When Gu Shaoyang started to study the route alone, the people next to him were searching for an area here, thinking that they could solve everything smoothly.

But now it seems that there are still some mistakes. It seems that I must think carefully about this incident to avoid some embarrassing things.

But the person in front of me is also a little surprised. Maybe the next incident is what I should think about the most, but it is not difficult to see at this moment that no matter how much I think, it will be of no use. On the contrary, it will create all kinds of troubles here..

So now I have to take advantage of the chaos to resolve this matter, but the person in front of me doesn't seem to have left me such a chance. The current situation really feels a bit immature.

But soon, the real trouble appeared. The more you guessed, the more embarrassing incidents would occur here, so now you have to make some extra preparations no matter what, even if you are here to help them.

But soon several people also paid attention to his condition at this time, and found that his face was pale, and he even performed some unnecessary behaviors here.

It was as if he was chasing them here. Anyway, seeing his appearance, several people thought of something in their hearts.

After all, no matter how much you say at this moment, it is useless. Instead of falling into an embarrassing situation, you might as well let yourself solve it smoothly. Maybe there will be many solutions in the future.

But at this moment, Gu Shaoyang's heart has been thinking about the incident just now. After all, he has to take care of the surrounding environment here.

He also had to ensure that those people could get in touch with him smoothly, and he was so busy that he was dizzy.

But soon some other problems arose that he could see, but also because of his views, he clearly knew how to deal with them in the future.

Salo and Christi taught themselves a lesson at this time, but the problem did not come from here. Instead, they should hesitate about other things.

After all, this is the most important thing for me next, but something very unexpected still happened. After all, I will definitely need to judge a few special points next, and it just so happens that the thing in front of me becomes a bit unsurprising..But he soon taught himself a lesson. Gu Shaoyang's strength could match some of the things he had known before. This seemed a bit weird, as if he had done something.

But now this incident has awakened me. Yes, everything that could have happened here has been solved smoothly, so why is this one not working? I know something must be wrong, so while several people are discussing here, I Instead, he paid attention to his surroundings.

Finally, I avoided their approach before they figured it out. In fact, sometimes I had seen through it all before.

But he didn't say it out loud. It was just because of some previous situations. Unexpectedly, he still didn't know what the reason was. The sudden arrival made him somewhat confused.

But I soon understood some aspects. No matter how much I think about it now, it is useless. Instead of doing this, I might as well consider some remaining things.

However, at this time, Gu Shaoyang finally successfully penetrated into the enemy's interior. He did not take the initiative to attack before getting accurate information.

Even if the soldier didn't make any other predictions, if he continued in this way, it would actually be a good direction for him.

But how can I know at this moment? After all, the things I know are always from this stage. In fact, they may also be unknown to everyone.

"The previous pillar was actually the connection between the outside world and the inside. It was a stepping board here. I know what you are thinking. At that time, I indeed suddenly disappeared and fell into a dream."

But the person next to him came up and patted himself on the shoulder, indicating that he should stop talking.

"There's no need for us to all know. You definitely didn't mean it. There's no way you'd leave us here. You're the most responsible person we've ever seen."

After hearing these words, the face of the person in front of me stiffened. Is this a compliment to myself? However, I soon learned about some unexpected events. During this period, I learned about a relatively complicated incident. process.

So when he said these words, he was a little surprised. After all, he thought they were going to blame him here.

But whether it was Medusa or Natasha, even they blamed themselves Salo, who was brought back, looked very happy at this time, as if something had happened.

"Don't worry, we'll be with you."

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collect, recommend, and share!??·)

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