I Can Hear The Voices Of The Reborn Tablemates

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"Ah? No, no!"

Teacher Yan was stunned for a moment and quickly wanted to take the note back.

Xu Lingfeng spoke now!

"My father is Xu Anbang. If you lie with your eyes open like this, you have to think clearly!"

"Xu, Xu Anbang?"

Teacher Yan was completely shocked!

Mencius said that of course he knew, otherwise he would not have followed Fang Xu's instructions and looked up Zhao Feng's results at the school.

And Xu Anbang is even more extraordinary, he has naturally heard about it!

In one breath, two big figures appeared.

Just for the results of a mere kid?

This made Teacher Yan sweat profusely!

"Bring it over and let me take a look?"

Xu Lingfeng grabbed the piece of paper and looked at it. His eyes widened and he exclaimed: "885 points? My God, you lost 15 points out of a total of 900 points? Didn't you see it?"

"885? Could it be that you are the number one pick in Ludong this year?"

Xu Anbang sank slightly, looked at Zhao Feng in surprise and asked: "Did you write the essay "Don't Forget Your Original Intention"?"

"Um, yes, what's wrong?" 17

Zhao Feng's eyelids twitched, he glanced at Fang Xu, and nodded in response.

"Nothing, just a little unexpected!"

"Ahem, I thought something happened!"

Zhao Feng felt that his composition was not off topic. At most, it contained some emotions after hearing Fang Xu's voice, expressing and criticizing something.

A score of 0 is definitely not enough, it is just a passing mark at most. Even if it is ten points less than others, Zhao Feng is confident that he will be admitted to Yenching University.

I just didn't expect that I would get such a high score by accident. Even Zhao Feng himself was a little surprised!

Hearing Zhao Feng's score, not to mention Mencius, even Fang Xu's eyes widened and he said angrily: "Impossible, how could he get such a high score?"

The students at the two tables, high school and junior high school, were completely dumbfounded!

He looked at Zhao Feng in disbelief!

They didn't think it was a show. Even Fang Xu's teacher had proved it, indicating that Zhao Feng's scores would most likely not be fake.

And with such a high score, he must be ranked among the top in the province. You will know when the time comes.

"No wonder he didn't get the admission notice. It turns out that his grades should have been confirmed after re-examination!"

"Reexamination? Shouldn't it be a treatment that only the top few in the province will receive?"

"With such a high score, I have no doubt that it is ranked among the top ten in the province!"

"So...he can be admitted to a key university?"

"More than just the key points? I guess the admissions offices of many famous universities are already thinking about grabbing people!"

"Robbing people? Why?"

"As long as Zhao Feng's files are not sent to any university, other prestigious schools will find ways to contact me and invite me to study in their schools."

"Yes, you can fill in the volunteers..."

"Of course that thing is useful for ordinary people, but for people like this who are in the top ten, they naturally don't care whether the school recruits one more person or one less person!"

In an instant, whether it was a high school classmate or a junior high school classmate, the eyes that looked at Zhao Feng were sparkling!

They seemed to be preparing to have a good relationship with Zhao Feng after Mencius left.

"Isn't it possible? It doesn't matter who says it. The score has the final say!"

Xu Lingfeng was too lazy to talk nonsense. After crumpling Zhao Feng's score sheet and throwing it to Fang Xu, he said to his father: "Dad, it's almost over. Let's go first?"

"Well, Brother Meng, let's take the first step!"

Xu Anbang said goodbye.

"Ah? Oh, okay, I'll send you and your nephew off?"


Xu Anbang smiled and said: "I have a driver. Just

After saying that, he turned to look at Zhao Feng and asked: "How is it? Are you leaving now? If so, can I give you a ride?"

"Ah? Oh, thank you very much, Uncle Xu!"

Zhao Feng immediately left with Xu Anbang.

Everyone at the scene was left stunned!

Especially the prominent figures in the provincial capital, everyone was frightened by this scene!

"Xu, Xu Anbang actually, actually took the initiative to give me a ride?"

"Does he know Xu Anbang?"

"Could it be that the Zhao family and the Xu family still have this kind of relationship? It seems that the Zhao family may not be dead!"

I originally thought that the Meng family had destroyed the Zhao family, and then came to curry favor with the people of the Meng family. At this moment, I suddenly regretted it.

If Bang joins in, the situation may not be as they expected. Maybe the Zhao family is a centipede insect and will not die, and there is still a chance to fight back!

Thinking of this, everyone regretted that they had stood in line too early!

Think of this.

A group of people stood up in a hurry and said to Mencius: "Mr. Meng, let's leave first. I suddenly remembered that there is something else!"

"Yes, I also remembered that I had some work to do!"

"Well, my wife is difficult to deal with, I'll go check it out!"

"My son didn't change his diaper, and my wife asked me to go back and change it!"

A large number of people left quickly!

Meng Ziyue's face turned livid, and Fang Xu also gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and roared: "Zhao Feng, you must have done it on purpose! Did you hide it for so long just to make me look good?"

Thinking back to high school, Zhao Feng's grades suddenly dropped.

Fang Xu thought Zhao Feng had regained his true nature, but now think about it, can he forget what he learned?

The foundation of junior high school is there, even if it is a little worse, it is not too bad!

Fang Xu was instinctively disturbed by the experience of his previous life, thinking that Zhao Feng had recovered his poor grades from his previous life, but did not analyze Zhao Feng's grades carefully.

As long as you analyze it carefully, you will find that although high school English is a bit difficult, with the foundation of junior high school, Zhao Feng's English score should not drop too much!

But Zhao Feng's grades completely collapsed, so there is something wrong with it!

What was originally a grand engagement ended in a hurry.

Mencius said with a dark face, but he didn't expect that in the second confrontation with Zhao Feng, he would be defeated again!

"Xu Anbang, this old fox, actually played such a trick at this time!"

Fang Xu asked worriedly: "Uncle, isn't Xu Anbang siding with the Zhao family?"

"How is that possible? Xu Anbang is an old fox, and he won't take sides. I guess he just saw that the Zhao family fell too fast, and we rose too fast, so he deliberately took this opportunity to play the Zhao family's love song!"

"You mean, this is the art of checks and balances?"

"Not bad, you kid actually knows this kind of power?"

"Know a thing or two!"

"Zhao Feng is a lucky guy, but he got help from Xu Anbang at a critical moment. Xu Anbang used this move to lift a thousand pounds, and it was so wonderful. He helped Zhao Feng, and made me ashamed at the critical moment, but he couldn't get angry with him. ,Amazing!"

Meng Zi turned to look at Fang Xu and said in a deep voice: "Okay, it's no big deal. The provincial capital still belongs to our Meng family, and this will not change. On your side, I will let you quickly move into Shuanghui, and Is that game you mentioned before really profitable?"

"Uncle, don't worry, this game will definitely make money!"

"Very good, has the contract been signed? Don't let the last step cause the boat to capsize in the gutter!"


Fang Xu patted his chest confidently and said: "I spent 5 million Lighthouse Knife to buy the copyright of Daxia. If they breach the contract, they will pay us 20 million in liquidated damages. That small company cannot afford to pay! This " Once "Legend of Blood" is released, we can just wait and make money! Within one year, it will be no problem to repay my 65 million loan!"

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