These two are famous Dragon Kings no matter what, but I didn't expect that their strength was only like this.

No wonder it was so easy to defeat the so-called eldest prince of the East China Sea. It seems that even the Dragon King of the East China Sea has no ability. How can we expect the eldest prince to be capable?

Time continued to move slowly like this, and at the same time, Gu Shaoyang took the two dragon kings directly to his dungeon.

Long Ao on the other side is still in the dungeon. Originally, Long Ao thought that his father would definitely come to save him. Unexpectedly, not only the Dragon King of the East China Sea came in, but also the Dragon King of the West Sea.

Looking at the three dragons in the dungeon, Gu Shaoyang said helplessly:"Anyway, this East China Sea Dragon Ball is of little use in your hands, and the common people at the foot of the mountain are already dying of suffering, so just think of doing good deeds and accumulating virtue first. Leave the dragon ball with me for a while."

The Dragon King of East China Sea is naturally unwilling to put the dragon ball down, but now there is no way because they have seen Gu Shaoyang's true strength.

Seeing that the Dragon Kings of East China Sea and West China Sea had been captured in this dungeon, Long Ao could only sigh helplessly in the end.

She knew that Gu Shaoyang tied her here because he wanted to make her his subordinate. Since there was no other way out, Long Ao had no choice but to agree.

At this moment, Long Ao's voice was very helpless:"I know we will definitely not be able to escape this time, and we don't have any foreign aid now."

But there is still one Dragon King of the East Sea and the Dragon King of the West Sea outside. Yes, Long Ao wouldn't be as humble as he is now.

Gu Shaoyang didn't kill him when they were fighting just now, so both the Dragon King of the East China Sea and the Dragon King of the West Sea are still fine now.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea was still arrogant:"I'm just a young boy. Don't think you are very capable. Let me tell you, there are many self-righteous people in this world, but there are very few people who can really endure to the end."."

The Dragon King of the West Sea learned a little smarter, and after hearing these words, Gu Shaoyang couldn't help but narrowed his eyes. It seems that the Dragon King of the East Sea really doesn't know how to learn well.

Just when he was about to open the door to the Dragon King of the East China Sea, Long Ao, who was beside him, punched the wall behind him hard.

Long Ao's voice sounded full of anger:"You just want me to be your subordinate. Anyway, you have pushed me to the edge now. Then I will sign a contract with you. We will sign a 50-year contract." A contract of 50 years."

50 years is not a small number. Ordinary humans may not even have a life span of 50 years. After hearing this, the Dragon King of the East China Sea immediately started to struggle violently.

Long Ao had always been his most beloved child, so of course she didn't want to see her most beloved child living under someone else's roof.

At this moment, the Dragon King of the East China Sea couldn't help but said:"What did you say? You are the upright Crown Prince of the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea. How can you be so groveling to a human being?"

As a dragon, you have an innate sense of superiority. And dignity made the Dragon King of East China Sea unwilling to admit defeat to Gu Shaoyang no matter what, but Long Ao had already seen through it.

If you don't admit defeat, what should you do if Gu Shaoyang really hurts the Dragon King of the East China Sea?

It is precisely because he has always had this concern in his heart that at this moment, Long Ao didn't care about what the Dragon King said at all, and continued to talk to himself:

"If I guessed correctly, you should have taken a fancy to my identity. You just want me to be your subordinate. I can agree to sign a 50-year contract with you."

This time, Gu Shaoyang finally smiled. What Long Ao said just now was right. He had indeed had this idea from the beginning. He thought that he was able to freely swim underwater after taking pills. If you need to fight underwater in the future, it will definitely be particularly inconvenient.

If you can take the legendary East China Sea Dragon Palace Prince into your pocket, things should become a little easier.

After thinking about this, Gu Shaoyang He curled up his lips and smiled:"Of course it would take 50 years to be alone, but now we have two people here? No matter what, it will take a hundred years, right?"

The tone of his words sounded a little careless, and after hearing this, Long Ao felt a little bad.

He was the son of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and he had obviously given in to this point, but Gu Shaoyang was still so unwilling to restrain himself. , the Dragon King of the East China Sea next to him was so angry that his beard was almost crooked.

Their dragon race has been a particularly sacred race since ancient times, let alone being subordinate to this group of humans.

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