Chapter 345 Home

Ye Chen looked at the mess not far away, and inadvertently revealed a strangeness in his eyes.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, with an evil smile, he felt that everything was so wonderful now.

Suddenly there is another powerful skill, which is really good. It seems that he can also fly a lot of bomb attacks in an instant.

This is a kind of experiment for him, a kind of stimulation.

He really didn’t expect that he just accidentally let Olot suffer such a punishment, and he didn’t kill him.

Now that I can add such a powerful skill, I have also increased some skills while absorbing Olot into energy.

Even though Ye Chen knew the powerful time system he had now, he didn’t need to absorb Olot’s energy at all to give himself multiple skills.

But now Ye Chen feels that one more skill is also good, and besides, all of this is simply beyond Ye Chen’s control.

He originally just glanced at Olot in a fit of anger, and this guy instantly turned into a pool of blood and was dying.

Ye Chen knew that his power was getting stronger and stronger. During this period of time, he continuously absorbed the energy of water, so that his system was continuously improved, and his strength greatly increased.

So now, as long as Ye Chen is angry, wherever he looks, it will melt instantly.

Just like the one just now, with a wave of his own hand, the bomb robot flew out of his body.

Just flew to the forest not far in front and it was blown up in an instant. Ye Chen now knew his lethality and was thinking about it in his heart.

It seems that he can’t get angry casually in the future, and he can’t casually look into the distance. If everything in the parallel world is destroyed, then things will be troublesome.

Ye Chen inadvertently traveled parallel to the world and came to this galaxy, and he didn’t want to raze everything to the ground, nor did he want the galaxy to disappear in an instant.

So now he doesn’t want to do it, he tries his best to control his emotions.

After all, Ye Chen’s anger can make this place shattered, which Ye Chen is very sure of now.

So he told himself to be careful, if the universe is really destroyed, then the earth will also be hit by some.

Ye Chen didn’t want humans to suffer some disasters, so now he is thinking about all this in his heart.

Sometimes it’s not what you imagine, and everything has to be done carefully.

Although Ye Chen doesn’t want to live in a parallel world forever, this is where he lives for the time being.

Besides, the Hall of Longevity where he lived was not far from here, Ye Chen didn’t want his Hall of Longevity to be affected.

So now, seeing that the forest not far away has turned into a flat ground, it is a pity.

It turns out that the environment on the Soochow Xingshang is so good, and the air here is pleasant and immortal.

Ye Chen felt that he had accidentally destroyed everything just now, even though he felt a little pity.

But Ye Chen knew that all this should be recoverable, but Ye Chen didn’t try it.

Oni Stambul looked into the distance, not knowing what was going on, suddenly he knelt on the ground and howled loudly.

Because Olot is dead, he is very painful and sad, but he didn’t hear what was going on just now, just a loud noise.

Suddenly, the forest where he grew up was destroyed like this, and Oni Stambul felt incredible, why is this in the end.

At this moment, he had stopped crying, and when he looked around, he saw that the place was full of smoke and mist, and it was all shrouded in mist.

He couldn’t see clearly the forest and the mountain that he used to play frequently. At this moment, Onishtambul’s heart was even more tangled.

That was where Olot used to lead him hunting in the past. Even though Oni Stamboul didn’t have much ability, he was very happy to follow Olot behind.

Living on the Soochow Star is free and unrestrained, but seeing his homeland, it is destroyed like this.

Oni Stamboul’s heart was no longer as sad as it was just now, and at this moment his heart was full of anger.

But he knows what he is capable of and has no ability to resist. What the hell is going on?

Oni Stamboul didn’t figure it out either, but after hearing the sound, he turned his head and saw that the forest became like this.

God, “God, my home is destroyed like this, who made this place a flat place.”

“That forest and that big mountain are all uncle’s hard work bit by bit, and today’s changes have been made, and it’s just wasted.”

-0 for flowers…

“Uncle, if you are still here, you will be very sad to see the scene in front of you.”

“Uncle, do you know that our home is gone like this? You planted that forest and that mountain with your own hands, but now it’s razed to the ground.”

Oni Stambul murmured to himself in his heart, he was very sad and especially angry.

The forest was planted by Olot himself, and Oni Stambul suddenly remembered that he followed Olot when he was a child

Carrying a small tube and carrying small saplings, bit by bit, the flat land was slowly planted into a forest like it is today, and it was particularly dense.


And that big mountain was also brought by Olot and Oni Stambul bit by bit and turned it into a big mountain like it is now.

But this moment turned into a necessity in an instant, how could Oni Stamboul not be sad?

Oni Stambul was very angry when he thought of this at this moment, and he was also very sad in his heart.

After all, this is the home where he grew up, and that forest is very important to him. When he is free, he will hunt there and play there.

Even though Oni Stamboul is tens of thousands of years old now, he is still so naive. After all, he has no ability, and he only has a lot of fun playing in that big mountain.

And Oni Stamboul has a lot of nostalgia there, and I didn’t expect everything here to be destroyed today.

My uncle is going to die soon, maybe already, but we are not sure about this subject.

After all, Oni Stamble said those words to Olot just now, but after Olot did not respond, he was also a little helpless, so he knelt on the ground.

He cried out loudly towards the sky above Soochow Star, and shouted loudly, hoping that his uncle would be able to respond to him after hearing what Oni Stambul said.

But after waiting for a long time, Olot still did not respond or speak.

At this moment, Oni Stambul was particularly helpless. At this critical juncture, he did not expect that this mountain would be destroyed like this. again.

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