I Can Hear The Voices Of The Reborn Tablemates

140 Someone Is Looking For Me To Take Over Again! (5 Updates)

Watch as Panda Chat begins to gain popularity!

Fang Xu saw that the number of daily users of his chat software had almost stagnated, and he was so angry that he almost exploded!

He immediately contacted Ding Lei, hoping that Ding Lei could connect with each other's user groups!

But Ding Lei’s soft nails!

"I'm sorry, Mr. Fang, your idea is very good, but unfortunately both the shareholders' meeting and the management rejected your proposal. Even I can't push this forward!"

"But, Mr. Ding, don't you think about it?"

"Hey, Mr. Fang, I have been working hard to be your lobbyist. The problem is that no one is willing to do it. You can't let me betray my family, can you?"

"Ding Lei!"

Fang Xu shouted angrily: "I am also a shareholder, and I am also a major shareholder. I invested 20 million in you, and this is how you treat me?"

"Mr. Fang, calm down, otherwise, I'll ask you again?"

After saying that, Gong Lei hung up the phone directly!

"Small, want to play with me?"

Ding Lei smiled contemptuously!

The angrier the other party gets, the more certain he becomes that Fang Xu is up to no good.

Anyway, for him, software like Panda Chat is not of the same type as his portal.

Moreover, he feels that information is the most important thing for netizens now. Can we talk nonsense through chatting?

Fang Xu waited for another two days and knew that Ding Lei was deliberately stumbling on him. He had no way to deal with 717. Ding Lei could only threaten Ding Lei to withdraw his capital!

But as if he was prepared, Ding Lei agreed to Fang Xu's request and bought back Fang Xu's shares at a price of 25 million!

Fang Xu looked at Ding Lei in disbelief. It was difficult to monetize this kind of portal. He didn't believe that Ding Lei's network could bear the cost of so much money!

But seeing Ding Lei's relaxed look, he quickly reacted and roared: "Isn't there someone willing to buy this part of the equity?"

"Haha, Fang Xu, you are quite smart. Of course, someone is willing to take over the shares you gave up! Moreover, this person also promised not to interfere in the operation of our network!"

"Is this person Panda Network?"

"That's right!"


Fang Xu completely understood that he had fallen into the trap of Panda Network!

Moreover, he felt that Panda Network must have sent someone to investigate him and knew that he had invested in Wangji.

"Is this guy's purpose just to force me to sell my shares in Wangji? This guy is so sinister!"

Fang Xu felt regret in his heart!

Especially he knew that soon in 2000, Wangji would go public in the lighthouse country, and then liquidate it after the listing. This share would be worth at least 200 million lighthouses!

Of course, the market value of the Internet in later generations is far more than 200 million Lighthouse Knife!

This deal can be said to be a bloody profit!

Taking a deep breath and trying to suppress the anger in his chest, Fang Xu stood up and said to Ding Lei: "Mr. Ding, I admit that I lost. But you won't be any better. Panda Chat will become your biggest challenge in the future. Nightmare, just wait! It will become the biggest enemy in the entire Great Xia!"

"Haha, do you think a defeated general can count?"

Ding Lei scoffed!

It's not that he can't see the potential of online social networking, but according to the development of the lighthouse country, information is the first priority. Is the value of their information work less than that of a few people getting together to chat?

It’s impossible to look left or right!

Fang Xu left the network in frustration, kicked the wheels of his Santana, and roared: "Hundan Panda Network, which bastard is going against me? His tactics are sinister.

You act shamelessly, you are like Mahuateng version 2.0!"

But Fang Xu didn't give up!

After he returned to the company, he immediately accelerated research and development!

Soon, his chat system launched two new functions, one is emoticon packs, and the other is group function!

But as soon as this thing came online, Zhao Feng discovered it and immediately asked the programmer next to him: "Xiao Chen, you think these two functions are good! Can you put them in ours?"

"What a joke!"

the next day.

Fang Xu discovered that Panda Chat had been updated, adding the same emoticon packs and group functions as him!

Moreover, the group owners and administrators were thoughtfully designed, and people in the group could even be assigned various levels, which made netizens all over (bhfg) Great Xia rejoice!

"Damn, this panda chat is really interesting. Can we still chat in groups now?"

"This should be unique to Daxia, right?"

"of course!"

"There seems to be some kind of Rising Sun Chat that has such a function!"

"That gadget must have been copied from Panda Chat!"

Since Fang Xu’s chat software has so few users, no one discovered Zhao Feng Chi Guoguo’s plagiarism at all, praising Panda Chat for its rapid progress!

Even Zhao Feng blushed!

"It's better to be from Fang Xu! Such a good idea, just leave it to me."

Zhao Feng touched the phone at hand, wondering if he should say hello to Fang Xu?

However, it was estimated that Fang Xu was probably vomiting blood, so Zhao Feng waited for a quarter of an hour before calling Fang Xu!

On the phone, Fang Xu was obviously not in good spirits!

But the tone is even worse!

"Zhao Feng, why are you looking for me? Do you want to see my joke?"

"How could it be? We are good 'brothers'!"

"Haha, stop pretending here. I stumbled, are you very happy?"

"Oh, isn't it just that puppy love was discovered? It's okay!"

Zhao Feng comforted Fang Xu and said, "By the way, have you found Han Wei? Their family seems to have moved away!"

"Are you looking for a scolding?"

Fang Xu was instantly furious!

Han Wei was definitely the deepest pain in his heart. He felt that except for those things and when he couldn't control his temper, which hurt Han Wei, he himself was very good to Han Wei!

This bitch actually betrayed him!

This is the most intolerable thing for a man!

Until now, he didn't understand why Han Wei dared to betray him!

He also spent money to buy a house for Han Wei's family and treated Han Wei's father. Didn't he treat Han Wei badly?

[This stinky bitch, if I catch her, I must chop her alive! She dares to betray me, is it because I am too young? 】

[However, Zhao Feng deliberately mentioned Han Wei just to make me angry. This kind of petty thinking is too childish. Now I am really losing too much by doing this Rising Sun Chat. Although I made 5 million from the shares of Wangyi, my loss is not small. Why not see if I can give him a hand!]

Thinking of this, Fang Xu calmed down his emotions and asked: "Zhao Feng, how is your simple noodle business?"

"It's not that good anymore! It's not very profitable anymore!"

"Do you want to make money?"

"Yes I do!"

"I have an Internet company here that makes chat software. Do you want it?"

Zhao Feng secretly laughed, this Fang Xu is really sinister, giving himself a broken company, trying to defraud him of a lot of money!

"want to!"

Zhao Feng deliberately shouted in an "eager" tone, and then showed an awkward attitude: "But I don't have much money? I heard that Internet companies are very expensive, right?"

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