Xu Anbang sat in the car, staring at Zhao Feng, but didn't say a word.

Until Zhao Feng felt his scalp numb, he had no choice but to take the initiative and said: "Uncle Xu, don't look at me like this, I'm afraid others will misunderstand!"


"Well, it's what the ghost guys call glass, rabbit!"


Xu Anbang paused for a while and said helplessly: "I finally understand why Mencius keeps staring at you. You are very capable, and your ability to express hatred is even greater!"

"No way? Uncle Xu has given me the award!"

"No, no, no, I'm not exaggerating at all! If you hadn't attracted the attention of the Meng family, would your aunts and uncles have been able to retreat so easily?"

"Hey, you know everything?"

"Do you think I am blind? However, these are not the key, the key is your article!"


"It's your composition "Don't Forget Your Original Intention"!"

"Oh? What's wrong?"

Xu Anbang turned to look out of the car window and murmured: "What I'm most afraid of is that when I ask about my original intention, my dream will come true. When I was young, I was determined to travel three thousand miles, but I hesitated and made no progress. In the blink of an eye, all the hair in the hall was white, and the children were staggering in the school. A few taels of broken silver reminded me. When you are old, your heart is still young, and wrinkles quietly appear on your eyebrows. When you return to your dreams after being drunk, you will still be young, but you just sigh that time is too fast!"

"Ahem, improvise!"

Zhao Feng coughed dryly. In fact, he also knew that in the college entrance examination essay, it is best not to write random poems. If you write well, the maximum score will be three or four points, but if you do not write well, you will be deducted more than four points. Got it!

But at that time, Zhao Feng was full of confidence. Even if he was deducted points, he would at least pass the exam, so he wrote it casually.

But what makes Zhao Feng strange is that in what era are the poems he wrote casually now? They are not the kind of poems that can attract the attention of people like Xu Anbang, right?

"Of course I know that the poems were improvised. But the article was also written by you yourself, right?"

"Well, of course!"

"Is that what you want too?"


"Hey, do you think the key to the future is information warfare and the fight for fishing boat rights?"

"Ahem, some personal opinions!"

"Yes, these little opinions of yours have a huge impact now!"

Xu Anbang looked deeply at Zhao Feng and said in a deep voice: "Now someone has already quarreled over your article!"

"Someone? Who?"

Zhao Feng feels that what he writes is not that eye-catching, right?

"I don't know, but I just want to ask you, are you serious?"

"Uh, what are you serious about? Uncle Xu, you are asking a question without a clue!"

"You are now developing integrated circuits and want to build your own industrial chain? Are you going to join those Xiangjiang businessmen and speculate in land?"

"What do you think of me? Of course I am serious!"


After Xu Anbang got Zhao Feng's answer, he turned to look at Ling Feng and said: "Over in Pengcheng, just help Xiaofeng! Try to make some achievements!"

"Understood, father!"

Xu Lingfeng nodded, Xu Anbang was not in Pengcheng, and he didn't know how long Feng had been using force.

In fact, as a person at the scene, he understood that Zhao Feng was definitely not just buying a few pieces of land for fun, but was serious about it!

He had seen with his own eyes Liang Mengsong's plan, the construction of the entire factory, and the assembly and testing of equipment. Such a large investment was just a show, and the price was too high!

at the same time.

In an old house somewhere in Yanjing.

Mr. Zhu and others gathered together.

After seeing all the elderly people sitting down, Mr. Zhu said in a deep voice: "Okay, since you are all experts in this field, what is your conclusion?"

"We still feel that this is inappropriate. If we can study satellite positioning systems with top scientific researchers in developed countries, we can get rid of our dependence on satellite positioning systems in lighthouse countries. It is too much to rely on our own strength to develop now. It’s a little harder.”

"Yes, and if we develop a positioning system by ourselves, it will take at least ten or twenty years, but if we work with others, we can greatly shorten this time and process.

"There is also the issue of funding. Now that scientists from many countries are jointly conducting research and development, we can invest less money. If we develop it independently, the investment will not be a small amount!"

"So, none of you support the author of this article?"

Elder Zhu frowned and asked.

"Yes, why do the authors of this article conclude that we will be kicked out? They obviously invited us to join, how can they still kick us out without conscience?"

"Yes, the money we invested is sitting there! Don't they even want our money?"

"But what if it really happens?"

"No, they are all from developed countries, they won't even lose face, right? If they do this, they will completely lose their international credibility and reputation! This will also be a serious injury to them!"

Zhu Lao glanced at Zhao Feng's composition in his hand and sighed: "Since everyone thinks so, then just listen to you. I don't want the content of this article to really happen. If it happens, you have to bear the responsibility. I’ve thought about the consequences clearly!”

After everyone nodded, they left one after another.

Immediately, Mr. Zhu ordered the results to be sent out, then looked at the sky meaningfully and murmured: "I hope the experts are right!"

The other end.

The Provincial Capital Experimental Middle School hung up the banner!

When the students returned to school and saw the banner, the high school students who had attended Fang Xu's engagement all showed envy and jealousy!

"Asshole, how can this kid be the top pick?"

"Damn it, this kid actually became Lu Dong's top pick? God has no eyes!"

"Have you heard? He was judged to have perfect scores for his composition. It's like a ghost!"

"The perfect score essay? Has it been announced? Has it been selected as this year's model perfect score essay?"

"Maybe not!"

"It seems that the writing is not that good!"

The principal of the provincial capital experimental high school was extremely happy!

Even Zhao Feng’s head teacher is in love!

When he saw the results, he thought he was out of his mind and mistook 6 for 8. It was not until he confirmed it many times later that he realized that Zhao Feng had really scored over 880 points!

According to (Wang Qianzhao's) past results, this score is definitely possible to compete for the top ten in the province, but he did not expect that he would have a top pick in an ordinary class!

"I'm afraid this is the first of its kind for an experimental middle school in a provincial capital, right?"

The class teacher once again recalled the senior year of high school. He had barely seen a ghost of Zhao Feng. He mentioned that he was Zhao Feng's class teacher, but in fact he could not even remember what Zhao Feng looked like.

"Oh, he is indeed a rich man. He must have hired a personal trainer, right?"

Originally, all the teachers and students in the school wanted to meet the top scholar on the homecoming day!

But I found that even on the back-to-school day, Zhao Feng was already excited!

At this time, Zhao Feng is staring at the people in the company, preparing to launch the latest online game negotiated from Sakurajima - Stone Age!

"Tonight we launch our Panda Game Platform for the first time. There must be no mistakes. Do you understand?"

Zhao Feng shouted to the employees below him.


Everyone responded excitedly. .

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