Chapter 351 Still don’t understand

After Ye Chen heard the system speak, he felt strange again, that’s why he showed such an expression.

Since Ye Chen has a powerful time system, he has never encountered anything like today. Looking at it, whether it is people on earth or spacemen, and these planetary people, they all have their own life spans.

But in front of Oni Stamboul, why is there no information?

As long as it was something Ye Chen wanted to know, there was no time when he couldn’t find the answer. At this moment, he was really confused. This was a setback he had never encountered.

At this moment, Ye Chen turned his gaze to Oni Stamboul not far away, and felt that Oni Stamboul was lying on the ground at this moment, doesn’t this guy plan to live?

Ye Chen thought it was a little funny, he didn’t let him die, but this Oni Stamboul was going to seek death “August 10”, and Ye Chen had never seen a person with a strong personality like Oni Stamboul.

It is true that there are not many people in this world who are not afraid of death, and the one who is in front of Onistambull is a Muroni on the Soochow star, but he is not afraid of death.

He is so strong, but he doesn’t have any superpowers, but he has a heart that is not afraid of death and a heart that will not admit defeat.

Ye Chen has indeed never met a person like Oni Stamboul, with such a strong personality.

This really made Ye Chen look at it with admiration. For those who are timid and afraid, compared to Onistambull, it is indeed special.

Ye Chen felt that the person in front of him really wanted to stay, but at this moment, seeing Oni Stamboul lying on the ground, tightly in love with Olot Oni Stamboul’s heart, he didn’t know what to think.

Ye Chen looked a little tangled in his heart. He didn’t know what to do with all this. He clearly thought about it, even if he killed the Mroni star in front of him, it didn’t matter.

But looking at Oni Stambler’s expression at this moment, Ye Chen’s heart suddenly ached violently, and he felt as if his heart was aching. Is it because of Oni Stambul’s pain?

Seeing Onistambull’s expression, Ye Chen felt a little sad in his heart.

After all, since Ye Chen has a powerful time system, he has never been constrained, and he will be very decisive in everything he does. At this moment, he is indeed a little hesitant.

The more Ye Chen wanted to know the details of Oni Stamboul, to know his ins and outs, and also wanted to know the rest of Oni Stable’s life.

But there was no news from the system, the more anxious Ye Chen was, the more curious he became.

At this moment, he would not let Oni Stamboul die like this anyway, he had to keep him.

This is something that makes Ye Chen interesting, he just likes to challenge this kind of limit and like this kind of exciting game.

Doesn’t this OneStable have any remaining lifespan to show? Then Ye Chen must know.

Anyway, at this moment, Ye Chen knew that he was not in a hurry, and that he had time, as long as he stayed on and checked slowly, there would always be an answer.

But Ye Chen had another idea. If Oni Stambul died at his own hands at this moment, and let him become his own time point, then what would happen to everything?

After all, the computer now shows that Oni Stamboul has no life left, so what does that mean?

Ye Chen thought it was incredible, does this prove that Oni Stamboul couldn’t just let him die?

He has to live, after all, now that Oni Stambul has no life left, he can’t move him.

After all, this is indeed a special thing for Ye Chen, because Ye Chen has never seen such a special person as Oni Stamboul.

The special person in front of him is still a Mroni star, which is really strange. Oni Stamboul looks different, and Ye Chen thinks that he is a talent.

So now Ye Chen doesn’t want to break his own system, nor does he want to break the rules here.

Since it was the computer that showed that Onistambull did not have any information, then he had to do things according to his normal thinking.

Don’t break the calm of all this, so now that Ye Chen has made a complete decision, he won’t hesitate any more.

Oni Stamboul must be kept, even if Ye Chen is going to die at this moment, Ye Chen knows that he will not see him die.

Ye Chen also knows that his powerful time system is not easy to come by, so he must operate it well and not be too anxious. 0

If he acts against the sky, he may bring some unexpected events, so Ye Chen doesn’t want him to have anything wrong with this powerful time system.

So now he doesn’t want to spoil everything here either.

Ye Chen thought of this at this moment, hesitated for a moment, his eyes were still as domineering as before, and he used his own thoughts to talk to the system again.

“I understand what you said. Since this is the case, then there is no need to inquire about the information of Onistambull again.”

“It seems that everything has its own destiny, and everything is destined to have its own arrangements. Otherwise, how can it be explained.”

“I just find it strange that no matter who it is, he must have his own remaining lifespan, but why is this Oni Stambler blank.”

“Since such a thing has happened, what does it mean? It’s just that I don’t understand.

“So now this Oni Stambul can’t let him die easily, it’s better to keep him.”

After Ye Chen said this in his heart, he also knew that the system was in a difficult moment, and he didn’t want the system to reject it again.

After all, all this has nothing to do with the system. If the system can collect data, it will not stand by.

This point is still relatively clear in Ye Chen’s heart, because after having such a powerful system, Ye Chen knows that he is invincible, and everything he does is more effective with less effort. 2.3

No one has ever been able to stop his footsteps, but the one in front of Oni Stamboul is indeed a little abnormal.

Ye Chen also knew that all this was not the fault of the system. The system had done its best and had consumed 100 time points, which made Ye Chen feel quite different.

But in order to search for the information of Oni Stamboul again, Ye Chen did not hesitate to sacrifice his own time, and also hoped to get the information of Oni Stable.

But now Ye Chen has completely given up, and if he wants to find the information on Onistambull, it is simply not possible to solve it in time.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen heard that the system did not have any answer, and once again spoke to the system with his own thoughts.

“Okay system, don’t blame yourself, it’s not your fault, it was my strong man who was in trouble just now.”

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