I Can Hear The Voices Of The Reborn Tablemates

156 Public Takeover, A Despicable Plan! (1 Update)

these two days.

Jeff is very happy!

Because his book shopping website has been very successful, and it has also appeared on the cover of Time magazine. He is a famous entrepreneur!

After all, he represents the new trend of the Internet!

Although his family is good, it is not particularly wealthy. At this moment, Jeff's personal assets have exceeded hundreds of millions, making him the first rich man in his family to have a net worth of over 100 million!

"You should do something fun!"

Jeff decided to take a good vacation with his younger siblings and stepparents.

Although he is a stepfather, his love for him is no less than that of his biological children.

While making breakfast, Jeff picked up the newspaper and started reading it, just like his stepfather did at home!


Jeff was drinking milk, and suddenly an inconspicuous message came into view!

"Shirley, the new wolf of Wall Street, announced her ambition to establish a new company, and publicly announced that she would complete the first acquisition of the new company, and her target is the rising Internet star Maxun!"


Jeff spat the milk all over the floor, looked at the newspaper angrily, and said dissatisfiedly: "What are you dreaming about? My company is valued at at least 500 million and is operating well. You want to acquire me? Dream on!"

Afterwards, Jeff tidied up the milk on the ground and drove to work.

As soon as I entered the company, I realized that the employees seemed to have some serious concerns!

Jeff frowned and scolded: "You have nothing to do?"



When several old people in the company saw this, they were stunned for a moment, then hurriedly stepped forward and whispered: "It's not good!"

"What's wrong?"

"You didn't look at the stocks?"

"What's the meaning?"

"Someone is going crazy and seems to be planning to acquire our company!"

"Smash the plate?"

Jeff was stunned for a moment, and then quickly looked at his stocks.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, but it's amazing when you look at it. You find that your company's stock has plummeted from a high of 25 yuan, all the way to 20 yuan, and it is still shaky, and you can't watch it anymore!

"Then why are you standing still? Where is our financial advisor? Where is he?"

"It seems like I'm still thinking of a solution!"

"Humph, do you want to force me to sell the company's shares? Dream on!'

Jeff waved his hand and said to his two veterans: "Don't worry, as long as we hold the stocks in our hands, there is nothing they can do!"

These two people were the first ones to follow Jeff after he founded the company, and they have followed him all the way to this day!

They all hold 5% of the current company's shares, making them the second largest shareholder in the company after Jeff!

"As long as it's okay, that's fine!"

The two men breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Jeff's calm appearance.

Jeff returned to the office and immediately contacted his financial advisor to ask about today's situation.

"What do you mean, today's sell-off is not a takeover? But someone deliberately sells a sale in the name of a takeover, trying to seize our stocks and make a fortune from us?"


A lazy voice came from the other end of the phone, saying: "Jeff, haven't you seen it yet? This is a very simple conspiracy!"

"Conspiracy? How do you say it?"

"I want to spread the news that I want to acquire your company, and then make a deal breaker to make everyone think that someone is really acquiring your company. In fact? After acquiring the company, the company's stock price will inevitably rise sharply, so someone will come in to take over. At this time, he took the opportunity to make a fortune and leave.

"Um, so you mean, someone wants to make a fuss about my company's stock?"

"Of course, you didn't even notice that?"

"How is this possible?"

Jeff said dissatisfied: "The company's reputation is mine, how can I let others use my company to do such shameless things?"

"You want to maintain the company's share price?"


"It's okay. If you take out 50 to 60 million first, it should be able to stop this wave of decline."

"What? How much?"

"Fifty to sixty million!"

"Why do you want so much?"

"Get rid of it, you have issued more than 10 million stocks, and now the market value exceeds 200 million. You are asked to use 50 to 60 million to rescue the market. How about that?"

The other end of the phone said dissatisfiedly: "Are you kidding me? I think they have prepared at least more than 100 million for the amount they put out. What are you going to do with it if you don't prepare 50 million?"

Jeff fell silent immediately!

The company's stock price fluctuates significantly, which is naturally very disadvantageous for the company.

But he also has to have that much money to protect the company's stock price, but the problem now is that he doesn't have that much money!

"If I borrow 60 million, are you sure you can stop them?"

...Please give me flowers...

"Of course I'm not sure. There are risks in entering the market. Don't you know this? A conservative estimate is that you need to prepare at least 200 million in cash!"


Jeff was completely speechless!

Because he doesn't have that much money!

"Bastard, are we going to let them cut my company's stock price like straw? Harm the retail investors who invest in my company?"

Jeff was very unhappy, but there was nothing he could do!

His company is currently on the rise and he doesn't have that much money on his books. Moreover, he is also thinking about accelerating expansion and is planning to see if he can develop other things besides books!

After hanging up the phone, Jeff could only look at the stock price on the computer screen. His mood was ups and downs and it was difficult to calm down!


And Newtown is on the other side.

"Shirley, are you sure you won't let me go?"

"Haha, Steve, look what you said. My boss is a generous gentleman! As long as you facilitate this transaction, the commission of 2 million will be yours!


Steve, the bald man sitting opposite Shirley, licked his tongue and murmured excitedly: "For this money, even if it is found out later, it is worth spending a few years in jail!"

Steve raised his glass, smiled at Shirley and said, "Cheers, Shirley! Congratulations on finding a good boss!"

"Thank you!"

Shirley smiled slightly and toasted with the other party in celebration.

After dinner and declining Steve's invitation as an ISP, Shirley returned to the hotel and reported to Zhao Feng: "The plan went very well, and Jeff thought it was a harvest to manipulate the stock price.

"I didn't expect you have such a wide network of contacts!"

"Because my stepfather has some friends here."

Shirley smiled slightly and replied: "Of course, it is also due to the fact that I have been hanging around here for a long time.

"I heard from your sister that your family is also very rich. Why don't you go back and inherit the family business?"

Zhao Feng was very curious.

The two sisters, Shirley and Megan, do not look like children from a poor family, especially Shirley who has received a complete education and received a master's degree in economics from Prince University at a young age. The character of academic master + goddess!

Coupled with the favorable family conditions, this is what Fang Xu said, and in the eyes of future generations, the academic master is extremely rich and beautiful!

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