Chapter 323 A Strong Heart

Especially for Oni Stamboul, Ye Chen never wanted him to die, nor did he want to use time to plunder and kill Oni Stable.

Because killing Oni Stamboul at this moment has no benefit at all, it is impossible for Ye Chen to improve his system, nor to get a precious time point.

So Ye Chen felt that there was no benefit in doing so, and since that was the case, he planned to keep Onistambull from the beginning.

I don’t know if this young man can follow behind him and train him well in the future.

This is what Ye Chen thought, because Ye Chen now lacks a proud person like Ony Stamboul, who is particularly filial and affectionate.

Oni Stamboul is also a very stubborn person, and Ye Chen likes such a person, from the moment he saw Oni Stambul for the first time.

Ye Chen admired him very much, and felt that this person was a man to be made. As long as Oni Stamboul was loyal to him, it was enough.

But how could Onistanbull be loyal to Ye Chen, Ye Chen is also very clear about this.

Ye Chen felt that the most important thing to do now was to make Oni Stamball loyal to himself.

Since he doesn’t want to kill this young man, then let him submit to himself and let him bow his head to himself, this is the most important thing.

But what to do now, Ye Chen still doesn’t have a preliminary plan.

After all, it’s really hard to deal with Mroni people like Oni Stamboul.

If you want to kill a Mroni star, it is too easy, but it is really difficult to subdue a stubborn Mroni star like Oni Stambul.

Ye Chen thought about it again and again in his heart, but there is still no one-size-fits-all plan, so let’s put it aside for the time being.

Ye Chen didn’t care what Oni Stamboul thought, anyway, he couldn’t let him die at this moment.

It doesn’t matter whether he hates himself or wants to kill himself Ye Chenxue.

I also know that Oni Stamboul does not have the ability to kill himself.

So Ye Chen is not worried about this at all, and there is nothing to be afraid of.

Ye Chen also knew that he had an immortal body, and it was impossible for anyone to kill him.

At this point, Ye Chen had nothing to fear, so he kept Onistambull by his side.

No matter what he thought, whether he wanted to kill himself or follow him, Ye Chen didn’t care.

What Ye Chen wanted was the perseverance of Onistambull.

While Ye Chen was thinking about things, he showed a gradual change, from the anger just now, to a little bit of peace.

At this moment, it became tangled again, anyway, his face has been changing endlessly.

It is always changing with his mood, just like the clouds in the sky.

Ye Chen didn’t know what happened to him either. Since he came to the parallel world and came to this galaxy system, his whole person has changed.

I always put my emotions on my face and I can’t control my emotions.

These emotions are always changing with his face, and Ye Chen also finds it incredible.

Do you really want to be a face paralyzed person?

But Ye Chen also felt that it was impossible. He had such a powerful energy and a powerful time system.

How can it be possible to become a facial paralyzed person?

This is simply too ridiculous, but also extremely ridiculous.

At this moment, Einstein and Xiang Yu listened to Oni Stable’s constant shouting. After shouting this sentence, they both felt that the situation was not good.

I don’t know that this moment can’t be plundered by Ye Chen in an instant, and the life of Oni Stamboul can be wiped out like this, turning it into a time point.

The two of them weren’t sure either, they just sweated on behalf of Oni Stambul.

Einstein had always admired O’Neill Stambler, but at this moment, he felt even more incredulous when he heard O’Neill Stambler shout such words again.

This One Stamboul does have some guts, although he doesn’t have any strong skills.

But he has a strong heart and a heart that is not afraid of death, which is indeed awe-inspiring.

Einstein felt that if it were himself, he couldn’t do it at this moment. He was as strong as Oni Stamboul, and so bold.

Who in the entire universe is not afraid of death? No one wants to die under Ye Chen’s hands like this, and it is really appalling to be like Olot.

So Einstein still thinks that Oni Stable is really very courageous.

Although he has no ability, his heart is very strong, and this perseverance is unmatched by many people.

Even people with powerful skills can’t compare to ordinary Mroni people like Oni Stamboul.

So at this moment, he still admires Oni Stambul’s perseverance and his courage, even if he asks himself.

Xiang Yu is a man of temperament. At this moment, watching Onistambull howling loudly, and crying so sadly, he was shouting loudly in the sky above the Soochow Star.

Xiang Yu also became sad, and there were tears in his eyes at this moment, as if Olot was his relative and Oni Stamboul was also his lover, so he also became sad.

Maybe it was because of the feeling of Oni Stambul that everyone became in a bad mood.

Whether it was the enemies of Onistambull or the Mroni people, they all became sad, and the expressions on their faces were particularly tangled.

Xiang Yu felt that the young man of Oni Stamboul was really otherworldly.

It would be good if he could survive, it would be better if he could surrender to Ye Chen, be with them, and have a friend himself.

Because Xiang Yu also hoped to make friends like Ao (Zhao Nuohao) Nistable, and felt that it would be good to have such a buddy.

Moreover, this buddy attaches great importance to feelings and loyalty, even though Xiang Yu knows that Oni Stamboul has no ability and no ability.

But Xiang Yu knew that he could teach him powerful skills and taught him all the skills he had learned.

But Xiang Yu knew that this was all his own wishful thinking, and he didn’t know what Oni Stamboul thought.

After all, it’s a different matter if Oni Stamboul can’t survive right now.

Xiang Yu didn’t know if Ye Chen could spare Oni Stamboul.

Because Oni Stamboul has said a lot of disrespectful things just now.

It was already a big taboo for Ye Chen, but now Ye Chen still hasn’t shot.

So Xiang Yu still thinks it’s quite strange, why Olot was punished by Ye Chen after saying those words just now.

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