Gu Shaoyang found nothing, but made himself very tired.

However, the trees on the island were very prosperous, so when Gu Shaoyang was tired, he lay down on the ground to rest, and fell asleep soon after.

When he woke up from his sleep, it was already the morning of the next day.

During the day and night that Gu Shaoyang rested, Zhi Zhi had become completely familiar with the desert island. He no longer cuddled up to Gu Shaoyang's side, but began to act out on the desert island.

I saw that the branch was very energetic, jumping up and down on the tree on his desert island. Now he stretched out his tentacles to reach the fruits, and now he stretched out his tentacles to splash water in the sea, and now he buried himself completely in the soil. Start digging.

So when Gu Shaoyang woke up, what he saw was himself lying next to a big pit, surrounded by mud. He seemed to be a peaceful dead person.

"How is this going?"After sleeping, Gu Shaoyang was confused when he saw the situation in front of him, and the earth was still being dug out of the big hole on his body.

So Gu Shaoyang carefully avoided the thrown earth, and looked at it while Going deeper.

Soon Gu Shaoyang saw the guy digging the soil, his spiritual pet - the branch!

"What are you doing!"

Gu Shaoyang asked very puzzledly, and Zhi Zhi heard Gu Shaoyang's voice and turned around to see him.

When Zhi Zhi saw Gu Shaoyang, he immediately handed what he dug to him like a treasure.

"look! So many spiritual stones! Delicious!"

It turns out that spiritual stones were dug out of the branches, and there were many absorbed spiritual stones next to him. It seemed that he had eaten a lot.

"this? How is this going?"

Gu Shaoyang looked in the direction of the branches and found that the ground of the desert island they were on was almost entirely covered with spirit stones. It was completely a vein of spirit stones. The reason why there were no fish around the desert island might also be because The desert island's own spiritual power is too heavy, and ordinary fish don't dare to approach it, so this phenomenon occurs.

"You are so good!"The branch discovered such a big treasure and gave Gu Shaoyang such a big surprise. Gu Shaoyang felt from the bottom of his heart that the branch was his blessing.

After discovering such a big treasure, Gu Shaoyang no longer stayed idle and followed the branch They practiced together in the mineral veins.

Because the vines on the branches can grow infinitely, Gu Shaoyang asked him to dig more, so that they could take a lot with them when they left, so that the branches would not be without spiritual stones to eat, Gu Shaoyang It wasn't like there were no spirit stones for him to practice.

Soon, the branches used his vines to dig up three small mountains of spirit stones. Gu Shaoyang directly stretched out his hand and took the spirit stones in with a wave of his hand. Inside the space ring.

Then he continued to devote himself to the work of digging spiritual stones, but because his speed and the number of people were too small, he couldn't compare with the branches, so he simply stopped digging and just sat cross-legged to practice.

Wait. He woke up after practicing and collected the spirit stones dug from the branches.

As time passed, the branches kept digging for spirit stones without eating or drinking. Finally, after Gu Shaoyang practiced for three days and three nights, he dug up one third of the spirit stone veins. The spirit stones were piled up.

After waking up, Gu Shaoyang directly received the spirit stones into the space ring.

"Let's rest for a while. We have been digging for so long. No one will come to snatch it from us anyway. Take your time."

Gu Shaoyang let the branch rest, but what he said was wrong. Just when he swore that no one would land on the desert island, people came.

The people who landed on the island were pirates in this area, and they often Robbing fishermen cost a lot of innocent lives in their hands, and this time they accidentally discovered this deserted island.

Originally, they didn't want to go to the island, but they happened to find the house built by Gu Shaoyang, so they wanted to go to the island. Robbery.

As a result, they searched around the island and saw no one, only a big hole in the ground.

Out of human instinctive curiosity, the two islands walked down, and they saw a There are spiritual stones all around!

"Oh my God! Make a fortune now! Get rich! So many spiritual stones! How much does it cost?"

The two pirates were greedily stroking the spiritual stones that had not been dug out. They kept walking deeper, and finally came face to face with Gu Shaoyang and the branch. The four pairs of eyes looked at each other, and Gu Shaoyang quickly did He reacted and punished one of the pirates.

The other pirate was so scared by Gu Shaoyang that he often ran out, jumped on the boat and ran away.

When Gu Shaoyang finished cleaning up the captured pirates and wanted to chase him, the escaped pirate was already there. Without a trace

"What to do, let him run away."Looking at the boundless sea, Gu Shaoyang's brows couldn't help but frown tightly: If one of them escapes now, he will probably start fleeing again!

Gu Shaoyang was thinking silently here, but he had no intention of leaving, and just continued to dig for spiritual stones..

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