Gu Shaoyang looked at the strangers coming up on the island and had no chance to turn around and leave to do his own thing.

At this time, those people who came to the island were looking at the appearance of the island.

A relatively tall man in front took out a telescope and looked at the current situation on the island.

At this time, a short and fat man came up from behind and came to the side of the man in front. He spoke in a very respectful voice.

"Boss, we have arrived on the island now. It is said that there are huge mineral veins here, and it looks like there are not many people here. This time we are going to make a fortune!"

When the man in front of him who was called the boss heard what he said, there was no big wave on his face, but he felt a little nervous in his heart unconsciously.

"Ah Da, since there are mineral veins here, if we can know this news, others will definitely know this news, so it is better to be careful."

Although the man known as the boss showed no emotion on his face, he obviously had no expectations for such a thing. After all, there are a lot of false news about the mine, and this time it may not be true. It is obvious that this He also wanted to take a look at what happened this time.

Ada quickly agreed upon hearing this and promised to be careful. After all, if they really encounter any danger, the person in front of them will definitely be the first to die.

So , for their own lives, they will also be very careful.

It turns out that these strangers on the island are a group of pirates, led by a man named Long Lai, and this group of pirates was founded by him.

Not long ago, they I didn't know where I heard the little news that there were mineral veins here, so I hurriedly sailed over in a boat.

The leader of the dragon came and looked around the desert island and found no one, so he began to direct the people behind him to go inside.

The leader Long Lai is relatively calm, but after all, he has been a pirate for several years. Even though he looks calm, he is still very vigilant in his heart.

Because the environment here is so quiet, people can't help but be vigilant. After all, the more you look at it, The calmer the place, the easier it is to hide the rough waves.

Soon, the people headed by Long Lai walked towards the interior of the island. At this time, Ah Dazheng next to him stopped with a map.

Long Lai couldn't help but feel a little agitated when he saw this. Doubtful:"Ada, why do you stop?"

Ada heard this and turned his head to look at Long Lai, with a somewhat embarrassed grin on his face:"Boss, this road is not right."

Long Lai couldn't help frowning when he heard this, and he felt a little anxious, but in the end he held back his temper, then stretched out his hand and hit Ah Da directly on the head:"You kid, didn't you say you can lead the way? Is this road still possible?"

Ada saw Long Lai's hand coming towards him, and quickly blocked it with his hands, while smiling and apologizing.

But at this moment, Zhi Zhi heard the soundI came and stood in front of the road, watching everyone tilt their heads with cute expressions.

Ada saw this and said quickly:"Boss, look! What is that thing? It looks like a branch, but it can move! What on earth is that?"

Ada kept talking as he looked at the branch. Whispering, Long Lai also stopped what he was doing and looked in the direction it was pointing. Just after Long Lai saw the branch, Ah Da's voice came again.

"This moving branch seems to be the legendary spiritual pet! Boss! At this time, spiritual pet! This is a good thing!"

After Long Lai realized it, he became a little excited, and his tone couldn't help but rise a few times.

After Long Lai looked at the branches clearly, he stopped what he was doing and looked straight at the other side of the road. , and soon locked his eyes on the branch.

Gradually, Longlai's eyes became greedy as he looked more and more, and then he only saw it slowly walking forward, speaking softly in its mouth, and stretching out its arms. He raised his hands, ready to grab the branch anytime and anywhere.

When the branch saw Long Lai slowly approaching him, the branch was a little confused. When the dragon approached the branch, the branch realized that this person was super ugly. And his purpose was to catch it.

So after reacting, the branch quickly turned around and ran towards the other side of the road, as far away as possible from the very ugly dragon.

And the dragon came Seeing that the duck with its mouth suddenly flew away, I felt very unwilling, so I quickly turned around, called all my brothers, and chased towards the branch. Looking at the dragon coming, it seemed that it would have to catch the branch before it would be willing to accept it, but the branch He is not a vegetarian, and he will not stay where he is and wait for them to catch him.

So when Long Lai and Long Lai's men approached the branch and tried to catch him, the branch quickly threw away everyone behind him. Behind him, he quickly found a place to hide.

When Long Lai saw that his target had disappeared, he felt very unwilling to do so. He angrily kicked the soil next to him with his feet, causing the soil to fly everywhere, and even It splashed on the men next to him.

But the clothes of Long Lai's men were dirty.

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