Chapter 289 What Virtue

The Void Swallowing Dragon hovered in the air at this moment, and under Ye Chen’s body, he was a little stunned to see Olot.

Although he is a Void Swallowing Dragon, he has never seen such a tragic scene in front of him.

The Void Swallowing Dragon has lived for countless years in the parallel world, and it can even be said that he is a bully in the parallel world.

Unexpectedly, he became Ye Chen’s mount at this moment, and he had to succumb to Ye Chen, because he knew that he did not have the ability to compete with Ye Chen.

He is just a dragon swallowing the void, and he can only survive as Ye Chen’s mount.

Although the Void Swallowing Dragon watched Olot’s body slowly corrode, slowly fester, and would soon disappear in an instant.

However, Void Swallowing Dragon felt that all of this was Olot’s due punishment, because Olot was in great need when he first came out.

Moreover, Olot was very rude to Ye Chen, and thought that Ye Chen could be wiped out in an instant.

Unexpectedly, Olot was wiped out by Ye Chen. Ye Chen didn’t let him die instantly, even if he showed mercy, he had the strength to live until now.

Void Swallowing Dragon thought of this at this moment, circling obediently under Ye Chen, whispering in his heart.

“My God, this is too cruel, what 773 ghosts Olot is now.

“I have never seen a planetary person turn into this virtue.”

It seems that “my master is really very powerful, I have to follow him obediently and not dare to violate the slightest.”

“My God, after living for thousands of years, I finally saw the power of the Lord of Time. It’s really a long experience.”

Void Swallowing Dragon said to himself in his heart at this moment, he felt that the scene in front of him was really terrible.

As a void swallowing dragon, he roamed the planet constantly and freely shuttled.

He had never seen such a scene before, it really made him a little creepy.

Void Swallowing Dragon also did not expect his master to have such a skill, and he did not expect that he would fly freely on the planet yesterday, unfettered.

At this moment, it turned out to be Ye Chen’s mount, but he had to submit to Ye Chen because he had no ability to resist.

He knew that resistance was only a one-time death. Rather than dying so tragically, it would be better to just obediently be captured.

It is also a good job to be able to let Ye Chen freely gallop in the universe under Ye Chen’s body.

Void Tunlong thought of this and took a deep breath. At this moment, he felt much more relaxed. The moment he saw Ye Chen suddenly, he also felt that everything in the world would be destroyed.

The young man in front of him turned out to be the master of time full of powerful energy, so no one thought of it.

Therefore, at this moment, Void Swallowing Dragon felt that he was lucky and did not suffer the punishment like Olot.

It’s a good thing to be able to be Ye Chen’s mount unharmed, so at this moment, he is very happy to let Ye Chen ride on his back.

Because he knew that as long as he was alive, it was more important than anything else, and he just looked at Olot on the ground, and he felt that Olot was really terrible at this moment.

Olot’s whole person is no longer the same, and he no longer has the prestige of the past.

Void Swallowing Dragon has heard the name of Olot before, but he has never seen it before. Olot in the eyes of Void Swallowing Dragon is also extremely powerful.

Moreover, 80% of Olot’s body is made of metal, but why he has such a combination, Void Swallowing Dragon does not know.

It’s just that Olot, who is spoken by the planet’s population, is indeed extraordinary.

But Void Swallowing Dragon now feels that no matter how powerful the character or level is, it is not worth mentioning in front of Ye Chen.

Now Ye Chen in Void Swallowing Dragon’s eyes is very powerful, and he feels that he can become Ye Chen’s mount.

It is also an honorable mission.

So now he is in the air, carrying Ye Chen, looking down at everyone underground.

It feels that they are groveling and kneeling at this moment, especially insignificant.

(bacd) Oni Stamboul has been lying beside Olot at this moment, without any move.

Because he felt that there was nothing he could do, and he saw that his uncle was about to turn into blood.

He had no choice but to do nothing.

Oni Stamboul did not expect that because of his recklessness, he was arrogant and aggressive.

He offended Ye Chen because of a few words, and he wouldn’t let Olot suffer such pain. He really regretted it.

But now he knew that it was too late to regret, even if he was asked to use his own life to repay Olot’s life, he would still be willing.

But Oni Stamboul felt strange, he had already told Ye Chen just now, why did this young man do nothing, and what was he thinking about?

Does he want to forgive his uncle? But why is the uncle still bubbling green liquid at this moment.

Seeing Olot’s current situation, Oni Stambul knew that he was thinking too much.

How could this powerful Realization Lord in front of him forgive his uncle?

Looking at Olot’s distressed expression, Oni Stamboul really couldn’t bear to watch it any longer.

But now all the Mroni people have retreated to the back, and no one dared to approach, and they didn’t even dare to look at Olot.

Because Olot’s current appearance is really terrifying and looks extremely scary.

Olot, now the whole person is lying on the ground, his body has slowly melted.

Only a flat head was left on the ground, and the facial features could not be seen clearly.

But Olot knew that he could still speak at this moment, and he was still breathing.

He also wondered why he had become this virtue, why he was still alive and not dead.

He can’t wait to die like this at this moment, and he doesn’t want to continue to suffer such pain.

He didn’t want to be insulted by Ye Chen anymore, but he knew that now he might not even have the right to die.

After all, Ye Chen hasn’t spoken yet.

At this moment, Olot can no longer open his eyes, because his eyes have become a slit.

He couldn’t see the things around him at all, and at this moment his whole head was stuck to the ground, and he couldn’t tell which was where.

He only knew that Oni Stamboul was by his side at this moment and did not leave.

Olot is now trying to open his mouth to see if he can speak.

He opened his mouth slightly and felt that his head had become flat at this moment tonight.

But he knew he could still speak.

Olot slowly opened his lips, although it was a little difficult to breathe.

But he knew he wasn’t dead, and could still talk to Oni Stamboul.

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