Chapter 374 The Prophet

“The little gentleman is able to predict the prophet. It seems that everything you just said is true. It’s a pity that Li Guangfubo can’t go with the gentleman. I just hope that in the next life, I will follow him and kill the enemy!”

Ye Chen listened to the heartfelt words of their mother and son, and was full of emotion in his heart. If humans could be like their mother and son, how could they be afraid of the invasion of alien creatures.

“The old lady and Li Guangguang don’t need to be sad. I know what Li Guangxi thinks in your heart. You have an old mother who needs to be taken care of, so how can you go and never return?”

“How about letting the old lady go with us.”

Li Guang had a look of joy on his face, but when he saw his mother, he shook his head and said:

“My mother is very old, and she may not be able to resist the long journey.

Finally understanding Li Guang’s difficulties, Ye Chen said to Li Guang:

“Brother Li Guangguang, see if you can be satisfied if I give the old lady another twenty years of life.


When Li Guang heard Ye Chen’s words, he grabbed his hands and looked at Ye Chen with hopeful eyes.

“Sir, this is true!

“No joke!” Ye Chen replied firmly.

“Okay, as long as the little gentleman can do what you just said, my life, Li Guang, belongs to the little gentleman. From now on, I will be dispatched with respect.”

“Little gentleman, if it’s really possible, I don’t need so many. It only takes ten years. I know that seeing my son’s achievements in the future will only take 820 lines.”

In fact, the old lady had already decided to let Li Guang and Ye Chen go, and she already understood everything.

But she still held on to a little hope, hoping that she could gain another ten years of life and be able to see his only future.

But she didn’t expect that Ye Chen’s mouth would be another 20 years, which shocked her.

“Hey! Old lady, it is fate that I meet you. You feel very kind to me. Even if Li Guangguang doesn’t come with me, I will give you life!”

Ye Kai glanced at Li Guang and said:

“Don’t worry, old lady, if you don’t want to go with me now, you will stay here for 20 years, and I will come back to pick you up with brother Li Guangda in 20 years.”

“Open the Master of Time System, I will give Li Guang’s mother twenty years of life!”

[System: The host will give Li mother 20 years of life, deduct 20 time points, and the remaining 9.1

At this time, Ye Chen opened his eyes and looked at Li’s mother in front of him, and saw that she was rapidly getting younger, and after a while, she became a woman less than thirty years old.

Li Guang saw that his mother was really getting younger, so he knelt down on his knees and bowed to Ye Chen.

“Sir is powerful, Li Guangxi follows him around, and leads a horse to escape for him.”

“Brother Li Guangguang, I (bacd) don’t want you to do that kind of work. If you want to fight with me to kill the enemy, defending the family and the country is what a man does.”

“Haha, good, happy! Mother, look

Mother Li, who has just become young, is still not used to it. Looking at Li Guang, she said:

“My son just follow the benefactor and go first, don’t worry about me, I will take care of myself and wait for my son to come back successfully.”

Twenty years later, Li Guang took his mother back and lived in the Hall of Longevity. (Of course this is a later story)

Just as Ye Chen led Li Guang into the aperture, he suddenly thought of something.

“By the way, Brother Li Guangguang, do you have any capable subordinates who can go with you?”

“Mr. Hui, there used to be tens of thousands of people in the Li family’s army, and several thousand of my immediate cronies, but now…

Li Guang shook his head and sighed.

“There are only twelve people left now. All of them are highly skilled in martial arts, and they are all able to work with me.”

“Okay, Li Guangguang, I’ll give you some more time, you can bring them all and we’ll go together.

“Yes, little sir.”

I saw that Li Guang didn’t leave either, but just took out a whistle and blew it.

“After a while, the yard is already full of twelve big men, Zhang Feng, you stay and take care of the old lady’s safety.”

The one named Zhang Feng left the team and stood aside.

“The rest come with me. We will follow Mr. to protect the family and the country. Once we go, we won’t come back. You have all made up your mind.”

“We swear to follow General Li Guang to the death.”

“Wrong, there will be no General Li Guang in the future, only Mr., I am also a follower of Mr., understand.”

“Swear to die with whom Mr.!”

Well, don’t worry, I won’t treat you badly if you follow me.

Li Guang called Zhang Feng aside, he was the person Li Guang trusted most.

“Zhang Feng, time is pressing now, I don’t have time to explain more to you, let my mother tell you slowly in the future, take good care of my mother, I will come back in 20 years, and I will take you away when the time comes. ”

Although he didn’t understand what the general meant, Zhang Feng, who had obeyed orders for many years, nodded in agreement.

“It’s the general, I must take good care of the old lady.”

Li Guang came to Ye Chen and told him that he was ready to go.

Ye Chen nodded,

Let’s go”, the soldiers go with me to the future battlefield, and show your strength for the country.

After speaking, they turned around and walked into the aperture. The soldiers were very puzzled and could not understand what the man in the artistic costume was saying.

But seeing how their Li Guang respected him very much, he knew that he was definitely not an ordinary person.

They no longer hesitated, and followed Li Guang into the aperture.

They are all Li Guang’s confidants and only obey Li Guang’s orders. As long as Li Guang wants them to die, they will not hesitate to execute them.

Li Guang and his soldiers who came to Aperture were shocked by the scene in front of them, and countless pictures flew back quickly from their side, Ye Chen strode forward in front of them.

Li Guang and his soldiers did not dare to stay too long, and followed closely behind him.

Li Guang didn’t ask any doubts, he had already figured it out, and seeing his mother’s young appearance, he had nothing to worry about.

Even if Ye Chen let it die now, he would not hesitate and would not agree.

Li Guang looked at the brothers around him. Although they were puzzled, surprised, and shocked, their eyes still followed him firmly.

This is the picture fixed in Ye Chen’s room in the Hall of Longevity. Ye Chen walked out, came to his room, and sat on the chair that was exclusively for him.

Watching Li Guang and his soldiers slowly come out of the aperture.

Li Guang and his soldiers constantly looked at the surrounding environment, everything was so unfamiliar, but Ye Chen didn’t see a trace of fear in their eyes.

Sure enough, there are no weak soldiers under the strong generals. Even if such a person faces a sea of ​​swords and flames, he will not flinch in the slightest.

If there are such people on earth, it is no wonder that alien creatures are afraid of the power of the earth.

He smiled and looked at Li Guang and his soldiers, then called Zhuge Liang and asked him to come to his office.

Li Guang didn’t ask Ye Chen any questions, which made Ye Chen somewhat different. He originally thought that Li Guang would definitely ask some basic questions when he arrived in the new environment.

“Li Guangguang, do you have any questions to ask?”

“Well, there is no sir. As long as the sir tells me, I will do anything.”

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