I Can Hear The Voices Of The Reborn Tablemates

116 A Terrifying 15Th Consecutive Championship! (2 Updates)

the next day.

Zhao Feng took Xu Rui to the record company and met the manager.

The manager also said embarrassedly: "I'm really sorry, I took my children to the park to play yesterday."


Zhao Feng looked at Xu Rui and introduced: "This is my friend, Xu Rui."

"Hello, classmate!"

Generally speaking, he would definitely ignore such little babies who looked like they were not yet adults.

But for Zhao Feng's sake, the manager said very patiently: "I don't know what you want to do with me? Is it to come up with an album?"

Xu Rui looked at Zhao Feng. Zhao Feng understood, stood up and said, "I'll go to the bathroom first, and you guys can chat first!"

After saying that, Zhao Feng turned and left.

He was very reassured by the manager, who would not stupidly tell him that he and Wang Feng set up a trap and deliberately invited Ming Huangxuan to appear on the show to create a hot topic.

After Xu Rui saw Zhao Feng walking away, she took the initiative and said: "No, I just want to ask the manager something.

"What's up?"

"Do you know the mountain?"

"mountain peak?"

"Yes, the first song he wrote was "Nine Sisters" from your company, wasn't it?"


The manager couldn't laugh or cry, and said helplessly: "Speaking of which, many colleagues in the industry have asked me about this matter.

"Then you must know me?"

"Ahem, I'm afraid my answer will disappoint you!"

The manager shook his head helplessly and said: "No one in the entire circle knows who Shanfeng is now!"

"That's it!"

Xu Rui was extremely disappointed, but she felt relieved when she thought about it.

Even the "People of Daxia" written to King Liu Tian was sent by mail. It is conceivable that Shanfeng didn't want people to know who he was!


The manager took the initiative and said, "I know someone who might know Shanfeng!"


Xu Rui immediately became excited.

"Why should Classmate Xu sacrifice the near for the distant?"

“Seek the distance instead of the near?”


The manager looked in the direction Zhao Feng left.

"You mean..."

Xu Rui suddenly understood and asked in surprise: "Zhao Feng, does he know this mountain peak?"

"I don't know, but I guess I know him."

"How to say?"

"You know that this song "Nine Sisters" was given to me by Mr. Zhao and Boss Guo. At that time, Boss Guo said that this was the work of one of his friends and he had also sung it to others, so he asked me to get this song early. Copyright of the song.”

The manager speculated: "Since they are friends, I guess that Mr. Zhao and Boss Guo must have contacts with this person in the market, and may even know him in real life. Otherwise, how could the poem written by Shanfeng be used by Boss Guo and others? Are you here to shoot a commercial?"

"That's right!"

Xu Rui thought about it carefully and felt that what the manager said was very reasonable.

After Zhao Feng came back, Zhao Feng smiled and asked, "How was it? Are you done talking?"

"Well, Student Xu just asked about the mountain peak. If I had known earlier, I would have asked him to ask you!"

"mountain peak?"

Zhao Feng looked at Xu Rui curiously, secretly guessing why Xu Rui was looking for the mountain peak?

"Could it be that this girl wants Shanfeng to write a song for her?"

Suddenly, Zhao Tu bought it!

Now he is composing music for songs that have become popular, and he can play the songs on guitar.

Let him create?

Absolutely impossible!

And in his mind were all the popular songs that Fang Xu had hummed. Who knows what kind of song Xu Rui wanted?

What if you don’t have the right one?

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng decided to keep his identity secret, and he could not let Xu Rui know that he was Shanfeng, otherwise he would have to get involved!

"Do you know the mountain?"

Xu Rui stared straight at Zhao Feng and asked word by word: "Have you met him?"

"Is this........."

Zhao Feng changed his mind and immediately replied: "Well, we were friends before! Of course we have met!"

"Take me to see him!"

"Ahem, he went on a trip recently! We usually communicate through letters. He will write me any songs he has!"

Zhao Feng scratched his head and explained with a smile.

"Of course, I paid for all his travel expenses!"


"of course it's true!"

"All right!'

Seeing this, Xu Rui had no choice but to give up. She doubted Zhao Feng's words, but she believed that Zhao Feng was a genius and a business genius. He was good at making money and good at studying, but he could never write the kind of "I have something" That feeling that a pot of wine is enough to soothe the wind and dust!”

In her eyes, a businessman like her father simply doesn't understand what it means to be "a rude and arrogant gentleman, Mo Xiao, a pure-blooded Xia man." ’, you won’t have the spirit of ‘burying your bones and protecting your country, your liver and gallbladder’!

"Yes, such a person should embark on a journey alone and travel all over the world!"

Xu Rui was slightly disappointed, but also a little happy.

Finally, she knew that Zhao Feng must know Shanfeng!

She finally had such a clue, and it was not without gain this time!

The next few days.

…Please give me flowers…

Yangmi's father took Xu Rui to visit several courtyard houses. Although most of them were not as complete or as big as Zhao Feng's, Xu Rui decided to buy one of the courtyard houses with two entrances.

And Zhao Feng was not idle. After meeting Wang Zhidong once, he decided to invest in Wang Zhidong's Sitong Company. Knowing that Wang Zhidong decided to merge with an information company in Lighthouse Country, Zhao Feng did not invest too much money. After investing 5 million and accounting for 15% of the shares, he ignored this matter.

Wang Zhidong was very grateful to Zhao Feng and said that when his Xinglang.com was established, he must invite Zhao Feng to attend as a distinguished guest, but Zhao Feng declined politely.

Zhao Feng no longer has much interest in Sina's investment!

The Internet giants he is currently interested in in Daxia include Baidu, Penguin, and Ahri!


If you can, throw some, and don't expect to win them all!

Just after the New Year, good news came from the card director!

Starting from Christmas, until the Chinese New Year is over here in Daxia, when school is about to start.

"Titanic" has officially dominated the weekend box office of Lighthouse Country for 15 consecutive weeks, setting a new box office record in Lighthouse Country. At the same time, the box office has officially exceeded 500 million, heading towards 600 million!

Zhao Feng invested 300 million this time and not only did he not lose money, he actually made a fortune!

For now alone, Zhao Feng earned 1.5 billion from drinking soup with Lao Suo last year, but he still has about 1.2 billion left after spending money along the way, and now he has returned to the 1.5 billion throne again!

Moreover, it is estimated that by the middle of the year, after "Titanic" is released in Europe, the box office will exceed 1 billion, and Zhao Feng's assets will soar to 2 billion by then!

This money was earned... people from Fox and Paramount almost cried and fainted in the bathroom!

Although they did not lose money and even made a small profit, when they saw Zhao Feng making a lot of money, they felt like they had eaten shit!

When Shirley saw the report in the newspaper that the box office of "Titanic" exceeded 500 million, she personally traveled thousands of miles to visit the director, and after confirming that Zhao Feng was the investor of "Titanic", she immediately decided to go to Daxia air tickets!

And the same!

Starting from the golden age, in the first half of 1998, this movie started its award-winning journey!

Best Director, Best Film, Best Direction, Best Art, etc., including Best Actress, Best Supporting Actress, almost all the major awards of the statuette.

The only pity is that Li Zi missed the Oscar for Best Actor and started his journey to accompany him!.

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