I Can Hear The Voices Of The Reborn Tablemates

135 The Goose That Laid The Golden Eggs Changed Hands! (5 Updates)

Penguin was instantly in trouble!

At this time, how could Fang Xu feel like this? He was only 17 years old and although he was still a minor, he didn't want to fall behind on the case!

So, I quickly asked my parents to find someone to explain!

But it was better not to explain. As soon as he explained, someone revealed everything about Fang Xu's reselling of pirated tapes!

"This Fang Xu used to be a reseller of tapes, and he was still organized and organized to sell pirated tapes!"

"It turns out this kid has a criminal record a long time ago!"

"He is indeed a bastard. How could such a bastard earn so much money and learn how to use money to threaten other girls!"

For a moment, Fang Xu's parents were really worried!

On the one hand, they are happy that Fang Xu has improved academically and is leading the family on the road to wealth.

On the other hand, they are also worried that Fang Xu will cause trouble!

They thought that Fang Xu would only fall in love at most, but now they found out that Fang Xu not only threatened her with her father's illness and lack of money, but also bought her a house and silenced her parents.

This method is simply inhuman!

"Oh, I usually ask you to watch a little, watch a little, and take a look. If you are not careful, this child will go astray!"

"What do you mean? Do you think I don't know that you are fooling around outside all day long, and you still have the nerve to accuse me?"

"Why am I fooling around? I'm doing it for our family too!"

"Hey, hey, stop pretending to be 907. Don't think that I don't know that you are flirting with that little guy in the company!"

"You're not much better either. Don't think that the last time you went back to your hometown, did you go to meet your first love?"

Fang Xu's house was in complete chaos!


Many of the honors that were originally intended to be awarded to Guomei have been withdrawn, and the activities and TV programs that Guomei had previously planned have also been withdrawn.

Even the shareholders within Guomei have protested, believing that such a morally flawed person cannot serve as the leader of Guomei!

Fang Xu's head was as big as a bucket. At this time, he didn't care about Penguin and Wang Yi. He devoted himself wholeheartedly to how to escape.

And at this time.

Zhao Feng has arrived in Pengcheng!

After finding Xu Lingfeng, through Xu Lingfeng's connections, I met the helpless Mahua Vine!

"Who are you two?"

Mahuateng felt deeply exhausted during this period, especially the endless lawsuits that made him exhausted.

He originally wanted to find some financial backers through his parents, but Fang Xu's incident continued to escalate, causing even his parents to think that he had better give up his current company!

"Hello, (bhfc) Mr. Ma, my name is Zhao Feng!"

"Zhao Feng?"

After looking at Mahuateng for a long time, he asked in surprise: "Xiangjiang small stock god?"

"Haha, this is just a joke. I didn't expect Mr. Ma to be so familiar with things in Xiangjiang?"

"The main reason is that my parents were involved in the Xiangjiang affairs, so it's more of a situation there."

"I see."

Zhao Feng suddenly realized.

"Why are you two looking for me through my parents?"

"I wonder if Mr. Ma is interested in selling your software?"

Zhao Feng asked with a smile.

"You want to buy?"

"What? You don't want to?"

After Mahuateng thought for a while, he immediately nodded and said, "Yes, yes, but we must sign a sales agreement!"

"Of course!"

"Okay then, I'll ask the people in the company when I get back. If it's possible, we can sign the contract tomorrow!"

"Wait a moment."

Zhao Feng shouted with a smile: "Mr. Ma, we haven't discussed the price yet!"

Mahuateng was stunned for a moment, with an embarrassed look on his face. He knew he was too anxious!

"Ahem, then you bid!"


"No problem! I'll go back and prepare the contract right away!"

"I'm waiting for you!"

Zhao Feng smiled slightly, but he didn't expose Mahua Teng's little intentions!

After Ma Hua Teng left.

Xu Lingfeng reminded Zhao Feng: "You know, OICQ is in constant trouble now. Are you sure you want to take over this mess?"

"In your eyes, it's a mess, in my eyes, it's a goose that lays golden eggs. The other's poison is my medicine. You're not me, how do you know that what I'm dealing with is a mess?"

Zhao Feng smiled and said nothing.

Xu Lingfeng thought for a while, nodded, and said to Zhao Feng with admiration: "We haven't seen each other for a while, and your kid is getting more and more like a monkey! Did you deliberately not expose him just now?"

"Haha, it's all going to be sold, why are you talking so much?"

Zhao Feng smiled slightly. If Fang Xu knew that Penguin was sold for 100,000 yuan, he would be so angry that he would vomit blood!

Of course, the purpose of all the actions he made during this period was to capture the goose that laid the golden eggs cheaply!

At that time, when Zhao Feng knew that he had lost the upper hand, he decided that since Penguin could become bigger, he would follow the path of Penguin, and he could also become bigger, and even bigger!

Because through Fang Xu's voice, he knew how to avoid adverse factors and create favorable factors.

He wants to develop a super empire far larger than penguins!

The first step to do something is to have a mature instant messaging and chat software. This one in the hands of Mahuateng is definitely a goose that lays golden eggs!

Therefore, all the arrangements, including Fang Xu and Penguin Company, are all to force Mahuateng to be unable to cope with the numerous lawsuits, and finally sell this thing to himself at a low price!

Now it has indeed happened!

For 100,000 yuan, the Penguin chat software becomes your own!


Didn't even wait for the next day.

That afternoon, as if afraid that Zhao Feng would go back on his word, Officer Mahua came over to sign the contract.

After signing, he immediately transferred all the communication software in his hands to Zhao Feng!

At Zhao Feng's request, a supplementary agreement was added, stating that they are not allowed to continue to develop any future versions of this software!

At the same time, Zhao Feng also made a non-competition agreement with this group of people, requiring them not to engage in similar work for more than one year!

After signing the contract, Zhao Feng immediately rushed back to the provincial capital, found his second aunt Zhao Simei, and asked her to find some software development talents from the school to help him take over the development of this software!

Due to the request of the old man in the family, although she didn't know what Zhao Feng did, her native aunt Zhao Simei immediately sent people to the school to recruit software development talents.

After all, with the full support of a university, Zhao Feng’s talent pool was immediately enriched!

But Zhao Feng still didn't think it was enough, so he contacted Zhang Chaoyang to recommend some talents to him!

Zhang Chaoyang also readily agreed!

Zhao Feng found Guo Zicun and announced: "Register an Internet company immediately, and the name will be Panda Network!"

"Um, Xiaofeng, what do you want to do again?"

"I want to enter the Internet!"

Zhao Feng opened his mouth and smiled: "I want to build my panda empire!"

Penguin exchanged for panda, Zhao Feng changed his previous investment method and took his first step at this moment!

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