supernatural power, you think your means can be concealed from others, but absolutely cannot be concealed from me. The power standing behind you must be that force, and only in this way can you live to this day, and you can have such a long time. Shou Yuan."

"Unexpectedly, the head teacher of the dignified true spirit immortal sect will actually compromise like this world. Our monks are going against the sky, but you have chosen Shuntian. The old man was wrong about you... …"

Speaking of this, Meng Shiqi seemed to have thought of something, and the corner of his mouth unconsciously raised a sneer.

"No, if I guessed right, you are not you anymore..."


Ascend to the secret realm, the entrance.

The elders of Jiufeng are still waiting here at the moment, and haven't left.

Although a mysterious person intervened before and took away a demon king, for these elders, the matters of the disciples were the most important.

"You said, who was the one who broke through yesterday?"

Soon they got together and talked about their vision of yesterday's breakthrough.

"The movement is not small, the strength of this breakthrough person should not be weak, it may be the top disciple of the questioning list!"

"I guess it is probably Gu Tianfei, because he has the best aptitude, and he is most likely to break through the heaven and human realm!"

"The celestial body is indeed the most effective help for breaking through the celestial and human realm. This is the first person to make a breakthrough, eight achievements!"

Soon, the elders wondered if Gu Tianfei had broken through.

Suddenly, an elder saw Zhuo Fang's eyes standing in the corner, and then smiled and asked, "Peak Zhuo, who do you think is most likely to break through?"

"Hahaha, if you ask who is not good, you have to ask Peak Master Zhuo!" But soon, an elder next to him laughed and joked: "Ask the evil spirits of Sinfeng, who is qualified to break through, and who With that talent, is it really to eat and drink to break through the heavens and humans? Any cat or dog can do it?"

As soon as this statement came out, the other elders around also laughed.

Zhuo Fangyan had long been accustomed to these cynicism and did not say anything, just standing in the corner like a piece of wood.

But soon, his eyelids twitched, and then he looked at the entrance.

"This kid, why did you come out so soon?"

And following his gaze, a white light flew out of the huge mountain spirit body, and after landing on the open space in front, a figure appeared.

"I'm out now?" After the visitor stood still, he looked around in a daze, his expression a little confused.

This person is not someone else, but Lei Yi.

He originally thought that after sending him away, Meng Shiqi returned to the secret realm ~www.readwn.com~ but actually sent him directly to the entrance of the secret realm.

"Boy, why did you come out so quickly? It has only been a few days, you..." Zhuo Fang said with eyes, his eyes suddenly changed, and then a wave of divine consciousness swept towards Lei Yi.

Next, his face was a little exciting.

"You...you broke!" An exclamation sounded, and the elders all around looked sideways.

They originally thought that Wenxinfeng, a disciple, was caught in a trap somewhere in the Secret Realm of Dengtian and was teleported out, but it didn't seem to be the case.

Afterwards, a series of divine consciousness swept towards Lei Yi.



"This kid, actually..."

A series of exclamations sounded, these elders never expected that the disciples of Wenxifeng actually broke through.

In other words, the vision of yesterday's breakthrough was not created by Gu Tianfei, but by the kid in front of him!

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