Chapter 287 What is there to cry

Anyway, Olot now sees in the blur that Oni Stambul is all right.

My heart is at ease, at least this moment Oni Stambul is safe.

But Olot was really worried after hearing Oni Stamble speak again.

Now even though he’s safe, can’t this brat say something?

Can you shut up and stop angering Xiabai, once Ye Chen is really angered.

I am afraid that all the Mroni people will be buried here.

Olot does not want such a thing to happen, nor does he want the entire Soochow Star to be destroyed.

Olot thought of this at this moment, and looked at Oni Stable beside him.

Although he didn’t have much strength, he knew that he could still speak.

“You stinky boy, can you shut up and leave me alone, as long as you live, it’s more important than anything else.”

Uncle “has already lived so old, what is the difference between living and dead? You are so young.

“You have to live a good life for your uncle, don’t you know, don’t talk anymore.”

“Did you hear me talking, why are you crying? Uncle 10 isn’t dead yet.”

After Olot said these words, he could not wait to slap Oni Stambul with his own hands.

But he knew that his limbs had melted away and he couldn’t move at all.

At this moment, there was only one mouth left to speak, Olot had never felt so pathetic.

As the Purple King on the Soochow Star, since I can have such a day, I can meet the most powerful Lord of Time in the world here.

Olot knew that he had taken it today, and he was powerless, so he had to admit it.

At this moment, Olot also knew in his heart that even if Huang Level came out at this moment, he would not be the opponent of the young man in front of him at all.

Even the most powerful masters on the entire planet, even if they reached the peak level, would not be able to subdue the young man in front of him at all.

So Olot no longer struggled at this moment. The moment he saw Ye Chen’s shot, he had completely given up.

But he didn’t expect that he would be punished like this for the sake of Oni Stamboul, which was something he didn’t expect.

After Olot said the words just now, he felt that there was still a little power in his body.

It seems that at this moment, he is not dead yet, and still exists on Soochow Star.

After all the Mroni people heard Olot speak, everyone was stunned.

It seems that Olot has become like this at this moment, still not dead, they are surprised.

Because Olot’s current appearance is really appalling, it’s simply not good, and it can’t be seen that he is still a planetary person.

The people of Star Muroni felt even more terrifying when they saw him like this, as if they had seen a ghost.

Like the most terrifying monster in the world, they have never seen a planetary person before, and it really surprised them that they could become like this.

At this moment, they were all scared and took a few steps back, far away from Olot.

But at this moment, they didn’t expect Olot to become like this and still be able to speak, which is really a miracle.

Oni Stamboul was by Olot’s side, and after hearing him say these words, Oni Stambul was crying and sad.

Because this person in front of him is his uncle and his only relative.

He didn’t want to see his uncle die like this, but now he is helpless and has no ability to rescue his uncle.

“Uncle, don’t say that, can you stop talking?”

“You have a little strength now. If you talk again, I’m afraid you will disappear at this moment. I don’t want to lose you.”

Uncle “, tell me, is there any way to heal you, even if I exchange my life for you?

After Oni Stamboul said these words, he still looked at Olot, and he was the only one who dared to approach Olot, thinking that Olot was not scary.

After all, there is a pool of blood in front of him, but his uncle, his uncle is still breathing and has not died.

Oni Stamboul thought how could he possibly be afraid.

Oni Stamboul really hoped that his uncle would no longer suffer in exchange for his own life.

Let him not endure this kind of torture anymore, even if he makes himself suffer hundreds of times, it is worth it.

Oni Stamboul felt that his life had no meaning, because he did not have any energy, and he did not even have a little magic.

What’s the point of keeping himself alive in the world, he felt that Olot’s life was the most important thing.

Olot can lead all the Mulroneys back to life.

Oni Stambul couldn’t understand just now why his uncle sacrificed his life to save himself.

Oni Stamboul has no ability at all, even if he is alive and dead, what is the difference?

In this case, it is better to leave the uncle on the planet, let the uncle live, there may be a chance of life.

After Ye Chen leaves the parallel world, maybe Olot will be free.

Olot wanted to slap him a few times when he heard Oni Stable’s words.

But Olot knew that now he didn’t even have a hand, and his hands had been turned to ashes, so how could he hit someone.

But at this moment, he really has a feeling of hating that iron cannot become steel.

Still hoping for a silver lining to keep the 770 Oni Stambul alive?

But Olot felt that Oni Stamboul, the Damn it guy, didn’t understand his painstaking efforts.

If you have to die for yourself, then the suffering you have suffered will not be in vain.

Olot thought of this at this moment, took a sigh of relief, and said to Onistambull again in a weak voice.

“You bastard, what are you talking about? Uncle let you live well.”

“If you die, how can I explain to your father?”

“You lost your parents early, and I was the only one who brought you up, so now you give me a good life and don’t say these depressing words.

“You can’t die for me either, do you know that?”

“What’s the matter? Is it so useless? There’s something to cry, I’m not dead yet.”

“Can’t uncle still talk to you at this moment? Don’t cry, even if uncle turns into a pool of blood at this moment, so what? You still have strength.”

Olot felt that not only did he have no pain after saying these words, but he also felt as if he was full of power.

Not knowing how to explain all this, Olot felt incredible.

I feel that there is a powerful energy in my body that is constantly roaming, what the hell is going on?

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