Chapter 374 Go to the Future

“Okay, no matter what happens later, please don’t be surprised by Big Brother Yu, I will naturally explain it to Big Brother Li!

“Turn on the time autonomy system, I want to give Li Guang’s mother ten years of life!”

[System: The host wants to give Li Guang’s mother ten years of life, after deducting ten time points, the remaining 9.1

After Ye Chen opened his eyes, he looked at Li Guang and said:

“Brother Li Guangguang, please look at the appearance of the old lady.”

Li Guang was still angry, he finally found a close friend and chatted happily.

He didn’t expect it to be such a magic stick, how could it not make him angry.

In fact, he felt more of a pity, and felt heartache because of the loss of talent for this country.

Li Guang, who was still thinking about these things, heard Ye Chen say this, and turned to look at his mother.

Seeing his mother’s appearance, he opened his mouth wide and was speechless.

Seeing Li Guang’s appearance, the old lady also wondered what she had become and why her son was so surprised.

He didn’t feel much, but he felt that his body was much lighter than before, and his ears and eyes seemed to be a little more sensitive.

“Haha, what did the little gentleman make me look like? Look at scaring my son like this.

The old lady “Don’t worry, I just made the old lady ten years younger!”

“Yeah, it turns out that I’m only ten years younger! I thought

The old lady quickly raised her head and looked at Ye Chen.

“What did the little gentleman say just now? Did I hear it correctly that the old woman was ten years younger?”

She was completely shocked. It was not easy to be twenty years younger. I didn’t think he could make him ten years younger. What a genius!

“Yes, old lady, and you see that Li Guangguang is also happy for you when he sees you, isn’t he?”

I saw Li Guang rushed forward quickly, grabbed Ye Chen’s neckline, and pushed him down on the wall.

“Tell me, what the hell did you do to my mother? What kind of magic did you do? Get the antidote, or I’ll kill you, the demon” anger. ”

It’s no wonder that as soon as I entered the room, I felt something was wrong. It turned out that my mother’s appearance had changed, and it was because I was too careless. Didn’t see it at first.

Ye Chen looked at Li Guang’s angry look, but was not angry, but admired Li Guang’s filial piety and calmness even more.

Li Guang, “Quick assistant, if he wanted to hurt me, he would have already done it, why wait until now, didn’t he teach you to be calm when you are in trouble?”

Hearing the old lady’s words, Li Guang suddenly calmed down and let go of Ye Chen, but he still looked at Ye Chen vigilantly.

“Old lady is wise, brother Li Guang, in fact, you are smart, but you are mistaken by wisdom. If I harm you, how can your mother and son survive until now, as long as I poisoned the wine and vegetables, the two of you would have already died of poisoning. .”

Ye Chen slowed down, Li Guang’s force value was very high, even if Ye Chen took it seriously, he might not be an opponent.

Of course this is out, outside of system power and mecha power.

“Big Brother Li Guang and just say something about your future and Qin Hui, do not have anything empty words, as to why I know, it is because I come from the future world.”

Chen will then leaves him how things went here, all with Granny Li Guang and has been said again.

Guang beginning or the kind of contemptuous attitude that confession in fabrications, but he heard the more scared, heard that Chen Ye said is true.

His forehead began to sweat run down, Laotai Jun quietly listening, watching every move Ye Chen, he did not speak.

Laotai Jun looked so calm, it is the psyche, admire the mother and son.

Ye Chen finished, he came here to do, and then looked at the mother and son, waiting for their questions.

“Mr. Small say so that you come to me from afar, I was trying to bring unto you, to fight for you, right?”

“Yes, I admire Wenwuquancai Guang Big Brother, heroic, patriotic loyalty, all these qualities in that place, it will be well to carry forward.”

“Only unto us, the opportunity to have a big brother Guang show fist, the history can not be changed, Song will certainly perish, Guang big brother here if the date is no longer the light of day.

“All day and ground as partners with the company of wine, unhappy, die a natural death, Laotai Jun, you do not want my brother so unhappy Guang of this life it was.”

In fact, Li Guang already tempted, here he really depressing enough, Ye Chen said the future of the world, he had never heard of.

But he does not fit his old mother, Lee mother was eighty years old.

Even if it is Ye Chen said is true, he gave his mother a decade of life, but that’s seventy-year-old, how could his own at home at Guang assured.

“Mr. Small said it is true, the old lady asked Mr. small one, once I went to the next world with children you certainly can serve their country, be glory for what you say that the Earth?”

I guarantee with up to Laotai Jun head, Li Guang brother told me where to go can certainly play to his talent and martial arts, the state needs people like him.

. “I want people give you that will not let a little aggrieved by Guang brother, if he wants to others is betraying the Earth, of course I will not let him.”

Saying, Ye Chen released the king’s momentum, Laotai Jun and Li Guang were shaken to his momentum.

The old lady nodded his head, looked at Ye Chen.

“I believe he will not see you, Mr. Small is definitely not an ordinary person, well I let my son go to the next world with you, I hope he can defend the country, the family line of it.”

Laotai Jun mouthful of tea went on to say:

“You’re right, here head towards the loess back into the air goof, it is being treated really badly for him, he slowly and study hard tactics, martial arts training hard day and night just to defend the country, but because of (the money) missed chance that unhappy day, do not think the way out. ”

Here, Laotai Jun had burst into tears.

“Only the eldest high, do not want my children watched premature death, white-haired people who sent hair.”

Mother, “do not say, though I already know Mr. Small is not wicked, but I will not go with him.

Then the leaves are looking to Guang Chen, also it has left tears in the eyes.

“Mr. Small, just more than a offended, because it is small wonder Mr. mighty, Li Guang in which you apologize to the.”

Ye Chen Guang to hand over Shi a ceremony. Ye Chen hurriedly he served up.

“Mr. Small came from so far away here looking Guang, also adds three decades duong tho for my mother, Li Guang feel grateful, not think that report.”


“I have to believe that Mr. Small said, some things I have not spoken with anyone, not even his mother did not know.”

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