I Can Hear The Voices Of The Reborn Tablemates

155 Being Praised For Being Young? (5 Updates)

"Aha, I knew you had the same taste as me, and you both like that kind of wild imagination!"

Director Ka sat down, sipping the wine, and said, "I have seen this script before. But the content expressed in it is too obscure and does not suit my style."

"So who is investing now?"

"I'm still looking for investors. Someone asked me that day to see if I could introduce some investors. I've been looking for people from Huana Company in the past two days and I heard that their boss has some ideas.

"I want to invest!"

When Zhao Feng heard this, he immediately said: "Are you going to invite the screenwriter of this script to come over today?"

"you sure?"

Director Ka frowned and reminded Zhao Feng: "It's not that I'm badmouthing, but that script is really difficult to film, and it's really not easy to express its connotation! If you like that type of fantasy big production Yes, I heard that there is a very good script based on the novel Lord of the Rings. You can consider it!"

"Haha, it doesn't matter. The harder it is, the more I like it. Just contact me for me. I want both scripts!"

"Um, are you sure?"

Director Ka was stunned and said in a fit of laughter and tears: "These investments are not low. If any one of them fails at the box office, you will suffer huge losses!"

"I am sure!"

Zhao Feng laughed loudly. He believed in the director's judgment. The Lord of the Rings shouldn't be too bad, and "887 The Matrix" will definitely make money!

Big production brings big profits!

Zhao Feng doesn't worry about money at all!

The next day.

Shirley took her sister to Hollywood!

What surprised Zhao Feng was that Shirley was already very beautiful, a typical blonde and blue-eyed beauty, but her younger sister was even more charming than her elder sister!

Not only her facial features are exquisite, but her figure has also reached the level of a model. With every gesture she makes, her eyebrows are enough to suffocate any young boy!

"Director Ka, it's such an honor to meet you!"

Megan excitedly gave Director Ka a hug.

The director also praised the two sisters differently and praised: "You two sisters are really amazing. If you come to act, you will definitely make a sensation in the entire Lighthouse Country!"

"Director Ka, you're honored!"

Shirley touched her excited sister's head and introduced, "This is my boss!"

"Boss? Sister, are you sure? He is not your boss's child?"

"Not polite! How can I, your sister, mistake my boss?"

"But isn't he too young?"

Meghan stepped forward, made a gesture, and said, "When I put on high heels, I'm taller than him! Little brother, have you graduated from elementary school?"


Zhao Feng was stunned!

This girl is beautiful, why is her eyes so bad?

How do you look like a primary school student?

Shirley hurried forward and apologized: "Boss, my sister has never met people from Daxia. From our perspective, you people from Daxia are all very young, so she thought you were only in elementary school!"

"Isn't it?"

"of course not!"

Shirley glared at her sister Megan fiercely. She regretted bringing this guy out. Why couldn't she be sweeter with her mouth?

"My boss is going to college soon. What do you think? He's not any younger than you!"

"real or fake?"

Megan looked at Zhao Feng in surprise and exclaimed: "You are actually older than me? It's incredible!"

Zhao Feng was also depressed for a while!

This is the first time that I have been so heartbroken by someone praising me for being 'young'!

Moreover, Meghan is a little too anxious to grow up. Not only is she younger than me, but she has a unique sense of maturity, and she is also a bit staggering. No wonder she can participate in the model competition!

"Okay, you stay here for a while. I have something to tell the boss."

Shirley settled down her sister impatiently, then borrowed a step from Zhao Feng and came to the garden and said, "Boss, do you have something to ask me about?"

Zhao Feng took out the newspaper he bought [pointed to the Shisong stock in the newspaper and said: "I want to win this company."

"This is...Amason? A company that sells books on the Internet?"

Shirley was stunned for a moment and looked at Zhao Feng in confusion: "Why do you want a company like this? And the Internet bubble is very big now. It may burst that day. I'm afraid it will be difficult to earn back the money invested by then!"

"No, I don't just want to invest, I want to win, I want to have the right to control the company!"


Shirley hesitated and said in a deep voice: "The price to pay is not small. And, boss, are you going to enter the lighthouse country's market?"

"Haha, is this weird?"

"You just took control of several large companies in Taiji Country. I thought you would focus on the market in the Asia-Pacific region instead of blindly entering the market in the Lighthouse Country!"

"Save some layout first, I didn't say come in completely."

Zhao Feng rolled his eyes and said: "Leave some holes first so that I can come in later!"

"It's okay to think so."

Shirley has now completely become Zhao Feng’s employee!

As for KFC?

Shirley has now resigned, and she still handed over the KFC business to Charles to run it at a very low price for less than 30 million yuan!

"Then we want to set up a company here to acquire this Asun?"

"No problem, I'll make a plan first!"

Shirley suddenly became energetic. Speaking of which, she had also relaxed for a long time during this period.

"Can you estimate how much capital I need to use and how to acquire a listed company?"

"Yeah, I'll do it right away!"

"By the way, how are you doing?"


"I remember you said that after taking a break, you were going to go to New City to find a partner, set up a small venture capital company, and make small investments?"

"Ahem, um, I withdrew my capital!"


"How should I put it? I'm still not suitable for being my own boss!"

"Is it?"

Zhao Feng looked at Shirley strangely, what he said was too funny.

He remembered that when he first met Shirley, this girl was the president of KFC's headquarters in Daxia. Isn't this the same as the boss?

Although that time, Shirley failed miserably at her own hands!

Shirley also knew that what she said didn't make sense, so she blushed and said hurriedly: "I, I'm going to find some information first. My sister will be asking you to do it these days!"

After saying that, he hurriedly left.

It's not that she didn't say it on purpose, it's that it was too hard for her to say and it was so embarrassing!

After completing the acquisition of Tai Chi Country, she began to consider whether she should invest heavily or do something else?

But after observing for a long time, she felt that apart from investing in some stocks and brokerage firms, she had no special feeling about the real economy. But soon Wall Street gave her a heavy blow!

She received a commission. In addition to paying taxes, she started a small venture capital company, which failed one after another and suffered heavy losses. Now she has even withdrawn her office in New City and the funds in her account have been reduced from more than 17 million to 3 million. Lighthouse Knife.

Although the money was a lot, Shirley also knew that she was not suitable for independent investment, and she was also not suitable for industry.

The only good thing is that I have a good relationship with Zhao Feng and I haven’t completely lost Zhao Feng’s job. Maybe I can still receive big orders from Zhao Feng in the future!

Unexpectedly, just a few days after I was lucky, a big order came in!

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