Chapter 352 Return to the Hall of Longevity

“If you can find the information on Oni Stambul for me, you won’t sit idly by.”

“So all this is not your fault, so let’s put it aside for the time being, and wait until a while to see if the system shows anything.

“I suddenly thought of this idea. Maybe it’s on Soochow Star now. When we bring Oni Stambul back to where we live, the Palace of Longevity may have the answer.”

“The Hall of Longevity is a place with the highest mana, where it is impossible for anyone to conceal their identity, just like Onistambull.

“I think it may be a powerful ability that prevents Oni Stambul from revealing his information in his body, and has already controlled his remaining lifespan.”

“So just now you have been searching and searching continuously, and after you have activated the powerful system, you have not gained much, it must be like this.

Ye Chen thought about it, and suddenly inspiration came. He felt that such a guess was indeed correct. The reason why Onistambull did not have any remaining lifespan display.

It is to prove that after he was born, there may be a powerful expert who sealed all the things in Onistambull’s body.

Therefore, at this moment, Ye Chen continuously searched for the information of Onistambull through the system, and there was no gain or any display, which must be the case.

At this moment, Ye Chen felt that he was suddenly enlightened. If he explained it well this time, then there would be nothing to be surprised about.

Because Ye Chen knows that there is no information that the system can’t find, everyone has their own remaining lifespan, and it is impossible to be blank.

Then, the only explanation for why Onishtambull is in such a situation is that what Ye Chen thought just now.

It was someone who suppressed everything in Onistanbul and prevented anyone from stealing the information of Onistanbul.

Ye Chen was very happy thinking of this at this moment, and the expression on his face was no longer tangled at this moment.

Moreover, the eyes no longer go out to be angry as before, this one looked at him with a crooked smile.

With the answer, he was no longer entangled in his heart, and at this moment Ye Chen felt a lot happier.

Otherwise, when he thinks of the incident in OneStable, Ye Chen will be depressed to death, and it feels very strange.

After all, Ye Chen had never encountered such a thing before, and there was no remaining lifespan that he could not find, but he happened to encounter Onistambull, which made Ye Chen a little angry.

Ye Chen also knew that even though he was angry, he couldn’t kill Oni Stambul at this moment.

After all, he felt that this Oni Stamboul was very valuable. Not only did he have a good character, but he also looked very peculiar.

There is also a lack of people like Oni Stamble around Ye Chen, and he hopes to keep him, so this is the reason why Ye Chen Liu Jiaxiang, because of various ideas, Ye Chen did this.

After the system heard Ye Chen say this at this moment, it also felt suddenly enlightened, as if it had an answer.

If this is the case, it is normal for the system to not be able to query the information of Onistambour.

No wonder the system has been constantly searching in Ye Chen’s body, the signal is already full, but it has stopped.

And every time it is blocked, this is the entanglement of the system. Now that the system hears Ye Chen saying this, it seems that it has an answer, and it is no longer as depressed as when it was searching for the information of Oni Stamble just now.

“Master, since you said so, then there is nothing strange. Since you have already figured it out, don’t worry about it.”

“Although the identity of this One Stamboul is somewhat special, don’t worry, it’s just a matter of time, and the answer will always be found.

“If what you said just now is true, and you guessed it right, then this Oni Stable is indeed special and different, why would anyone hide the secret of Oni Stable.

“If you say that, then this Oni Stamboul is indeed a little abnormal, and it seems that he is not an ordinary abnormal.”

After the system finished saying this, it kept circling in Ye Chen’s body, and he wanted to try to search for the information of Onistambull again.

But he was rejected again, and he felt very tired at this moment.

It seems that he spent a lot of energy in order to search for the information of Onistambull. Although he did not waste Ye Chen’s time now, he was also very damaged.

He also hopes to return to the Hall of Longevity as soon as possible, take a good rest, and adjust himself in Ye Chen’s body. After all, he still needs to fight the world for Ye Chen again and absorb powerful energy for Ye Chen, so the system does not Something can happen.

The system has never been so tired like today, and he has never felt what it is like.

Now that he finally tried it, he also felt the power of Oni Stambler in Ye Chen’s body, even though this Oni Stamboul had no ability and no ability.

However, he was surrounded by Cheng Cheng’s protection and would not suffer any damage, so at this moment the system knew that Chen wanted the life of Oni Stamboul, and it was not easy, nor was it that easy.

The system was already very sure in his heart that he had heard Ye Chen say just now, and it was impossible to kill Oni Stamboul, and he also wanted to keep Oni Stable.

In this case, the system can be at ease. After all, the system does not want its owner to be harmed or affected by 810.

What is the origin of this Oni Stable, and he cannot be easily killed.

After all, Oni Stamboul doesn’t have any time to show, and there is no remaining lifespan, which proves that there are many secrets in Oni Stable’s body that need to be revealed.

The system felt that it was a very wise choice for the master to do so. After all, it would be beneficial to keep Oni Stamboul. If he killed Oni Stamb at this moment, it would be of no benefit.

It won’t get much time points from Oni Stamboul, after all, Oni Stamboul doesn’t have strong energy to kill him, and it is of no value at all.

Because the system knows that it wants its own master, the time points on the body continue to increase, and it must absorb powerful energy to improve the time points.

The ordinary Mroni people like Oni Stamboul have no value at all.

Although Oni Stambul’s body contains secrets, it has nothing to do with Oni Stable’s time. After all, Oni Stamboul has no power to kill him, and it is too easy to kill him.

However, the system also knew that Ye Chen would not do this at all, and everything Ye Chen said just now was for the purpose of keeping Oni Stambul.

This system is still very clear, after all, he still knows Ye Chen very well.

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