Chapter 31 The Four Institutions of the Hall of Longevity (4/4 Seek Collection of Flower Evaluation Ticket)

In this way, Liu Yun became the fifth resident of Villa 1.

As for joining the Hall of Longevity, Ye Chen hasn’t thought about it yet.

Although Liu Yun was also a veteran of the special forces, she was definitely a lot worse than Qin Mo.

With her ability, it may not be able to bring much help to herself.

However, just living here to protect Lu Qi and the others is basically enough.

into the night.

In the study room on the third floor of the villa.

Ye Chen was sitting at the desk, dense texts were recorded on the computer.

Since the Hall of Longevity has been established, the corresponding rules and regulations must also be improved.

“The organizational structure of the Hall of Longevity.”

Looking at these seven words, Ye Chen pondered for a full two hours.

After a while, just started typing on the keyboard.

The organizational structure determines the future direction and development model of Changsheng Temple.

After careful consideration, Ye Chen initially established four major institutions.

Sky Group, God Punishment Group, Wealth Group and Inanimate Group.

The sky group is responsible for scientific research.

From now to the next few hundred years, the main thing is to march towards the sky.

The initial goal is to launch an outer space rocket.

The medium-term goal is to commercialize and build a space station that can be used for 20 years.

The long-term goal is to build an extraterrestrial planet (or find something to live in) and transform it.

The Divine Punishment Team is mainly responsible for the rewards and punishments of the members of the Hall of Longevity.

There is merit, to be rewarded.

Mistakes are punished.

In addition, the Divine Punishment Team also temporarily served as the function of external expedition.

The Hall of Longevity is getting bigger and bigger, and it is inevitable to compete with the major forces.

And Ye Chen didn’t plan on doing everything by himself.

Therefore, the role of the divine punishment team is equally huge.

As for the wealth group, it is concise and to the point, it is to make money for the Hall of Longevity.

Scientific research requires money, as well as food and clothing.

And the fourth group, the inanimate group.

Ye Chen’s plan is to serve as his own core direct department.

The main function is to assess and manage the Hall of Longevity.

In addition, the Wusheng group also has an important function, which is to discover members who are eligible to enter the temple.

According to Ye Chen’s plan, these four groups are enough in the initial stage.

By the time Ye Chen had written all the architecture descriptions, it was already dawn.

Looking at one document after another on the desktop, Ye Chen laughed.

In addition to the organizational structure and development direction, the most important thing is the setting of the Hall of Longevity.

According to the degree of contribution, from high to low, they are: the universe is prehistoric, the world is black and yellow.

These 8 characters give people a long and mysterious symbol.

If you just list them with simple numbers, it will make people feel too close.

Members of the Yellow Rank can be obtained by entering the hall.

Profound level, you must increase the longevity point to 100 to achieve.

As for the ground level, 1000 longevity points are required.

Heaven rank, it is 10,000 longevity points.

The longevity point will be the most important thing for all members of the Hall of Longevity.

How to get it?

Ye Chen has also planned.

Complete different levels of missions in the Hall of Longevity to get different amounts of longevity points.

After doing all this, Ye Chen took a sip of the cold coffee.

“Next, it’s a crucial role.”

Ye Chen looked towards the west side of Linhai.

12 o’clock noon.

Tianyu Tea House.

Tianyu Tea House, the most high-end tea house in Linhai, is not one of them!

The boss behind it is the Pinnacle Group, which is mainly engaged in the tea business.

But in fact, the real owner of Tianyu Teahouse is He Pan.

He Pan, the second son of the He family in Jiangling.

A poor man who lost a family fight and nearly died.

To say he is poor is an exaggeration.

However, He Pan really went through the stage from existence to non-existence.

Five years ago, I left Gangneung and came to Linhai.

5 years later, worth 2.8 billion!

This is not the main thing, the main thing is that He Pan has an unimaginable circle of contacts in Linhai!

Even Chen Yongwen, the godfather of the underworld, is not as good as he can hope for in terms of connections.

The passage of time in the city last time made Ye Chen notice this prodigy.

This guy is definitely the most suitable member of the lifeless group, no one!

Super high emotional intelligence, terrifying insight, coupled with that fearless courage and unimaginable forbearance.

Ye Chen knows that in 5 years, no, 3 years, He Pan will successfully reverse the situation of the year and become the helm of the Jiangling He family!

The He family, one of the domestic super giants, is equivalent to the Du family in terms of status.

And what Ye Chen needs to do is to recruit He Pan and help He Pan win the battle for the helm of the family!

Because today is Monday, there are not many customers in Tianyu Tea House.

In fact, there are not many customers here even on weekends.

As the most high-end teahouse in Linhai, the price of drinks here is unimaginably high.

A glass of cold water costs 58!

A pot of the most common tea, 888!

Higher, thousands or even tens of thousands.

For ordinary people, the person who runs this kind of store is sick.

However, for those big bosses, this is a good place to talk business.

As soon as Ye Chen came to the lobby of the tea house, a waiter came to entertain him.

“Hello sir.”

“I’m looking for Manager He.”

He Pan’s identity in Tianyu Tea House is the purchasing manager.

It’s just a tactic he uses to hide people’s ears.

In fact, He Pan has done well in the past five years.

Even the He family didn’t know the real situation of He Pan.

Just because He Pan was disappointed and found an ordinary job abroad.

At this point, this person is worth attracting.

Seeing the waiter stunned, Ye Chen smiled: “I’m Manager Ye of the Southern Tea Factory.”

The waiter understood.

“Okay Manager Ye, please wait a moment.”*

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