Chapter 344 Surprised face

It looked a little horrible from a distance. At this moment, the forest was already shrouded in fog, and it looked a little confusing.

I can’t see the scene there at all, and I don’t know if the forest still exists here.

It was just shrouded in fog, and it was impossible to see the situation there at all.

Einstein thought of this at this moment, and kept looking at the scene in the distance, feeling really a pity.

A good forest and a mountain were destroyed like this. What happened, it couldn’t have been done by Olot.

Einstein was very sure in his heart that Olot did not have this ability yet.

He was already lying on the ground, dying, turned into a pool of blood, and he didn’t even have the strength to speak. Maybe Olot was dead at this moment.

So Einstein determined that Olot did not do all this at all. Besides Olot, who else has this ability here, could it be Ye Chen?

Einstein thought how could it be Ye Chen, if it was Ye Chen, he didn’t need to destroy this place instantly.

It was good here, and the scenery here is very beautiful, very pleasant, and it makes people look very lingering.

So Einstein can’t be sure what the 807 is all about, after all, it came too suddenly.

He didn’t notice what Ye Chen’s expression was like just now, and he didn’t know if Ye Chen did all this.

After all, he had been chatting with Okbarga just now, and he didn’t even notice what Ye Chen was doing.

Einstein is also full of surprise now, full of surprise, looking at this scene in the distance, a little regretful, said to Okbarga.

“If you ask me now, I don’t know, just now the two of us have been standing together, talking all the time, and we haven’t noticed anything unusual.

“Everything was fine here just now. Suddenly there was a loud noise. We were also quite surprised. After we found out, the forest and the mountain just now have become like this.”

“I think this speed is too amazing, just one second, we have no chance to see, and we don’t know what is going on, this mountain and that forest are gone.

“It’s really unbelievable. In a second, since you can become like this in front of you, think about how powerful this person is.”

After Einstein (bacd) finished saying this, he hesitated for a moment, thinking in his heart, how powerful this person is, who else can be except Ye Chen?

But he felt that Ye Chen didn’t need to do this. Besides, that forest and that mountain were both destroyed by bombs.

How could Ye Chen fly out of so many bomb robots? Even though Einstein knew that Ye Chen was very powerful.

With a powerful time system, he is also a powerful master of time, possessing the supreme power in this world.

But if this bomb robot really flew out of Ye Chen, Einstein felt a little surprised and incredible.

He didn’t dare to imagine that this was true, after all, it was just his guess.

So now Einstein can’t be sure, because he knows it’s all just his own guess.

What happened, still remains to be inquired. At this moment, he withdrew his gaze and looked at Ye Chen who was soaring in the air.

I feel that the expression on Ye Chen’s face at this moment is also very proud, and he looks very arrogant.

Einstein thought it was strange, after all, Ye Chen was the master of time with a powerful time force, and such an expression rarely appeared on his face. After all, there is no need for him. Everyone knows that he is very powerful. If he wants to kill anyone, he can’t stop him.

Looking at the whole world, there is no one Ye Chen can’t kill.

So Einstein felt that there was no need for Ye Chen to have such an expression on his face. Could it be that Ye Chen did all these things?

After Okbarga heard Einstein’s words, he was still full of surprise and felt a little pity.

His eyes never left the blasted forest, and the mountain, after all, when they came just now.

I think the scenery here is really beautiful, especially the scene from the forest, which is so real that people can’t bear to leave.

It also makes people want to have a lot of nostalgia here. Originally, Okbarga still felt that the buildings on Soochow Star were really very strange.

How can there be a forest and a mountain, it seems that these are all left by Olot.

When Okbarga and the others followed Ye Chen to other planets to plunder resources, the buildings on other planets were also very dull.

It’s all flat land, and there are no forests or mountains at all, and only Soochow Star has such a scenery.

So the moment they came to Soochow Star, they felt that this place was really different, and that it was so wonderful.

It makes people want to live here forever, the air here is pleasant and immortal.

But the forest that had just been blown up no longer exists.

So Okbarga really felt a little pity, such a scenery, such a pleasant, has been blown up in an instant, and it is impossible to come back.

The reason why the air here is so good and the fairy air is fluttering is because of the forest that has such a scenery.

But now the forest is gone and has been bombed in a mess, so this place is no longer what it was when Okbarga and the others came.

Now it has become smoky, like a battlefield, it looks like a mess.

Okbalga felt very strange after hearing Einstein say this at this moment. It was true that the two of them had been talking just now.

, I have been chatting, I have not found the position here at all, just in a blink of an eye, I only heard a loud bang, a bang.

The tragic situation just now appeared, which really made them feel quite sudden and unexpected.

Okbarga thought of this, and looked back, with a particularly regretful expression on his face.

Looking at Einstein in front of him, he said to him.

“Yeah, the two of us have been talking just now, and we didn’t observe the changes here. We just heard a loud noise and it became like this.”

“It’s really scary. We didn’t find out just now. What’s going on? Don’t you have any doubts? Who did it?”

“Didn’t you say it just now? People who can make this place look like this should be very powerful.”

“What’s the matter? Why don’t you speak? Do you have a goal in your mind and know who did it? I think looking around, who of us has such powerful energy.”

After saying this, Okbarga kept looking at Einstein in front of him, feeling incredible.

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