After saying this, a few people split up and looked for a way out, but there were all walls around here, so how could there be such things.

So now I just bumped into an iron plate, but I have to say that this current situation does not surprise me. Is this the event that needs to be understood at the moment?

In order to avoid all of this, I may need to continue wasting time here.

But to some extent, it did make me think about it carefully. If there is anything I can take into consideration.

That was nothing more than an opportunity for Gu Shaoyang to take action, and Qixing Longyuan had never failed in his hands, so he had great trust in him.

However, I didn't expect that some results would suddenly evolve at this stage. If it were before, I would definitely try to avoid it, but I can see at this moment that no matter how smoothly I do it, it will not be as good as the current methods.

"Well, I think you should also be able to understand all this. It's just that what we are doing now is not smooth enough."

The person in front of me frowned. I didn't expect to think about it like this now. That may be a good thing. Anyway, no matter how much I say at this moment, it seems that I can't help them in any way.

It has become a hindrance. People, but they didn't seem to have any unnecessary opinions about themselves, which still surprised me.

But Salo quickly adjusted his posture here, preparing to win it all again.

But think about it and you know that this How could everything go so smoothly? If there is a chance, then I should still make some other adjustments. This is obviously not suitable for me. However, under their hints, I learned about some events, This Gu Shaoyang still likes him, but he just doesn't know what the reason is for him to do this.

After all, he has given him a lot of things before, and the result of telling him not to do this here is nothing more than Fetching water from a bamboo basket was all in vain.

But I didn't expect that the person in front of me was very stubborn. He looked at me here and even had a somewhat persistent look in his eyes. If he kept like this, then he would really lose his temper.

"You listen to me first. If it doesn't happen like this, then we will be in a bad situation next time."

"But have you ever thought about what would happen to you next without our help?"

The person in front of him did not speak, but your name is for Gu Shaoyang. No one knows some of the things happening here better than him, so he will not hesitate now. It's just that he quickly brought it to himself during this period. Some changes have become the only reason that threatens me here. However, there is a solution to the problem, but no one knows it now.

So as the only optimistic person here, I must give him a piece of advice and let him know Who will help him here next, and I don’t want him to go back alone.

At first, I thought he came back here again and again for some treasure, but I didn’t expect him to be blind. Because this thing is true, I am a little surprised.

But if this is the case, then my worries seem not to be of any help. Instead of thinking about these things carefully here, why can't I take the initiative, and this time for It went well for Gu Shaoyang, but he didn't know if they would listen to him.

Unexpectedly, he was rejected by the person in front of him. It did make him a little surprised at the moment, but the Seven-Star Longyuan in Gu Shaoyang's hand must be You can't lie.

The light above is constantly flashing here, as if it is always reminding him what to do next is the smoothest thing.

Anyway, people now have no intention of directly following his command here. Instead, they plan to avoid the opponent's sight.

Do some other things here, but guess what, it's not that simple, and the astrolabe tracker that Xun can't install on them can't be removed for a while.

No. It felt like a moment to know when he put it on. What happened now was indeed a bit surprising to me.

But there was more than just this happening soon, so I had to think about it next. Well, who is the best one here who can replace everything?

"Well, since you are worried so much, we might as well consider it now and take a step back from other events together, which can be considered worthy of you."

At this time, Gu Shaoyang took a breath and knew that what he said must be ironic, but there was nothing he could do. He couldn't let his brothers follow him to die here.

In addition, some events that happened before made him get married. Head, if this continues, I may be hit, so I did some unnecessary things at this moment.

I didn't expect that the other party would prevaricate everything I said before in just a few words.

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