I Can Hear The Voices Of The Reborn Tablemates

136 The Unwilling Reborn! (1 Update)

The fact is exactly as Zhao Feng predicted!

Although Fang Xu's incident made him infamous, Fang Xu was only 17 years old after all, and Fang Xu was rich. After smoothing things over, Fang Xu finally got out of trouble!

But when Fang Xu freed his hands, he found that everything outside had been turned upside down!

First, there was a fire in the backyard!

Several girls that Fang Xu pursued stayed away from him to avoid following in the footsteps of Han Wei!

Fang Xu's forest dream was completely shattered!

At the same time, Fang's father and mother also went to court and prepared for divorce, which gave Fang Xu a huge headache!

In the end, I could only forcefully persuade my parents not to separate.

After finally coaxing his own backyard, the shareholders of Guomei started to take action!

Fang Xu hurriedly put out the fire, and after transferring some of his rights, he was able to calm down the troubles here in Guomei!

But soon Fang Xu received the notice from Mahua Teng and arrived in the city without stopping!

"What did you say? Did you sell OICQ? To whom? How much did it cost?"

"There is a confidentiality agreement, so I can't tell who I sold it to. I can tell you how much it cost. Anyway, I came to you just to give you the money."

Mahua Teng took out 40,000 yuan and handed it to Fang Xu and said: "We packaged and sold a total of 100,000 yuan, No, this is your share. Anyway, the company is not going to open, we will cancel the company later!"

"What? Only, only 100,000 yuan? You are not fucking fools, are you?"

Fang Xu almost jumped up, threw the 40,000 yuan in his hand at the faces of Mahua Teng and others, and said angrily: "I've spent more than 500,000 for your lawsuit, what the hell are you doing?" Just sell the software for 100,000 yuan?”

"Then what do you want us to do? Every day just because of the lawsuit, the company has to spend more than 10,000 yuan. If we don't take action, we will lose our pants!"

"Then you can't sell it either!"

"Fang Xu, what do you mean by this? It was agreed at the beginning that you would only invest, but we would still be responsible for making decisions and operations. What do you mean by complaining about us now?"

"You are all pig-headed, but you still have the nerve to tell me that you make decisions?"

Fang Xu was almost angry with these people!

That will be a terrifying business empire worth hundreds of billions in the future!

Just sold it to someone else for 100,000?

Can Fang Xu not be so angry that he vomits blood?

In his previous life, he admired Ma Hua Teng, so why does he become more stupid now the more he looks at him?

Mahua Teng and others were also angered by Fang Xu's words!

Suddenly, his face darkened and he said dissatisfiedly: "Fang Xu, all this is not because of you!"

"Because of me? What do you mean?"

"Hmph, something happened to you, and it affected us. Our company's reputation is ruined, and its financial situation is getting worse and worse. Even if we look for others to invest, we can't find anyone willing to invest. If we don't sell it, Do you want to keep it and go home for the New Year?"

Mahua Teng angrily scolded Fang Xu: "Before, I admired you as a man and thought you had a sharp eye, but now it seems that we are blind! Bah!"


Fang Xu couldn't even utter a word when he was attacked by Mahuateng!

Thinking about it carefully, it is true that his problem is relatively big. Although there have been lawsuits before, he can still sustain it with his financial resources.

But when something happened on his side, coupled with the newspaper reports, Mahuateng couldn't even find anyone willing to invest. After all, no one would like someone with bad conduct at the top of the company!

Instead, Mahuateng was forced to sell his beloved plagiarized software!

Taking a deep breath, Fang Xu could only comfort Mahua Teng and others: "Okay, it's useless to talk about it now. How about this, let's discuss it first and see what we should do next?

"What is a business? We are even planning to cancel the company and let everyone break up!"


Fang Xu was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He grabbed Ma Hua Teng by the collar and roared: "Labour and management have invested so much money in you, and you can cancel it if you want? Is there something wrong with you? Are you deliberately cheating me of my money?"


Ma Hua Teng, who was older than Fang Xu, pushed Fang Xu to the ground and said in a low voice: "Tricked you? It was you who tricked me. You told me that nothing would happen. Look at what ICQ Company sued us for. It's too late. I have to go to court in two days! If it weren't for your scandal, would I be in this situation? Do you think we won't be able to raise funds without you? I'm warning you, don't take you too seriously. Got it!"

"You, how dare you..."

Fang Xu looked at Mahua Teng in shock and anger. When they invested before, these guys even considered themselves as masters. They all drank and talked about the future Internet ecology.

At that time, Ma Mahuateng simply worshiped him as a big brother, and he also enjoyed the feeling of being worshiped by the future father of the Penguin Empire.

…Please give me flowers…

Unexpectedly, how long has it been since [everyone turned against each other?

"Okay, okay, I finally see you clearly!"

Fang Xu stood up with difficulty. After all, his injury had only recovered not long ago.

"Mahua Teng, I, Fang Xu, will never let you go in the future! Let's see what happens next!"

"Just wait and see, this is Pengcheng, my territory. Do you really think you are so awesome?"

Mahuateng smiled contemptuously, not paying attention to Fang Xu at all.

When he heard that Fang Xu had Guomei in his hands before, he thought that Fang Xu had such a powerful background, but after this exposure, he knew that Fang Xu's parents were just ordinary people!


To him, Fang Xu's family background was much worse than his own.

It’s not certain who is afraid of whom!

"What a human being if I don't avenge this!"

Fang Xu gritted his teeth, turned and left angrily.

Although he couldn't swallow this breath, he also knew that Pengcheng was not his own territory. If he caused trouble here, he might not be able to deal with Mahua Veng!

"This Mahuateng is really black-hearted, and he is the Black-hearted Penguin later! NND, I thought he plagiarized and turned black, but I didn't expect that he has been black since he was a child!"

Fang Xu flew back to the provincial capital angrily!

In this battle to acquire Penguin, not only did he not make any money, but he also caused a lot of trouble!

He didn't have time to recover even a single coin of the 5 million he invested. At the same time, he spent at least another 500,000 to deal with Penguin's lawsuit during this period. Plus other miscellaneous things, he lost at least 6 million this time!

For Fang Xu, this is definitely a major blow!

This reminded Fang Xu of the time when he was reselling pirated tapes. When his career was on the rise, he was caught in the Jiangyang city's crackdown on piracy. As a result, he was caught!

The situation now is exactly the same as then!

But this time, he suffered a serious loss!

Not only did he lose a future 100-billion-dollar Lighthouse Knife Empire, but the amount of the loss also made him feel very sad!

"I'm not willing to give in!"

Fang Xu looked up to the sky and roared: "How can I fail? How can I fail here? If Penguin is an adou who cannot afford it, then I will give myself a thousand and five!".

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