Chapter 32 Backtracking Again (1/4 Seeking Evaluation of Collected Flowers)

The waiter went upstairs.

Ye Chen found a seat and sat down in a hurry.

He Pan only comes to the teahouse every Monday and every Friday, and is not there at other times.

According to He Pan’s usual habit, at this time, he should drink tea in the private room of the lotus pond on the third floor.

Drinking tea twice a week is his unstoppable habit.

This was not hidden from anyone.


After waiting for 2 minutes, a piercing scream suddenly came from upstairs.

Ye Chen’s face changed slightly.

The next moment, someone ran downstairs and shouted, “Manager He is not breathing, call 120!”

Before the man finished speaking, a waiter in the store called immediately.

Ye Chen frowned.

At this time, several waiters hurried downstairs with He Pan, whose face was pale.

“It seems… it’s too late.”

Ye Chen shook his head.

Immediately, I meditated in my heart: “System, go back 30 minutes.”

The scene before me changed.

Ye Chen suddenly appeared in the underground garage of the villa.

This is when he is about to drive to Tianyu Tea House.

It takes just 30 minutes from Villa No. 1 to Tianyu Tea House.

Ye Chen drove slowly before, but this time, it was much faster.

5 minutes later.

Ye Chen came to Tianyu Tea House again.

Looking at the sound of the guzheng from upstairs, Ye Chen’s mouth rose slightly, He Pan, I saved you once.

After entering the hall.

“Hello sir.”

“I’m looking for Manager He.”

“Oh right, I’m Manager Ye of the Southern Tea Factory.”

The waitress smiled slightly: “Okay Manager Ye, please wait a moment.”

After 3 minutes, the waiter came downstairs.

“Manager Ye, please come in.”

Ye Chen nodded.

Well, there are still 22 minutes before He Pan’s death, that’s enough.

After reaching the third floor.

Lotus Pond Room.

Two male waiters stood at the door of the private room.

If it wasn’t for the last time the whole city passed, Ye Chen might have thought it was just an ordinary waiter.

But in fact, these two are He Pan’s most trusted and effective bodyguards!

The waiter took Ye Chen to the door of the private room and left.

The two male waiters pushed open the door to make a request.

The private room is big enough for 2 large tables.

There is only a small square table and two chairs in the private room.

Facing the window, sat a man in his early 40s.

The man was thin and pale.

If Ye Chen doesn’t intervene, he can only stay in this world for 22 minutes.

Ye Chen was looking at He Pan, and He Pan was also looking at Ye Chen.

After the bodyguard closed the door, Ye Chen sat down by himself.

He Pan raised his head and glanced at Ye Chen: “You are not from the tea factory.”

Ye Chen smiled, picked up the teapot on the table and poured himself a cup: “Why do you see it?”

He Pan picked up the teacup and took a sip by himself: “You are not from He Liang, nor from Chen Yongwen, but you are very skilled, so the question is, who are you…?”

He Liang, He Pan’s half-brother, is also the second helm of the He family today.

Chen Yongwen needless to say.

“Ye Chen.”

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “Continue to analyze.”

A strange look flashed in He Pan’s eyes, and he continued drinking tea without speaking.

“Business is not doing well recently. Many tea factories have closed down, and the price has risen more and more outrageous.”

Ye Chen laughed after hearing He Pan’s words, such a low-level cover-up method would appear on He Pan.

“He Pan, you are embarrassed.”

In a word, let He Pan’s hand holding the teacup shake slightly.

It is very subtle, and if it is an ordinary person, it may not even be found.

“Since you can see how good I am, you should know that the two at the door are useless to threaten me.”

He Pan, who had a smile on his face, suddenly looked up at Ye Chen, and the smile on his face disappeared.

“Who are you!”

He Pan’s face was a little dignified.

He didn’t tell anyone about this.

Even the person closest to him thought it was his secretary.

“On December 21st, you and Sun Weiwei will meet once for five and a half minutes.”

“On March 25th, you went to Jiangling, met a guy named Xu Ye, and hurried back to Linhai after only 9 minutes of chatting.”

“At 3:25 a.m. on April 1, He Liang’s son, your nephew, was killed in a sudden car accident.”

“On April 9th, at 2:15 pm, you had difficulty breathing due to heart failure and only woke up after being treated by Dr. Chen Lingyan.”

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “He Pan, am I right?”

He Panteng stood up abruptly.

Because of the excessive movement, the teapot on the table was overturned.

At the door, two bodyguards pushed in instantly, with their dark muzzles pointed at Ye Chen’s head.

On the other hand, Ye Chen was calm and had a smile on his face.

He Pan’s face changed and became cloudy again and again.

After a while, He Pan waved his hand and the bodyguard stepped back.

He Pan also regained his composure again.

However, the shock in his eyes never calmed down.

“who are you!”

He Pan was terrified.

These things, he does extremely secretive, even those closest to him don’t know!

Because he doesn’t trust anyone.

If the other party only knew one of these things, He Pan wouldn’t be so rude.

However, the other party knows several unrelated things!

What does this represent?

While shocked, He Pan still had some fear in his heart.

5 years.

He devised a strategy and worked hard for five years for the plan that was about to start.

However, this person suddenly appeared!

“My name is Ye Chen.”

Ye Chen took a sip of his tea and smiled slightly: “A… The Lord of Time who has left countless footprints in the long river of time.”*

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