Chapter 349 Powerful System

Oni Stamboul thought that he grew up on Soochow Star since he was a child, and at this moment, this place will become a ruin and go to waste.

His heart was bleeding slowly, and he did not expect that his homeland would be destroyed in an instant in a blink of an eye.

He didn’t dare to imagine that what was happening in front of him was actually happening, but at this moment he was lying beside Olot and patted his face carefully.

He feels that he is not dreaming, all this is true, is his home gone at this moment?

Soochow Xing is really gone, and he and Olot will die here at this moment, although he is a little scared in his heart.

But he didn’t think he would be afraid of death. Since he had already prepared the idea of ​​seeing death as his home, let the storm come more violently.

After Oni Stamboul said these words to Olot, he lay beside him without any reaction.

Because he was very clear in his heart that Ye Chen did all this.

Except for Ye Chen looking at it, no one on the entire Soochow Star has this power, and no one has this ability.

After all, Ye Chen is the master of time with a powerful time system, and the amount of energy in him is immeasurable.

Although Onishtambull didn’t know how much energy Ye Chen had, he just watched the blazing fire not far away, the forest, and the rockery, which were destroyed in an instant.

I know Ye Chen’s ability, so now Onistambull knows that he has no right to resist at all.

Even the supreme power possessed by his uncle Olot had turned into a pool of blood before his eyes.

Oni Stamboul knew that he couldn’t fight at all, so at this moment he felt very helpless, and he didn’t even have the strength to fight to the death.

He felt that he was really useless. Seeing his uncle become like this, he was helpless and very sad.

But he couldn’t do anything, at this moment he could only lie next to Olot to accompany him, hoping that he could die slowly.

But at this moment, he also knew that Ye Chen had never shot against him until now, and he didn’t know why.

Why didn’t the Lord of Time, who possesses great power, kill himself at this moment, what was this Ye Chen thinking?

Oni Stamboul really felt a little strange and couldn’t understand, he just wanted to die quietly now, because he didn’t want to live anymore.

When he saw that Olot by his side had become like this, it was so appalling that Oni Stambul’s whole heart was about to be broken.

He felt that his life was meaningless, and even his only family member had died.

He also didn’t want to try this kind of separation of life and death. Instead of living like this, it is better to die happily.

In fact, Oni Stambul was still very worried about these Mroni people, and it didn’t matter if he and Olot died at this moment.

But what about the Muroni people on the Soochow star, what should they do?

Do they also accompany their lives for themselves and Olot?

This is something that Oni Stambul is worried about, but he knows what else he can do. He has no right to resist, and who can listen to his own words.

He also knew that Olot suffered such a painful price because of his pleas.

So Oni Stamboul knew it was useless to plead for mercy now.

This Ye Chen, who has powerful time power, doesn’t seem to listen to other people’s advice.

Ye Chen was sitting behind the Void Swallowing Dragon at this moment, looking at the forest in the distance, although it had turned into a ruin, the raging fire was constantly glowing with golden light, and it had been rushing to the sky above Soochow Star.

Ye Chen felt that this situation was very rare, because he was constantly plundering the energy on the planet, and things like today had never happened.

Even if he turned this place into ashes (bacd) at this moment, there would be no golden light.

So Ye Chen still feels a little strange, what is this phenomenon?

He didn’t figure it out, and besides, his system hasn’t provided any information so far.

I don’t know what the remaining life expectancy of Onistambull is, so now Ye Chen is still a little confused about these things.

He had never encountered such a strange thing as today, and he always felt curious about how to explain everything in front of him, he couldn’t understand.

“The system, just asked you to collect the information on Oni Stamboul, doesn’t it really have a little bit of information?

This “Mroni star named Oni Stamboul, he really has no origin, and his birth, everything is blank.”

“Why haven’t you answered since I sent you the signal.

“Is there really no information about Oni Stamboul at all? I think it’s very strange, you can search carefully.”

Ye Chen once again sent an instruction to the system in his body, hoping that after the system could receive his signal, he would search for the information of Onistambull in time for himself.

After all, Ye Chen has been waiting for a long time. Just now, Ye Chen was very angry, but now he tells himself that anger is useless.

If the system can search for relevant information for itself, it will not be too late and the thing that I want has not been sent.

Now Ye Chen knew that it was all very slim, but he had never seen such a situation before, and he always felt that he didn’t care.

There is nothing that he wants to know that cannot be done. At this moment, his conquering heart once again occupied his entire heart.

So he had to know everything about Oni Stamboul.

Ye Chen’s body is still as huge as a giant, and he doesn’t want to temporarily change himself back. He feels that he is quite majestic in this way.

Besides, as soon as he lifts his arm, he can instantly launch a lot of bomb robots.

He feels that he is very cool. Wherever he wants to destroy, he can do it by raising his hand at this moment, and he doesn’t need to talk anymore.

Ye Chen knew that he had a powerful skill, which was also an unexpected gain for him.

He really did not expect that the moment he looked at Olot again, he had another skill.

Since the metal body in Olot’s body ran into Ye Chen’s body, this made Ye Chen feel quite different.

So Ye Chen feels that everything is very curious now, but he has not played it. When he is tired of this energy, he will become the original

After all, he feels that the powerful time system he has is the most reliable, and as long as he speaks casually, the previous moments here will be destroyed.

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