Several days passed quickly, but during these few days, Gu Shaoyang did not give any orders at all.

These people already felt unconvinced in their hearts. Seeing that Gu Shaoyang couldn't even come up with a solution at this moment, he began to feel extremely angry in his heart.

"You even try to become our eldest brother, why don't you see if you have that ability? If we had followed the big brother before, we would have found a way in by now."

The people around him were chattering away like this. Although Gu Shaoyang heard their discussion, he didn't say anything else.

Time continued to go slowly like this. On the fourth day Gu Shaoyang has no longer decided to do nothing.

Now he has been wasted here for three days. If he continues to be delayed, the time stipulated on the task list will have passed. It was not easy for him to do it. Finally setting up such a big game, Gu Shaoyang didn't want the game he set up to be delayed by the so-called messy things.

Seeing that the group of people in front of him had no way to do anything, Gu Shaoyang directly called these people over. Looking at them he said:

"We have been here for three days, right? I don’t know if everyone has come up with any solution. If you have no solution, you can speak freely now."

The people in front of him seemed to be in deathly silence, and this deathly silence had been expected for a long time.

Seeing that the group of people in front of him couldn't think of any other way, at this moment Gu Shaoyang finally smiled. For a moment

"Since the eldest brother has already brought us to this place, it is natural that the eldest brother should make the decision. We, the younger brothers, are usually responsible for fighting and killing in the back, and the mental work is not our turn at all."

Originally, Gu Shaoyang wanted to say something, but he just hit the person in front of him, and the person in front of him looked equally unwilling to admit defeat:

"I have followed our last eldest brother on several missions before. Whenever something happened, eldest brother would stand in front of us. If you can't do this, then why should we recognize you? Be the big brother?"

These people finally expressed their inner thoughts. After hearing this, Gu Shaoyang was not angry at all:

"I thought you were all used to figuring things out on your own, but it turns out you're just used to being arranged. That's okay. Just stay here for a while. I'll tell you what to do in a while."

After saying this, Gu Shaoyang turned around and left, and then came to a small cave in the back mountain. He started to make alchemy.

Originally, he wanted to let these people express their true thoughts. Since the one just now Everyone had already spoken out, so there was no need for him to delay any longer.

About three or four hours later, with the sound of an explosion, Gu Shaoyang walked out of the cave with a pot of pills.

Fortunately, he had seen a pill in a book before. As long as he could eat these pills, he could breathe freely in the water.

Fortunately, Gu Shaoyang took a look at the formula of the pill at that time, so now Only then was he able to prepare this elixir.

After casually arriving in front of this group of people, the group of young men at this moment were still waiting there. They wanted to take a look and see if Gu Shaoyang could get it. Something good was coming out.

The huge noise from the back mountain attracted them one by one to watch. At the same time, Gu Shaoyang also came over carrying a gourd:

"Fortunately, I prepared something for you before. The name of this pill is diving pill. As long as you can take this pill, you will naturally be able to breathe freely in the water."

After saying this, Gu Shaoyang directly gave one to each of the people in front of him, and then took a bite first as he set an example:

"This pill allows you to breathe freely underwater, and it also prevents you from being affected by the water pressure below. Once you get inside, be sure to follow me closely."

These people in front of me have never heard of such a magical thing before. If it is true that there is such a magical thing, wouldn't the fishermen on the beach have already used it?

Although everyone's I always felt a little doubtful in my heart, but no one dared to eat it. Gu Shaoyang here also rolled his eyes and jumped into the water.

This time, Gu Shaoyang was diving in the water. It took more than 20 minutes. When he returned to the water, the group of people on the water were hurriedly trying to fish him out.

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