Even if you are the ancestor of this group of humans, you can still be considered worthy.

At the same time, the Dragon King of the East China Sea kept struggling violently:"You are dreaming that you want my son to be your subordinate. I see you Just go daydreaming, and get out of here if you don't want to."

His voice sounded particularly angry, and after hearing this, Gu Shaoyang spread his hands helplessly.

Just when he was about to leave, Long Ao suddenly said:"Isn't it just a hundred years? Anyway, I can afford it with you. I agree to your request and let my father and I go immediately."

Saying these words At that time, Long Ao had been staring closely at Gu Shaoyang in front of him, and at the same time, the Dragon King of East China Sea was even more surprised.

Dragons are all born with pride. He didn't expect that his son would really surrender like this man?

The Dragon King of the West Sea next to him was unable to get in the conversation from beginning to end, but after hearing this, Gu Shaoyang nodded.

Since the goal has been achieved, there is no need for him to continue to talk nonsense:"Deal! The two of us will contract for a hundred years. During these hundred years, I hope you can abide by the spirit of the contract."

The goal has been achieved, Gu Shaoyang There is no need to continue to detain the Dragon King of the East China Sea and Long Ao, and simply release them directly.

The matter on the East China Sea side is indeed settled, but the situation on the West Sea Dragon King's side is miserable. No one can come to save him at all.

After looking at the Dragon King of the West Sea in front of him, Gu Shaoyang could only helplessly bring it back to the organization at this moment.

Although the Dragon King of the West Sea is aggrieved, if this Dragon King is allowed to return to the mountains, there is no telling what will happen in the future, and Gu Shaoyang must not take risks.

Someone rescued the Dragon King of the East Sea, but the Dragon King of the West Sea was not so lucky. Now the Dragon King of the West Sea can only be locked up in the cellar by Gu Shaoyang.

Knowing that none of these people have any good intentions, Gu Shaoyang will naturally not be fooled by their sweet words.

In the end, the Dragon King of the West Sea, who had no one to rescue him, could only be brought back to the organization, but Gu Shaoyang had not figured out how to deal with it?

The Dragon King of the East China Sea on the other side really worked hard and worked hard to finally return to the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea. When he thought that he was being played around by a human boy, he felt very angry in his heart. of.

The eldest prince of Dragon Palace next to him also kept urging:"Father, that person is not easy to mess with. Now that we are lucky enough to have a life, we should cherish it." Fortunately, the eldest prince is still there. To be more reasonable, he also knew that Gu Shaoyang was not someone to be trifled with. If he was really trivial, the coalition forces with Xihai must have brought that man down long ago.

Although he understood this matter, the Dragon King of the East China Sea just felt that he could not let it go like this. As a dignified Dragon King of the East China Sea, would it be possible that he would really be bullied by that boy for the rest of his life?

Just when the Dragon King of the East China Sea was about to say something, Long Ao beside him suddenly blinked.

He said insidiously:"Now the Dragon King of the West Sea has been detained by that man on land. He will definitely not be able to come back for a while. If we take the opportunity to attack the West Sea now, it should be very effective, right?

" The Dragon King of the East China Sea and the Dragon King of the West Sea seem to be good friends, but in fact they have already had their own thoughts secretly.

After hearing this, the Dragon King of the East China Sea in front of him was stunned for a moment,"That's right. The West Sea now belongs to a leaderless area. If I directly send troops to attack, then these people will definitely not have the strength to resist!"

Thinking of this! He smiled even more sinisterly after that, and that night the Dragon King immediately ordered all the troops he could use.

Before leaving, Long Ao said to the group of soldiers and crab generals around him:"Xihai has been secretly occupying our territory for many years. Now that their Dragon King of the West Sea has been detained on land, it is time for us to fight back."

The shrimp soldiers and crab generals didn't understand what was going on, but they knew that as long as they listened to the Dragon King's request.

The mighty team set off directly. On the other side of the West Sea Dragon Palace, the eldest prince Long Bing was worried about his father's affairs.

I originally thought that he was just an ordinary human being. Maybe he was lucky enough to be able to steal the so-called East China Sea Dragon Ball before.

An ordinary human being actually let two dragon kings unite to attack him. At that time, Long Bing still thought it was a bit funny.

What he never expected was that his father never came back since he left, and the soldiers and generals he went to inquire about the day before yesterday never came back.

Since the shrimp soldiers and crab generals he sent out have never come back.

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