During this period, Gu Shaoyang would hang out in nearby towns whenever he had time and didn't care about their affairs at all.

"What do you mean by this, Lord?"

During the break of drinking tea, one person couldn't help but said,"Let us come and get it. He would rather eat, drink and have fun by himself and don't care about our life or death.""

"Okay, just say a few words."

One of them, who was older, interrupted him and said,"You'd better think about how to get into the water."

"How about we find a local to explore the sea?"

"Damn it, even we can't stand the cold air of the East China Sea, let alone an ordinary person, we have to rely on ourselves."

Gu Shaoyang, who had just come back from outside, happened to hear these conversations. The corners of his mouth curved. Just as he was about to go back to the room, his feet suddenly turned and came to them.

The five people stood up in a panic, with expressions on their faces. Something was wrong on weekdays.

Seeing their nervous looks, Gu Shaoyang knew without guessing what they must have been talking about just now, and most of the topics were related to him, otherwise he wouldn't have looked panicked when he saw him.


Gu Shaoyang nodded, not intending to ask them about the topic just now, but just asked them directly:"When are you going to leave?"

Hearing Gu Shaoyang's words, everyone who had just spoken ill of Gu Shaoyang looked at each other in shock. An older man stood up and said,"Your Majesty, none of us are acquiesced in this task.……"

Not a fan of water? You still know that you can’t do it! I thought you could do anything!

Gu Shaoyang thought silently in his heart, but there was no change on his face

"Naturally, we have to find a way."

Gu Shaoyang interrupted him and spoke slowly:"You should have heard the saying that the capable work harder. The top five in the soul hunting rankings should have more than this ability. I hope you won't disappoint me."

After saying that, Gu Shaoyang walked to the room with the pastries he bought, leaving them to figure out the rest. After all, the top five are all very strong. When he disappeared completely, those who were not convinced by him would The man immediately spoke,"Do you think this is what the Lord said?"

"We were working hard here, and he went back and fell asleep."

The more the man talked, the angrier he became,"I think he just doesn't have any ability, and he's not even willing to do any face-saving work."

As several people were talking, they all looked down on Gu Shaoyang from the bottom of their hearts.

On the other hand, Gu Shaoyang casually threw aside the pastries he bought, lying on a chair nearby with his eyes closed, not caring about other people's affairs at all..

Their words came into his mouth one after another. Gu Shaoyang smiled and didn't care. They were just having fun, and now they have to come up with a solution. Now they can't think of a solution, and they are getting more and more worried. The more anxious they are, the more they blame Gu Shaoyang, and the more disgusted they are with him.

But these are all part of Gu Shaoyang's plan. The more anxious they are, the less likely Gu Shaoyang will help them. He just wants to slowly grind them out. temperament, otherwise they always think that they are omnipotent.

And another day has passed, and few of the five people who went to find a solution have come to report on the progress.

And if they didn't come, Gu Shaoyang could only come forward and convene a meeting. He Sit on the chair in the room and ask them to tell each other about their difficulties.

"The cold energy of the Dragon Ball of the East China Sea has been unrivaled from ancient times to the present. We really can’t find a way to overcome this predicament."

"What's more, I heard that the Dragon Ball of the East China Sea is a treasure that controls the sea. If it is removed rashly, it is likely to cause a tsunami, and the innocent people around will suffer."

Gu Shaoyang raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that there were people in this group of people who thought about the people. This was beyond his expectation.

"go on."

Gu Shaoyang motioned for them to continue. Several of them looked at each other, thinking that their attitude was so obvious. Do they need to continue talking?

"What we mean is that it’s better to go back to the soul hunter first, and it won’t be too late to come back when we think of a perfect solution.

Gu Shaoyang frowned and asked,"Do you think it's a good idea to go back now?""

"Or do you think you can come up with a so-called perfect solution when you go back?"

These two sentences left the five people speechless.

Gu Shaoyang glanced at the faces of the five people and simply said directly,"Keep thinking, if you can't think of it, just waste your time here."

"In short, I should take back the idea of ​​returning home!"

Gu Shaoyang stood up and left first, leaving five people standing facing each other without saying a word.

Was he determined to embarrass them to death?

Several of them looked helpless and miserable. If they could figure it out, Good idea, how could they be willing to stay in this hellish place and suffer this in vain?

"How great is this!"

Looking at Gu Shaoyang's distant back, all living beings felt even more anxious. However, Gu Shaoyang on the other side did not leave to rest, but came to look for things near the seaside.

Because he believed that all things are interdependent, and there must be a way to enter the seabed, but You have to think about it carefully.

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