When Gu Shaoyang woke up, everyone present was about to turn to stone. Only Gu Shaoyang stood there with a bewildered look on his face.

The crowd was quiet. It was clear that the crowd didn't react like this before. Could it be that something happened when I entered the meditative state?

After swallowing subconsciously, the examiner in front of him suddenly clapped his hands gently:

"It's really amazing. This is the first time I've seen a player as talented as you. You are the most talented player in this competition."

The people around him immediately started chattering. Although their voices were very small, Gu Shaoyang could still hear them:

"Oh my god, what the hell is going on with this man? It doesn't seem like a big deal, but I didn't expect him to have such a talent. I remember no one has ever been able to make a stone so bright!"

"The level of the stone's light represents the intensity of the man's talent. The light of the stone has already blinded us. It seems that this man's talent cannot be underestimated."

The people around him kept chattering like this. After Gu Shaoyang was stunned for a moment, he calmly started to enter the second round of selection.

He never felt that he lacked talent, but he just didn't think of his talent. What these people said was so exaggerated.

After the first talent competition was over, the teachers in the academy had already set their sights on Gu Shaoyang. This man was one of the few good prospects they saw. The second round of the competition is the legendary maze exploration, and the most taboo thing in the maze exploration is multiple people fighting.

At the beginning of the competition, Gu Shaoyang didn't even notice that there were three teenagers around him. The teenagers beat Gu Shaoyang up and down. Brightened up a bit

"Big brother, it must be this kid. I remember it was this kid who came first in the first round."

One of the shorter people said to another person next to him, and the other person nodded in the same way:

"This year's quota is already very rare, and the existence of this person is even more of a threat to us. You should be well prepared, and we will talk about other things later."

Following the order from the teacher next to him, everyone entered the maze. Just when Gu Shaoyang was about to go exploring, a person suddenly came out from behind:

"You must be the one who won the winning prize in the first round. You are really good at picking your luck."

Looking in the direction of the sound, I happened to see a person standing there with a look of disdain on his face, and his face was almost crooked with anger:

"We are bound to win these places this time. If you continue to compete, the people in our family will always be against you."

The three teenagers in front of him were all wearing the same clothes. They seemed to be members of the same family. Gu Shaoyang recalled the gossip he had heard before. The tone of the man just now was so arrogant, and coupled with the What this man said, Gu Shaoyang nodded gently. It seems that these three people should be from the family:

"This competition itself is based on the principle of fairness and justice. If you really want to enter the academy, you should show your true skills."

The person who just spoke is called Lin Da. In fact, the so-called neighbor family is not a first-class family at all? But because they spent a lot of money this time, these three people are particularly crazy.

"Don't talk about these nonsense with me here, even if you talk about these nonsense, it is completely useless. I warn you, if you dare to block the way of our three brothers, then don't blame us for being rude to you."

The Lin Da in front of him rushed up directly, and his voice was also full of anger. After hearing this, Gu Shaoyang just felt bored. He didn't pay attention to these people at all, and chose to ignore them and run away..

This competition should be fair and just. In addition, Gu Shaoyang has never thought of relying on some small means to win before, so he does not think that these three family disciples can hide it from the eyes of the academy teachers..

Now it’s the second round of the game. After entering the maze, Gu Shaoyang looked at the heavy fog in front of him in a daze. The first round is all about talent. If you lose in such a game, you lose. There is no such thing. Any other possibility, but the second round of the game is completely different.

The path in the maze in front of him has been buried by heavy fog. Just when Gu Shaoyang here just wanted to choose a path at random , Lin Da’s voice came from behind again:

"It seems like you want to go against us out of pure intention!"

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