Chapter 348 Fearless

Looking around, no one on the entire Soochow Star has this energy anymore, so Einstein knew that all this was what Ye Chen did.

But seeing Ye Chen’s eyes so sad, Einstein felt a little strange, and it was the same as what Okbarga thought.

Since it was Ye Chen who did it, why does he feel sad and tangled?

Einstein also knew that Ye Chen’s power has a powerful event system, and now Ye Chen’s energy is constantly increasing, and his skills are constantly improving.

And he has just come into contact with a lot of new functions, it is too easy to stop all this, but why is Ye Chen tangled.

If you don’t stop all this from happening, why let the big tree in front of you burn with fire?

So Einstein couldn’t explain it all. The two looked at each other and didn’t know what was going on. Both made a helpless expression.

At this moment, the two of them looked at the ruins in the distance at the same time, which was about to be swallowed up by the fire, but at this moment, they heard a crackling explosion.

It seems that there are still remnants of the bomb. It seems that the lethality of the bomb left just now still exists. No wonder these Mroni people left there in an instant.

If they still do not leave, I am afraid that all the Mroni people will be blown up at this moment.

Hearing the sound of a crackling explosion not far away, the Muroni people from the water also turned their eyes to the burned ruins again.

The forest is still burning with a raging fire, which has not been extinguished, and it seems that the flames are running around, giving people a feeling of being scorched.

And it was a crackling explosion with a sound, mixed with gravel, and it was fired everywhere.

At this moment, the Muroni people fled everywhere, and they didn’t care about Ye Chen’s folding. In order to survive, they desperately hid in the distance.

After all, the sound of the explosion just now, mixed with these rubble, is extremely lethal, if it hits a certain Mulroney star.

They will be destroyed in an instant, or their bodies will burst into flames in an instant, and they will also be burned in an instant.

After all, these rubble flew around with flames, and they were fired like bullets everywhere. These Mroni people were startling when they saw it.

They thought it was incredible, they had never seen such a scene before, it was simply crueler than killing them.

At this moment, Einstein, Okbarga, and the others saw the machine rubble with the continuous explosion just now, attacking all over the world.

They are also dodging, after all, they don’t want to be hit, and they don’t want their bodies to catch fire.

Their bodies have powerful abilities that can stop all this, but they know that there is no need to waste their energy at this moment, it is better to preserve their strength, so they hide in a safe place.

Watching these Mroni people fleeing everywhere, like homeless mice, Okbarga’s heart was a little unbearable.

But there is no way, this is the survival law of nature, and it is the same when it comes to space. Everyone will face such a thing.

The weak are to be eliminated, and the survival of the strong will always be the inextinguishable truth, and now Okbalga understands this more deeply.

So now Okbarga and Einstein fled to a safe place, and these flaming rubble flew out, and they couldn’t hurt them at all.

These Mroni people also hid in a safe area, only Olot and Oni Stamboul were not far away.

But Olot has turned into a pool of blood at this moment, and he is unable to escape at all. Everyone thinks that Olot is dead, but Olot is not dead at all, and he is lingering at this moment.

The reason why Oni Stamboul didn’t want to flee or hide was that he had a mortal mentality and didn’t want to live anymore.

It is better to be killed by these rubble than to survive and survive. You can also ignite a raging fire, burn with these small trees that you have planted since childhood, and evaporate together.

Oni Stamboul felt that a person was not afraid of death, what was there to be afraid of, at this moment he stood there as if at home, standing beside Olot to protect him.

At this moment, Olot has turned into a pool of blood, and only one head is left, but Oni Stambul feels that he is very lucky if he is with him at this moment, at least Olot is no longer alone at this moment.

Oni Stamboul knew that even if he died, he would die in front of Olot, and he would be with him. Even if the two disappeared forever in the universe, they would have a companion, and their souls would rest in peace.

Oni Stamboul didn’t want to live in this world by himself, and felt boring.

Anyway, he knew that he couldn’t escape from Ye Chen’s clutches. After all, he also knew that he had offended Ye Chen just now, and Ye Chen would not let him go easily.

So Oni Stamboul has already held the mentality of death at this moment, so anything is fearless in his eyes.

The raging fire in front of him made him a little sad, but Oni Stamboul knew that he was dying and was powerless to protect everything he had.

Besides, Onistambull also knows that he does not have this ability. Everything on the Soochow Star is created bit by bit by Olot, so there is such a prosperous Soochow Star.

But now it no longer exists, and it will be destroyed soon. Oni Stamboul is really in pain.

He just wanted to die as soon as possible at this moment, so he didn’t want to avoid these rubble attacks and still stood there. Oni Stamboul slowly closed his eyes and let his body kneel down.

Lying by Olot’s side at this moment and accompany him, he felt that everything was very peaceful, time had stopped, and he felt that he died at this moment, and it was considered that (Zhao of Qian) died properly.

At least he didn’t want to kneel in front of Ye Chen and beg for mercy, which Oni Stable knew that he couldn’t bet.

“Uncle, do you know? I’m lying by your side right now to accompany you, don’t be afraid” gas. ”

“You have left Soochow Star. You built this place with your own hands. It has been destroyed in an instant. My heart hurts, and I don’t want to live anymore.”

“I’m lying beside you now, I just hope to be with you all the way, just like you were with me when I was young.”

After Oni Stamboul said these words, he touched Olot beside him and his head, feeling sticky in his hands.

But Oni Stamboul felt that there was nothing to fear, no matter what his uncle became, Oni Stamboul would not be afraid.

This person who turned into a pool of blood, but Oni Stamboul’s uncle, is his closest person.

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