Time continued to move slowly like this. After hearing this, Gu Shaoyang nodded. He knew that it would be difficult to get into this famous Tianlu Academy, but even if it was difficult to get in, he should still fight for it. It takes a fight

"It's quite a coincidence that you came here. In three days, this academy will be recruiting apprentices soon. You should hurry up and find out what you need to prepare. Three days is a long time."

Tianlu Academy is about to recruit apprentices. After hearing this, Gu Shaoyang felt excited in his heart. If he could enter this academy in one fell swoop, he would be able to make greater progress in the future. He hurriedly returned After entering his small room, Gu Shaoyang immediately started to pack up his things. He first packed up all the things he had brought.

Knowing that there should be a lot of competitions before entering the academy, Gu Shaoyang specially I went to a tavern, bought a glass of wine for the person sitting at a big table, and then asked in detail what I needed to prepare.

"The seats at Tianlu College are always very scarce. If you are really ambitious, you can give it a try. There is nothing special to prepare, just prepare your own letter of recommendation.."

Since Gu Shaoyang had already bought a lot of wine for this group of people, they naturally became a little more polite. The recommendation letter was something that Gu Shaoyang had prepared a long time ago, and his recommendation letter seemed to be in This country is quite important.

"You must be careful. The apprentices recruited by Tianlu Academy all have special talents. If you accidentally get injured in this competition, I'm afraid you won't be able to recover. You'd better be careful. wonderful."

The few people before leaving seemed to be particularly worried about Gu Shaoyang. After all, they rarely see anyone in this world who would take the initiative to buy wine for them.

After Gu Shaoyang finally left, the people behind him began to There was a discussion there:"These young people are really young and energetic. There have never been so many people who wanted to apply for the academy before. This year, so many people came all at once. I don't know who can get in." Yo."

Gu Shaoyang has been here for the past three days, preparing things in a disciplined manner. Although he knows that he does not need to prepare too much, after all, he is a new arrival, so he still hopes that he can be better prepared.

This evening Gu Shaoyang is preparing. To reward himself, he suddenly heard a few people outside discussing the exam:

"I heard that this time there seemed to be young people from three families coming outside. The young people from those three families have worked hard, and I don’t know if they can win the favor of the academy this time."

Gu Shaoyang was stunned for a moment. He really rarely heard that people in the family would come to this place to practice, but since they have already come to this place to practice, it seems that the family should be prepared, right?

Very It was almost the day when the academy started recruiting apprentices, and that day was really full of people coming and going. Normally, we don’t see many people signing up, but there were a lot of people that came that day.

Looking at the group of people in front of me, they kept coming. Going back and forth, even Gu Shaoyang couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that there were so many people in this academy.

"No wonder that group of people advised me to be careful when registering. It seems that so many people came to register every year before. This is really difficult."

It was the first time I saw so many people taking the same exam. Gu Shaoyang was stunned when he saw this situation. The first round of the written test was a written talent test, and there were several big and strong guys in front of them who all failed. Come on, this made several people ridicule:

"I thought that this group of people must be very powerful, but it turns out that it is just like that. If I had known earlier, we should have signed up to participate. Even cats and dogs like this have the ability to come, and we must have a better chance of winning."

Many people have passed before Gu Shaoyang, but everyone's talent is mediocre, which made the examiners couldn't help but frown.

When Gu Shaoyang came to the competition site, the examiners in front of him showed no interest at all, because They thought that the man in front of them did not have a strong physique, and they knew at a glance that he was probably here to hang out.

Gently placing his hand on the stone in front of him, Gu Shaoyang entered a meditative state according to the method given by the instructor just now.

After he completely entered the meditative state, the stone in front of him suddenly burst out with a particularly dazzling light.

The examiners around him were all sitting there drinking tea, but when they saw the light of the stone When he was so strong, he was stunned.

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