I Can Hear The Voices Of The Reborn Tablemates

186 If You Can’T Get It, Destroy It! (2 Updates)

Three weeks later.

As the admission notices from the first batch of colleges and universities were distributed one by one, every household that received the admission notices cried with joy, and some people even started to have a big banquet with gongs and drums!

After all, for my family these days, getting into college is a big deal.

As long as their children are admitted to college, they will definitely invite relatives and friends to have a meal and collect money along the way!

And here, the biggest banquet is Fang Xu!

Even the Meng family didn't expect that Fang Xu's score was more than 30 points higher than the cutoff, reaching a terrifying 732 points!

Of course, Fang Xu didn't need to go through the back door. He was directly admitted to the best major at Ludong University!

Meng Lingling was also admitted, but her grades were a bit disastrous and she couldn't show them to anyone!

At the same time, we started to hold engagement banquets and college entrance examination banquets!

The eldest son of the Meng family, Meng Ziyue, came out in person and booked an entire floor of the best restaurant in the provincial capital, Guihai Haihai, to entertain all the guests!

Half past seven in the evening!

Guests started to arrive one after another!

"Congratulations, congratulations!"

"Please come in!"

"Old Meng, your Meng family is amazing, this time there are two college students!"

"Haha, Sheng Yuluo!"


Mencius said he was also very happy!

Because Fang Xu is better than he imagined.

At 7:50, when people had almost arrived, Meng Ziyue frowned, glanced at the high school and junior high school classmates that Fang Xu had hosted inside, and said displeasedly: "Zhao Feng really doesn't have enough respect to show up, he didn't even come here." Come?"

To him, the little baby is nothing to take seriously.

But since Fang Xu wants to undermine Zhao Feng's morale, he can't just invite Zhao Feng alone. This would be too obvious.

But Mencius didn't expect that Zhao Feng would dare to go to the old man's Hongmen Banquet, but he wouldn't dare to come here for the banquet?

at this time.

A car stopped, and Xu Anbang got out of the car with his son Xu Lingfeng.

Seeing Mencius say, Xu Anbang smiled and raised his hands, congratulating him and saying, "The Meng family is so lucky. After this engagement banquet, the Meng family had two college students in one breath, which is incredible!"

"Brother Xu, what you said is an insult!"

Mencius said that Xu Anbang was older than him, and he was a head higher in seniority than Xu Anbang. Naturally, there was nothing wrong with this 'younger brother', and he seemed to be close to him.

"My nephew is a talented person. He is young and graduated from Xia Min University. He is two levels better than the two of us!"

Mencius looked at Xu Lingfeng with a smile and asked: "I heard that my nephew is also doing a very good job in Pengcheng, attracting investment, and making it prosperous!'

"Uncle Meng, you are exaggerating. My nephew is just messing around in Pengcheng and has nothing to do. He just wants to learn more. 11

"Is it?"

Mencius said, taking a deep look at Xu Lingfeng, he knew that this person would be extraordinary in the future.

Xu Lingfeng has been doing a lot in Pengcheng recently, and his family is pretty good, which makes him very afraid.

However, what makes him strange is that if the Xu family and the Zhao family are very close, then when he touched the Zhao family, why did Xu Anbang not make any move and allowed himself to do it?

The people of the Zhao family were also scattered one by one. The eldest son of the Xu family could only stay at home, and the second and third children did not go to Pengcheng, but went to Shangchong and Shudu.

It doesn’t look like the Xu family and the Zhao family have a good relationship!

Mencius said that he was very confused and didn't know what Xu Anbang was thinking.

But he knew that Xu Anbang was not easy to mess with, so he hurriedly invited: "Hurry, brother Xu, come in first! You are a distinguished guest!"

"Haha, Brother Meng, please go first!"


Under Meng Ziyue's arrangement, Xu Anbang and Xu Lingfeng were invited to the front table of the banquet.

"I didn't expect that even the Xu family's father and son would come. It seems that the Meng family is going to grow bigger!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that even the Xu family started to cooperate with the Meng family. It seems that although the Meng family suffered a setback this time, the Meng family may have been the only one in the provincial capital these years, and Mencius' status may not be shaken! "

"Even the Xu family supports the Meng family. It seems that my era, Fang Xu, has finally arrived!"

When Fang Xu saw Xu Anbang and Xu Lingfeng, a proud smile appeared on his face.

He knew that from Jiangyang to the provincial capital in the previous life, the Zhao family declined in the future, and the remaining Meng family and Xu family began to dominate the development of the entire Ludong.

Among them, the Meng family did not prosper for long, but Xu Anbang was Sima Yi who had the last laugh!

Now Fang Xu surrendered to the Meng family, but after seeing Xu Anbang, he felt that he could use the Meng family's platform and build up Xu Anbang's relationship to achieve true longevity!

"When I become stronger, Meng Lingling won't be able to control me. Hahaha!"

Fang Xu saw hope in his heart, so he immediately stepped forward to say hello to Xu Anna.

"Hello, Uncle Xu!"

"Who are you?"

"This is Fang Xu, who is engaged to my niece today." Mencius introduced at the side.

He also hopes that Fang Xu can make good friends with Xu Anbang or Xu Lingfeng!

After all, the Xu family has a lot of background!

"Oh, congratulations."

Xu Anbang smiled and nodded in greeting, making Fang Xu feel like he was having fun!

Xu Lingfeng glanced at Meng Lingling, then at Fang Xu, and couldn't help but frowned, looking at Fang Xu with contempt in his eyes.

"Since Brother Xu is here, let's have a banquet?"

Mencius said, "Consultation seems to be necessary."

Fang Xu immediately nodded and said, "I listen to you, uncle! Let's have a dinner!"

Then, he raised his head and looked at the table of junior high school classmates, and found that Zhao Feng was not there, only a somewhat absent-minded Hao Bingjie.

"Damn it, that bastard Zhao Feng turned out to be a coward? I really thought that this kid would come here for Hao Bingjie! But that's right, that kid will definitely not be able to get into college, so how dare he come here?"

Fang Xu felt very unhappy!

Because there is no way to humiliate Zhao Feng properly!

And he definitely didn't dare to chase Hao Bingjie anymore. Meng Lingling was watching, so he could only let Hao Bingjie chat with her girlfriends in despair, then found an excuse and left the banquet venue.

This scene was captured by Fang Xu, and he felt secretly unhappy!

"Dare you leave my place early? You must have left because Zhao Feng didn't come! Ma De, do you dare to look down on me, Fang Xu? Let me, Fang Xu, teach you how to be a good person!"

Thinking of this, Fang Xu said to Meng Lingling: "Lingling, I'm sorry, my classmates are so disrespectful to us!"


Meng Lingling was still immersed in her happiness and had no idea what Fang Xu was saying.

Fang Xu looked embarrassed, pointed to the background where Hao Bingjie left, and sighed: "That girl is my junior high school classmate. She chased me before. She may have left the meeting early to protest when she saw our engagement, embarrassing you!"

Meng Lingling didn't feel anything embarrassed!

All the big shots came to this engagement. If a guy who just entered college left, no one would notice at all!

If Fang Xu didn't mention it, no one would really care.

But when Fang Xu brought it up, and also brought it up in this form, Meng Lingling was instantly attracted to her, and just by looking at her back and temperament, Hao Bingjie would have dumped Meng Lingling hundreds of blocks away!

A woman's jealousy comes up in an instant!

"That woman..."

Meng Lingling gritted her teeth.

Fang Xu smiled and said nothing. He believed that Meng Lingling would definitely take action!

What he can't get will naturally be destroyed!

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