I Can Hear The Voices Of The Reborn Tablemates

141 The Cry Of The Reborn! (1 Update)

“Not expensive, not expensive!”

Fang Xu continued to induce: "We are friends, how could I sell it to you at a high price?"

"Friends? Didn't you say we broke up with each other last time?"


Fang Xu suddenly realized that his previous behavior left no escape route.

Now that they are friends, even though Fang Xu has a face as thick as a city wall, he can't help but feel a little red and swollen!

"I, I, was, joking."

"Are you kidding? How can a friend make such a joke? And you find someone to beat me up!"

"That's not what I'm looking for, really! I swear, if I find someone to beat you, I won't be able to give birth to a son!"

"Then why did they say you did it?"

"God knows who the hell wants to drive a wedge between us brothers!"


"Realer than real gold!"

"Okay then, how much are you going to sell it to me?"

"Ahem, I'll invest at least 50 million. Since we are brothers, how about selling it to you for 10 million?"

Zhao Feng was stunned!

This reborn person is so shameless!

You are telling lies with your eyes open, and you are brazenly offering a price of 1,000,000 for a worthless thing? Isn’t this too much to think that your own people are stupid and have too much money?

"How about it? Brother, will you take care of you?"

"Ah? 'Take care of' 'Take care of'!"

Zhao Feng timidly whispered: "But I don't have that much money!"

"Just brag! Where is your Lingyun Company?"

"You also know that I'm just a facade, and it has nothing to do with me!"

Zhao Feng followed Fang Xu's thoughts. Fang Xu always thought that Lingyun Company was a company established only when Daxia supported Xiangjiang, and the real person in charge behind it was not Zhao Feng.


When Zhao Feng said this, Fang Xu didn't refute anything, but pointed the finger at the crispy noodle factory and asked: "Your crispy noodles are not profitable?"

"What a profit!"

"Hmph, at least one or two billion, right?"

"Oh, please stop talking!"

Zhao Feng sighed and said helplessly: "I didn't get much money from that factory."

"Do you think you believe this when you say it?"

Fang Xu rolled his eyes, thinking what Zhao Feng said was so ridiculous!

If Zhao Feng doesn’t hold the money, who will?

Is it Guo Zicun?

That guy still dares to embezzle money from the Mo Zhao family?

Do not make jokes!

Does he know now that the Zhao family behind Zhao Feng can be powerful?

Zhao Feng sighed: "To tell you the truth, apart from playing and gambling, all the money I earned went to me!"

"Play? Gambling?"

Fang Xu was stunned!

[This boy is so good at playing tricks. As expected, men become bad as soon as they get rich! It seems that this boy has acquired bad habits! But that’s okay. I know his weaknesses and I can completely separate him from the Zhao family in the future. Let’s finish playing together!]

After Fang Xu looked down upon Zhao Feng a little more, he asked in confusion: "Uncle took it away? Why did uncle take it away?"

"Well, you also know that the machinery factory is undergoing transformation..."

"Transformation of the machinery factory? Sure enough!"

Fang Xu understood immediately!

He felt that the transformation of the machinery factory into integrated circuits was very different from the previous life!

Although the energy of the Zhao family is amazing, Fang Xu still doesn't understand where Zhao Qiangye got the funds, and he suddenly transformed into an integrated circuit direction that he didn't even dare to consider in his previous life.

It turns out that the money came from Zhao Feng!

[It seems that my butterfly effect is still very strong. After affecting Zhao Feng, even Zhao Qiangye’s fate changed. Indeed, if there are only one or two hundred million from the dry noodle factory, Zhao Qiangye can indeed successfully transform. 】

Fang Xu felt helpless at the moment and asked Zhao Feng: "Then how much money do you have left?"

"This... let me do the math!"

Zhao Feng secretly laughed in his heart, but pretended to be calculating. He even brought a calculator and pressed it for a long time before he said to Fang Xu: "There is still one or two million!"


Fang Xu almost wanted to spit blood on Zhao Feng's face!

"Did you spend money on Ta Miao? It's not just for fun, right?"

"No way? Did I spend a lot of money?"

"Your father didn't leave you several million, but now you only have one or two million left? Did you buy a gold mountain?"

"Ahem, I kept you guessing! I recently bought a Jinshan Mountain, just over Yundian. I heard the scenery is great!"


Fang Xu was completely speechless by Zhao Feng's words!

[Didn’t this guy go to Yundian Province to contract a few mountains to grow tea? He’s really good at it! But Yundian side will have to wait until twenty years to develop. I’m afraid this guy will be bankrupt by then. I If you have money, you can take it over and grow Pu'er tea, and you can also make some money picking up girls!】

Zhao Feng was stunned for a moment across the phone, Fang Xu really had an idea!

Where to plant Pu'er in Yundian?

...asking for flowers 0

“It seems we have to go to the Pu’er production area to contract a few mountains!”

Zhao Feng made a mental note, and then continued to say aggrievedly: "Then what should I do?"

"Ahem, two million, just two million!"

Fang Xu is like a mosquito now. No matter how much money he spends, he will sell this thing that will make enough money!

"Two million? No!"

"what happened again?"

“I bought this company with all my money, and I don’t have a penny left!”

"Ahem, how about 1.8 million?"

"What can you do with two or three hundred thousand?"

"One and a half million, no more!"

"Isn't half a million enough?"

"You! Poof!"

Obviously Fang Xu was very angry, otherwise he wouldn't have even heard the sound of vomiting blood!


Finally, Fang Xu, with a hint of fatigue and weakness, said in a deep voice: "Okay, one million, that's the lowest!"

"Well, since we are such good friends, one million is one million. However, I don't understand your idea of ​​helping me!"

Zhao Feng narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

"No problem, when will we sign the contract?"

"Look at you!"

"Tomorrow. Ask people to come to my company!"

"Okay, Fang Xu, you are really good!"

Hearing Zhao Feng's approval, Fang Xu felt so uncomfortable that he wanted to cry for some reason!

He doesn’t even care about his face and just sells it for one million?

The money he invested alone was more than one million!

But there is no way now, we must stop the loss!

"Oh, Zhao Feng, don't let me seize the opportunity, otherwise I will destroy you and ruin your reputation!

All Fang Xu's anger was thrown at Zhao Feng!

Although he had no evidence, he always felt that being with Zhao Feng affected his fortune, making everything he did unsuccessful or smooth.

Every time, his career had just entered a period of rapid growth, but he was hit hard inexplicably!

Unable to explain it, Fang Xu could only guess that it was Zhao Feng's fate that defeated him!

Just when Fang Xu reluctantly sold his Internet company to stop losses, Guo Zicun was very puzzled as to why Zhao Feng bought such a bad company!

"Haha, so that my panda chat software can continue to improve!"

Zhao Feng will not tell Guo Zicun that the company he bought for one million is just a shell. Then he can legitimately ask Fang Xu various Internet questions to stimulate Fang Xu's voice and tell more The key small functions are done!.

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