Chapter 324 Strange Earth People

However, Oni Stamboul has said a lot of disrespectful things and is still alive to this day.

Ye Chen still didn’t make any moves, and didn’t have any reaction.

Xiang Yu didn’t know why it was Ye Chen at this moment. Based on his understanding of Ye Chen, he felt that it shouldn’t be, and this was not Ye Chen’s personality.

Ye Chen doesn’t like people who are disrespectful to him. If he encounters someone who takes the initiative to attack him, he will take the initiative to attack him.

Ye Chen will not be lenient, nor will he be merciful, but why did he not take action on the one in front of him for a long time? What is the reason?

Xiang Yu really couldn’t figure it out, after all, he still didn’t know much about Ye Chen, but he only knew a little about Ye Chen’s personality.

Ye Chen is a powerful time in the world, and no one can guess his mind.

Even a thoughtful person like Einstein could not guess Ye Chen’s mind, let alone Xiang Yu.

So at this moment Xiang Yu thought of this, and felt sorry for Oni Stamboul, why is this young man so ignorant?

Can’t O’Neill Stable say something nice? Can’t say something soft?

Why do you want to anger Ye Chen and 793, the most powerful time master in the universe, isn’t this self-defeating?

Why do you want to die in vain? Xiang Yu really couldn’t understand.

Xiang Yu thought of these things at this moment, and looked at Oni Stambul who was kneeling on the ground with particularly sad eyes.

He turned his head and saw Einstein beside him, and said to him in a low voice.

“What’s wrong? Don’t you think this Oni Stamboul is also pitiful, but there’s no way, who made him so ignorant, it’s useless for us to feel sorry for him.

“With Mr. Ye’s personality, this moment may have already killed him, but why is Onistambull still kneeling on the ground safe and sound, and he has not been punished by Mr. Ye?”

“So I still don’t understand all of this, and I don’t know the reason. Mr. Ye never does things. With such hesitation, he has always been very decisive in doing things.

“This Oni Stamboul is indeed pitiful, but he did say a lot of unfortunate things to Mr. Ye, which is obviously courting death.

“Einstein, you have to say something, can you have a good idea, (bacd) to keep this Oni Stable, I don’t want him to die, if he can submit, we are still pretty good.

This “Oni Stamboul is really pitiful. In fact, he didn’t make any big mistakes at all. When he talked to Ye Chen for the first time just now, he also hoped that these Mroni people could survive.

“Later his uncle stood up and begged to save him, and it became like this. They are indeed quite sad, but we can’t do anything about it. After all, we are invaders, but we don’t want all the Mulroneys. Star, ah.”

“What’s wrong with you? Have you become dumb at this moment? Why don’t you talk, after all, I really can’t bear to see Onistambull. If I were Mr. Ye, I would keep him.”

Xiang Yu saw that Einstein had been silent, so he kept talking.

He felt that Oni Stamboul in front of him was indeed a peculiar Mroni, and he thought it would be good to keep him, but this was not what they said.

Everything has to wait for Ye Chen’s release. If Ye Chen wants anyone to die, no one has the right to stop him, so Einstein Xiang Yu is still very clear.

At this moment, Xiang Yu also hoped to talk to Einstein to feel more comfortable.

After all, the two of them fight no matter what.

They are still the best buddies, both of them work under Ye Chen’s hands, so the two of them are quite united, regardless of every duel between the two of them.

But none of them will take too heavy a shot, and they all know the proportions.

After Xiang Yu said this, he turned his eyes to Ye Chen in the distance. At this moment, Ye Chen sat behind the Void Swallowing Dragon and still did not come down.

Xiang Yu pondered in his heart, it seems that Mr. Ye quite likes this Void Swallowing Dragon.

Sitting on the back of the Void Swallowing Dragon all the time is also leisurely and feels particularly comfortable.

I have never thought about coming down, this feeling of being aloof, Xiang Yu is quite envious when he sees it.

It’s no wonder that Ye Chen enjoyed this feeling very much. He was condescending. He was indeed very majestic.

Xiang Yu looked at the scene in front of him at this moment, and felt a little strange when he saw Ye Chen.

With Ye Chen’s ability, he doesn’t need a mount at all. What’s the use of swallowing the dragon in the void?

Is it just to enjoy this feeling?

So he still couldn’t figure it out, his eyes were full of confusion and doubts, and he kept staring at Ye Chen.

At this moment, seeing that the expression on his Ye Chen’s face changed endlessly, it seemed that Ye Chen was thinking about something again, and every time Ye Chen thought about something, the expression on his face would be the same as it is now.

But today Xiang Yu felt strange, why did the expression on Ye Chen’s face change, not always the same expression before.

After all, Xiang Yu knew that he couldn’t guess at all. What Mr. Ye was thinking, he didn’t want to guess. He just felt that the change in the expression on his face was a bit strange.

Xiang Yu used to see that there were only two expressions on Ye Chen’s face.

But at this moment today, I found that the expressions on Ye Chen’s face seemed to have appeared in countless ways, twisting there, struggling to protect, and always seemed to have a heavy heart.

Xiang Yu also thought it was strange, what does Mr. Ye have in mind? There is nothing he can’t solve in this entire parallel world and the Milky Way.

Why is he so melancholy and so entangled? What is it for?

It was because of this unremarkable Oni Stamboul hat in front of him, and Xiang Yu also thought it was inconceivable.

If it’s really for O’Nepal, then this O’Nepal is really saved.

With Ye Chen’s personality, if he was entangled for a Mroni star, it would be difficult to make a decision, and such an expression would appear.

Because Xiang Yu had followed Ye Chen for many years, he knew that every time he was absorbing water, he never showed such an expression.

I have never encountered such a situation. When absorbing planets before, those planets who were disrespectful to Ye Chen were all killed.

Those innocent planetary Ye Chen will let go, just to plunder resources, plunder powerful energy.

Ye Chen has never hesitated like this at this moment, with such an expression on his face.

But why did Ye Chen have such a capricious expression on his face today?

Xiang Yu felt strange, it seemed that it must be because of the Onisstand in front of him, otherwise, how could Ye Chen be so entangled?

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