Cap 290 peak-day order

Olot this moment slowly opened his mouth, for oni Istanbul he said.

“You brats, crying tears? I’m not dead, I was all right.”

“Your uncle I have lived many years, and even die today, are also considered worthwhile.

“Do you remember me, I let you live good, so you remember it all today uncle bear it for you.”

“You cry, have not heard my uncle speak you look now despite become like this, not yet -? You can speak to.”

Olot later to finish the sentence surprised, feeling they simply could not imagine so fragile.

Also felt quite enough strength to speak, had he thought he was finished after a few words that will instantly shock.

But at this moment he felt no different with the usual.

Olot think it looks strange, that this has become a virtue, have not see his limbs a.

Has become distorted facial features, the entire head has been turned into a thin piece of paper.

But why they can also speak this moment, is all this leaves Chen handling it?

Why Ye Chen also let yourself alive?

Why not kill yourself, make yourself suffer such humiliation.

Although Olot such a thought in his heart, but his heart is very aware of all of this of course it is a leaf Chen manipulation.

Ye Chen is now parallel world masters of the world, but also a master of the Milky Way, has a strong infinite power.

And now looking at the leaf layer bland, but his body’s energy to reach the peak level Messiah days of order.

Messiah who can reach the peak days of order-level characters, who have infinite power can be had as a dead person.

It seems in front of Ye Chen is dead, he can live forever, no one would destroy it.

Since Chen Ye has reached this state, Olot also know that they are suffering now suffered Ye Chen caused.

Now you can own is still alive, but also leaves Chen manipulation.

Otherwise they have become like this, I am afraid that not long ago on the planet.

It has long been a ball of blood, has long been the soul breaks loose, it is impossible to speak now even told O’Neill Istanbul.

Olot now thought of this, I shut up, no longer speak.

While it is still he felt a little effort, but he wants to keep the last effort.

Wait until a critical time can save O’Neill Istanbul, he did not know who he is now Could resorted to magic, do not know there is no little skill.

O’Neill Istanbul Olot hear these words later, in Olot side, touched his head.

I feel this moment uncle’s head feels particularly scary, but thin, shocking.

Nocioni Istanbul’s heart would break this moment, this is raise their uncle ah.

Today he was to become like this, can not bear to look into yourself.

Since Olot become like this, O’Neill Istanbul did not stop crying.

At this moment, tears kept flowing in his eyes, just can not stop his eyes, already red and swollen.

Before looking at their Olot, broke down in tears, he said.

“Uncle, I’m sorry you, you become like this, are my reasons.”

“Uncle, can you get better? I don’t want you to die. If you die, I will have no family.”

“Uncle, I beg you to come back to life.”

“My dear uncle, I really didn’t expect you to become like this for me. What should I do now? You don’t let me cry, but how could I not cry, you have become like this.”

After Oni Stamboul said this, he kept crying.

At this moment, he felt that his throat was hoarse, and he felt that he was about to be speechless.

Oni Stamboul looked at Olot beside him, wishing he could stab himself, but he knew that he could not die now.

After all, it was him who caused his uncle to become like this, and he hoped to find a little way to rescue his uncle.

As long as his uncle can survive and let him do anything, he is willing.

At the moment when Olot faintly heard the words of Oni Stamble, he wanted to open his eyes and look at Oni Stambler beside him.

But he knew that his eyes would never be opened again.

Because he tried to open his eyes just now, but he couldn’t.

Olot’s heart was clear, and now he couldn’t open his eyes, and only had one mouth to speak.

·0 Seeking flowers…

Olot was thinking of himself at this moment, and he has been galloping on Soochow Star for many years.

He has always been invincible and invincible. He has never encountered such a situation today, and he has never seen a person at the peak of the Saiyan rank like Ye Chen.

Today, he felt that even if he died, he would be considered right, and if he could die under Ye Chen’s hands, he would not have died in vain.

After all, he felt that he was famous when he was defeated by Ye Chen.

Because he knew that if his opponent was not Ye Chen today, he would not be able to suffer like this.

He used to be able to defeat everything on Soochow Star, but he never expected that his opponent today would be Ye Chen.

This powerful character turned out to be a human being from Earth, which really surprised him.

So Olot felt that it was quite honorable to be in the hands of a figure at the peak level of Saiyan rank like Ye Chen.

At least he felt that he was not a coward, and he had become like this at this moment.

His whole body had festered and turned into blood, and he didn’t even snort.

Because Olot can no longer feel the pain now, he feels as if he has lost consciousness, without any feeling, and without any reaction.

He only knew that there was only one mouth left to speak, and he knew no other pain.

Why Olot has this feeling now, he can’t figure out, he has now become such a terrifying appearance.

It’s like a monster, but why can’t I feel half the pain?

What is going on in all this? Olot is indeed a little confused and can’t understand.

Olot thought of this, and remembered what Oni Stambul said just now.

Wei Wei opened his lips again, and Ornistein, who had a hoarse voice, said to Bull.

Good boy, “don’t cry anymore, uncle is fine.”

“You don’t have to do anything, you don’t have any way, uncle, as long as you live well, uncle will die properly.

“Why, isn’t what uncle said doesn’t work, let you recognize me as uncle, just stand up obediently for me, don’t rest here.”

“No one in our family is a coward. Don’t look at your lack of skill, but you can’t be cowardly and be so incompetent.”

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