"Very good. One more thing. I don't ask you to reach the level of that little bastard from the Zhao family, but you can't be too bad either!"

"Little bastard? Who is it?"

"Zhao Feng!"


Fang Xu immediately smiled contemptuously and said: "Uncle, as long as I have enough resources, not to mention one Zhao Feng, even ten thousand Zhao Feng, I will kill him!"

Fang Xu's confidence comes from his identity as a reborn person!

He believed that after making such a big sacrifice and having the background of the Meng family, his background would no longer be worse than that of Zhao Feng!

As long as he gives full play to his advantages, Zhao Feng will definitely be defeated at his feet!

"Why do beautiful women like you? I won't let you get what I can't get!"

Fang Xu was completely hysterical!

Meng Zi nodded. He had already investigated Fang Xu and knew that Fang Xu and Zhao Feng had split long ago.

Although from outside sources, Fang Xu is a narrow-minded person, and his appearance is also the same, but being narrow-minded is not a real shortcoming, it can only be regarded as a weakness.

Compared with this weakness, Fang Xu's strengths are truly outstanding!

The Fang family went from poverty to being rich now, all due to Fang Xu's efforts. Especially now that Fang Xu's parents are divorced, Mencius said that he could train Fang Xu into a sharp sword for his family!

So, he tapped his fingers on the table and said slowly: "Resources, I do have a good one!"

"What resources?"

"Double Glory!"

"Shuanghui? Really?"

Fang Xu became excited and asked, "Is this the Shuanghui Meat Factory that the Zhao family withdrew from?"

"Yes, do you have any ideas?"

"Of course!"

Fang Xu was so excited.

He knows that Shuanghui will be the world's major pork supplier in the future, and this is a business that can make money even while lying down!

With such a big piece of fat, his current small loss is nothing at all!

"Uncle, will you really give me Shuanghui?"

"Give it to you? Although our Meng family has a lot of energy, we can't give it to you directly. What I can do is give you a platform. As for whether you can make this group bigger, it depends on your own ability! "

"Uncle, don't worry, I am confident that I can crush everyone in this aspect!"

"Very good, but there is one condition!"

"What conditions?"

"You must join our family, not just marry Lingling!"


Fang Xu stammered, looked at Mencius and said, his heart is bleeding!

Look at Meng Lingling, and then look at his parents. In his previous life, he had read novels about the son-in-law, but he never expected that it would be his turn in this life!

What to do?

Give up the marriage?

Then he will lose his shares in Guomei, become personally bankrupt, and become penniless again?

Or should I grit my teeth and marry Meng Lingling, leaving the Fang family with no heirs and skyrocketing from there?

After struggling for three breaths, Fang Xu said in a deep voice: "No problem, marrying into the Meng family is what I have always dreamed of!"

"Xiao Xu!"

Fang Xu's father immediately stood up and shouted: "No, I won't agree to this! You are the eighth generation of my old Fang family. If you are married, won't our old Fang family be extinct?"

"Dad, I am still your son! Lingling and I's child is also your grandson!"

"If your surname is not Fang, then you are your grandson!"

"Don't be so pedantic. Blood relations cannot be changed."

Fang Xu made up his mind and said: "Uncle, I can join the family, and even my and Lingling's first child can change our surname to Meng, but I have one condition!"

"You evil beast, you evil beast!"

Fang Xu’s father instantly exploded!

Your son actually said he wanted to change his surname?

This was unacceptable to him!

This is simply a slap in the face!

Fang Xu's father raised his hand angrily, ready to slap his son.

But unexpectedly, Fang Xu grabbed his wrist and said, "I can't get away anymore!"

Only then did Fang Xu's father realize that his son had grown up and was no longer afraid of his majesty. Moreover, in the past three or four years, Fang Xu was no longer the obedient son he used to be.

"You don't even want your own parents?"

Fang Xu's mother also couldn't stand it. Although she was divorced, her son's behavior was really chilling.

With such a philistine, can I still count on him to support me in old age in the future?

For a moment.

Fang Xu’s mother had the urge to delete her account and practice again!

"Mom and Dad, don't forget who led this family to where it is today. And what about you? Look at you. After you have money, you don't want to make progress, but you live extravagantly in your personal life, even losing your original family. No more, do you have the right to criticize me?"

Fang Xu's words left the two parents speechless for a moment.

Because they are not without fault.

After getting money, Fang Xu's father had younger clients, and Fang Xu's mother also hung around the karaoke bar every day with young and handsome people accompanying us.

Human nature is like this, they are not qualified to educate Fang Xu!

And Fang Xu also completely burst out the depression in his heart!

"."Are you still parents? With your son's money, you only know how to squander it. You have forgotten, who do you rely on for your current life?"

"And when I was misunderstood and humiliated, where were you? You would only follow other parents to criticize me. You never gave me confidence!"

"The big career I want to achieve is not just a few houses, a few storefronts, and a boring life with a little money [I want to leave my name in this world!"

Fang Xu roared loudly, showing all his grievances and ambitions in front of the Meng family.

Fang Xu's words made his parents completely lower their heads.

It also made everyone in the Meng family shine. They couldn't help but look sideways at the boss Mencius and said secretly: "The boss has found a good person! Maybe he can completely defeat Zhao Feng and the Zhao family!"

at last.

Fang Xu's parents sighed deeply, looked at their son, and said: "Since you have such great ambitions, your mother and I will have nothing to do with you from now on, and will never restrain you again, and let (come on, you are completely free) to perform."


The two people left Ren in despair.

After all, at this moment, the two of them lost the child they had raised for seventeen or eighteen years!

Fang Xu was also a little moved. Seeing his parents leaving, he seemed to regret a little, but there was no turning back. He had to seize this opportunity.

"Uncle, is this okay?"

"Haha, I didn't ask you to change your last name!"

"I just want to enter the Meng family, become a Meng family, and work hard to create a new world for myself and the Meng family!"

Mencius smiled, raised his eyebrows, and asked with a smile: "Okay, tell me your last condition!"

"I think Lingling and I's second child will be named Fang no matter what!"

Mencius was startled for a moment, then nodded with a smile: "He is a good child, and it is also a way to get the best of both worlds. I appreciate a young man like you who is ambitious and thoughtful to get ahead. Okay, I promise you!"

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