There were constant sounds of ouch ouch in his ears. After seeing this situation, Gu Shaoyang gently put down the piece of coral he had just broken off.

Several people tried to escape just now, but the octopus monster's tentacles attacked directly from all directions and knocked them all to the ground.

Seeing that this group of people was about to be caught by the tentacles of the octopus monster again, at the critical moment, Gu Shaoyang directly drew the knife.

After cutting off all the tentacles in front of him three times, Gu Shaoyang suddenly rushed forward and stabbed the octopus with a sword.

More than a meter of ink spurted out from the place where it was penetrated, and the closest companions had been sprayed into little black men.

Somewhat displeased, he once again stabbed the octopus monster's body with his sword. The octopus monster's body began to shake violently, and those who were caught at the beginning were also shaken down.

The bones in everyone's body seemed to be falling apart. After finally escaping from death, these people hurriedly hid behind the coral to hide.

Gu Shaoyang's two blows just now had almost destroyed the internal organs of the octopus monster. At this moment, he stood quietly, looking at the octopus monster in front of him as if he was going crazy:

"I have no choice. It’s not easy for you to practice under the sea for so long. I originally wanted to let you go, but who knew you, a monster, were so ignorant? If that's the case, don't blame me for being rude to you."

To be able to cultivate into such a behemoth in this deep sea, I think this octopus monster must have gone through twists and turns before, so Gu Shaoyang didn't want to kill him.

If it weren't for the fact that this octopus monster was really too deceiving. , it is impossible for Gu Shaoyang to hurt him, but this time the monster has already hurt his brothers.

The companions around him had already hid in panic, and at the same time, Gu Shaoyang directly activated his internal power , detonating such a huge behemoth in front of me.

There was a banging sound in my ears, and a pool of black traces splashed everywhere. After those black traces fell, there was a small inside where the explosion had just occurred. Dan.

In fact, I really didn’t want to do anything to this octopus monster at the beginning. If it hadn’t been because of this octopus monster that killed several of my brothers, I wouldn’t have ended up like this now. Gently. After picking up the elixir, the brothers around him had already come out. Some of them had just sprained their feet:

"This octopus monster is so hateful. Fortunately, I was defeated by you in the end. Big brother is really awesome, and I really admire you!"

In the past, there were several people who were not very optimistic about Gu Shaoyang, but after getting along with each other for this period of time, they gradually discovered that the successor chosen by their eldest brother was indeed right.

Gu Shaoyang is not only His physical strength is particularly powerful, and most importantly, his intelligence is also very powerful. Just now, Gu Shaoyang killed this octopus monster without destroying the inner elixir, which made everyone particularly admired. It's a bit regretful. Looking at the dead brothers lying in the coral, Gu Shaoyang shook his head gently:

"This time it's my fault that I couldn't protect you properly. You must be careful. We have no experience in the deep sea at all. There are too many monsters in it. You must be careful about everything."

After saying this, Gu Shaoyang came to the coral bush and bowed respectfully to the dead brothers.

If it weren't for the hidden mission he issued, these brothers would definitely still be on the shore now. They were all alive and kicking, so from this aspect, maybe they were the culprit.

They gradually felt a little uncomfortable in their hearts, but they still had to go on and set up a tomb for these brothers. After that, Gu Shaoyang led everyone to continue heading towards the bottom of the sea.

The huge octopus monster just now had polluted the entire surrounding environment, and the surrounding environment was so polluted that it was difficult to see clearly what was in front of them.

Okay? It was easy to finally get out of the environment polluted by the octopus monster. At this moment, the deep sea became darker.

When he could barely see the surrounding area less than one meter away, one of his subordinates couldn't help but complain. said:

"If we had known earlier, we should have brought something that could shine underwater. Look at what this has become."

Basically nothing could be seen around them? They could only move forward gropingly, and a few people were almost cut by a few conch shells under their feet.

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