There is no light in the depths of the seabed, so this group of people have been very careful. Just when Gu Shaoyang here was about to say something, a group of light suddenly came in front of them.

Due to the experience of the big monster just now, everyone was very nervous now, staring at each other in front of them, not daring to relax at all.

Gu Shaoyang was also very confused in his heart. If according to his previous understanding, there should be no light in the deep sea. How could light suddenly appear?

Just when I was feeling puzzled, a large group of fish swam over in front of me, and each fish had a faint light on its forehead.

After seeing this group of fish, Gu Shaoyang finally realized that the fish in front of him were called lantern fish. They were called lantern fish because they could emit light.

Nowadays, everyone is surrounded by this group of lantern fish. Looking at the group of lantern fish in front of them, the friends around them also look very surprised:

"Nature is indeed a miraculous craftsman, and it can actually create such miraculous species. Isn't this thing really amazing?"

Looking at the group of lantern fish that appeared inexplicably, Gu Shaoyang actually had a bad premonition in his heart, but before he could say anything, a friend next to him touched the group of fish out of curiosity.

"Stop it!"Seeing that the little friend was about to touch the lantern fish, Gu Shaoyang quickly shouted in a panic.

But it was too late to say anything now. The lantern fish at this moment was already emitting a more dazzling light. And as the light gradually fell, more and more lanterns began to flee in a hurry.

This suddenly made several people around them a little at a loss. They didn't know what happened. They watched helplessly just now. After all the group of lantern fish escaped, the sea floor was once again plunged into darkness, and everyone was a little confused.

Just when Gu Shaoyang was about to move on, the partner who just touched the lantern fish suddenly A person next to me suddenly turned pale with fright:

"What happened to you? What's wrong with you?"As he spoke, the man who touched the lantern fish just fell down.

The people around him couldn't help shouting loudly. When they took a closer look at the partner just now, they were shocked. It was discovered that this friend was actually dead!

The expressions on everyone's faces had become more and more ugly. After this incident, they knew more about the dangers of lantern fish.

Some people couldn't help but panic. They were avoiding it. At this moment, they didn't dare to have any contact with the person just now.

With great difficulty, they finally reached a place where there was no lantern fish, and everyone was breathing heavily there..

Since they were running in private just now, they didn't know where they were now. Each one of them looked around cautiously to see if there was any dangerous lantern fish just now? After watching it carefully for a while, When no traces of the lantern fish were found, these people finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, Gu Shaoyang also found that there seemed to be a lot of sea urchins on the rocks in front of him. With the experience just now, he naturally could not He allowed his companions to touch the sea urchin again.

But just as everyone continued to move forward cautiously, one person accidentally touched a corner of the sea urchin.

At the moment he took his hand away in a panic , the man's lips had turned black, and the whole person seemed to have collapsed, falling directly behind.

After seeing this situation, Gu Shaoyang hurriedly took out an antidote pill, After finally giving it to the other party to eat, this companion was finally out of danger.

Although he could come over from the gate of hell, Gu Shaoyang still had to be wary of those around him and be careful.

After all, antidote pills are not omnipotent. , and this time he came down to complete the mission. Although he was prepared, they had never seen many things on the seabed.

So if they encounter any danger again and his preparations are not used, then they will be in very danger.

So , just in case, Gu Shaoyang could only ask a few of them to be careful, otherwise if something happened again, it would be very sad for the entire team.

This is also a situation that no one wants to see.

"Okay, let's move on."

Gu Shaoyang looked at everyone and saw that everyone had almost recovered and everything that needed to be packed had been packed, so he said to everyone carefully.

Staying away from the sea urchins, Gu Shaoyang led them to continue moving forward. This time they continued towards the bottom of the sea. Setting off from the depths, what they will face soon is also unknown.

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