I Can Hear The Voices Of The Reborn Tablemates

117 Lie To Me In Front Of Me? (3 Updates)

Xu Rui is satisfied and ready to return to Xiangjiang!

She will go to college in the second half of the year. Of course, she chose to study at Xiangjiang University for her undergraduate degree, and then study abroad in a lighthouse country after graduation.

The person who made Xu Rui feel a little reluctant to leave was Meng Tingting. She even reluctantly said goodbye. Xu Rui told Meng Tingting to come to Xiangjiang during the holidays!

Meng Tingting also felt as if she had lost her soul mate and lost her vitality!

It didn't take long.

The college entrance examination is over.

Meng Tingting was admitted to the Department of Physics of Yenching University of Science and Technology ahead of schedule, successfully ending her high school career!

Zhao Feng’s third brother, Zhao Feifan, also successfully admitted to Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, and happily organized people to go out for graduation tours!

And Zhao Feng is in trouble!

Entering the senior year of high school, except for Zhao Feng, Hao Bingjie has also entered a fighting state, always preparing for the college entrance examination this time next year!

Hao Bingjie was also under the supervision of her parents and could not find Zhao Feng, but Zhao Feng never showed up, which made her not only sad but also regretful. She could only bury her "070" regrets in her heart, and determined to wait until after college to make the day. Find Zhao Feng to explain clearly what happened with Big Brother back then!

Xu Rui, who returned to Xiangjiang, was preparing for the exam while following her family to participate in some family business!

"Zhao Feng will definitely regret not participating in our oil field!"

Xu Rui's father and Xu Youfang's family were sitting together, eating Western food and chatting.

"By the way, what has that boy been doing recently?"

Xu Youfang looked at his wife Qin Na.

Now Qin Na can be regarded as someone under Zhao Feng. At least in Qin Na's law firm, Zhao Feng holds an absolutely large share!

Although there is not more than half, in this kind of law firm that constantly recruits partners, each person’s shareholding will not exceed 10%!

"I don't know. I heard from Jiang Tao's wife that she came back two days ago!"

"Oh? He didn't even say hello!"

"Maybe something is wrong?"

"Haha, is this kid a little bloated?"

Xu Youfang shook his head and smiled helplessly.

Xu Rui's father said majestically: "Haha, at a young age, with some small achievements, it is appropriate to expand a little. After all, few people can be as big as him and hold hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars in assets. He also He is considered to be one of the few young and accomplished people among his peers."

Saying that, Xu Rui's father glanced at his daughter beside him and continued: "But unfortunately, he was a little too ungrateful to judge the situation. After 97 years, Xiangjiang is now generally stable.

The four major families will never treat him as kindly as before. I think Li Zhaoji will definitely take action!"

"What does father mean?"

Xu Rui looked at her father in surprise.

She felt that Xu Anbang's high regard for Zhao Feng was definitely not without purpose. Isn't it a bit rash for the four major families to act so blatantly at this moment?

"Haha, they will definitely give that boy something nice to look at!"

Xu Rui's father said confidently.

After the family dinner, Xu Rui fell asleep. She wanted to tell Zhao Feng about this, but after thinking about it, she really had such a good relationship with Zhao Feng?

Moreover, a businessman like Zhao Feng does not meet her standards of appreciation, so why should he care so much?

Tossing and turning!

Finally, Xu Rui ran to find Zhao Feng the next day, but unexpectedly, Guo Zicun, who had just arrived in Xiangjiang, told Xu Rui that Zhao Feng was going to meet a foreign woman.

Xu Rui didn't know why, but she was very dissatisfied and left without looking back or leaving a message!

In boredom.

Xu Rui heard the surrounding students whispering!

"Did you know? There is a very good movie about Haoliu recently!"

"Is it called Titanic?"

"Yeah, let's go see it later?"

"I just want to see it, Dingding!"

"How about I go take a look too?"

Xu Rui happened to pass by the cinema and saw a group of people queuing up to buy tickets. She couldn't help but be a little surprised: "Youmi is so exaggerated?"

Thinking that I had nothing to do, I finally had a free morning and wanted to remind Zhao Feng, but I didn't expect it to happen.

"Let's see!"

Xu Rui patiently partyed, then bought a ticket and entered the cinema to do it!


On the big screen, a modern salvage ship appeared in front of everyone.

The first few minutes were indeed a bit boring.

The people on the salvage boat salvaged the sunken ship, and then a sketch appeared, causing a group of men inside to cry and howl!

But as the movie progressed, Xu Rui's original absent-minded state completely disappeared. Her eyes widened and she was attracted by the scenes before her!

In the movie, the handsome and handsome young Xiao Li, as well as the fat and warm temperament of the rich lady, made Xu Rui fall in love with the movie immediately!

Especially after seeing the classic scene of Xiao Li and Feiwen opening his arms on the bow of the boat, Xu Rui didn't know why, but in his mind he could picture Shanfeng holding him on the bow of the boat, but Shanfeng's face was really blurry. Unclear.

Gradually, for some reason, Xu Rui felt Zhao Feng's face being pressed against hers, and she was so angry that she acted out in a second!

Hit an iceberg, escape, and then the two of them bid farewell affectionately in the sea!

When Ruth blew the whistle in the movie [countless people in the audience took out tissues or wiped the corners of their eyes with their clothes!

Xu Rui also burst into tears without realizing it!

Seeing the old Ruth finally throwing the Heart of the Ocean into the ocean, Xu Rui didn't know why, and her heart also sank into the sea!

"What a touching movie!"

In Ruth's deep sleep, pictures were painted on the screen. They were all the things Ruth had promised Jack back then. Xu Rui couldn't help but yearn for it, and she didn't want to leave for a long time!

The movie ends, when everyone is ready to leave...

The ending song sounds!

The low and melodious song sounded, and everyone stopped again. Everyone wanted to listen to the last theme song!






As she listened, Xu Rui showed confused eyes, and secretly made up her mind to get the first album of this song, and to listen to it live again!

However, when she heard the last few words of 4.8, she suddenly froze!

"Thattheheartdoesgoon? Why does it feel so familiar? I seem to have seen it somewhere before?"

In Xu Rui's mind, the last time she was in Xiangjiang, when her father asked her to get close to Zhao Feng, there was such a passage in the notebook written by Zhao Feng!

"Impossible, this song is so good, how could it be him..."

Xu Rui immediately raised his head and saw the composer and lyricist clearly writing the pinyin - Mountain Peak!

"Peak? It's a mountain! It's a mountain!"


Xu Rui felt so depressed!

I almost choked myself to death in one breath!

Thinking of the scene at the beginning of the year when she asked Zhao Feng in front of the record company manager and Zhao Feng's sincere look, Xu Rui had the urge to go home and pick up a kitchen knife!

"Shanfeng, he is Shanfeng? This bastard, he actually lied to me in front of me? How shameless!"

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