Chapter 286 The Great Secret

What is the origin of the present Oni Stambler, isn’t he just Olot’s nephew?

He has another identity, and Ye Chen can’t answer it now.

How could this entire parallel world have no record of someone like Oni Stambul.

There is no remaining life time for him. What is this situation, Ye Chen has a lot of confusion in his heart.

Ye Chen thought of this at this moment, and a terrible thought suddenly flashed in his mind, has this Onistambull died once before?

Or someone else sold him time and let him live until now, so he doesn’t have any records now.

The screen displayed on the head of Oni Stamboul does not have a record of his remaining life time. It must be like this. Otherwise, how should all this be explained?

Thinking of these “seven seven zeros”, Ye Chen felt that something was not right.

He remembered that when he was on earth, he also sold his lifespan to many people. After they were reborn again, they also had a lifespan record.

Why didn’t Onistambull in front of him? Ye Chen had never been so entangled in this moment, and couldn’t find any answers.

In the whole world and the earth, there is nothing that Ye Chen does not know, as long as it is a secret he wants to detect, it is not a secret at all.

Why is this bland Oni Stambler in front of him, but Ye Chen can’t find any clues in his entanglement.

Ye Chen felt that it was God who was testing him and asked him to keep this Oni Stambul, otherwise how should he explain all this?

After Oni Stamboul heard Olot’s words, he ran to Olot’s side again and jumped down.

Seeing the uncle in front of him become like this, he was really in unbearable pain, and he felt like a knife all over his body.

After all, he was brought up by his uncle since he was a child, and he didn’t remember what his father looked like, nor did he have any impression.

In Oni Stambul’s heart, he always treated Olot as his father, and it was appalling to see his uncle become like this at this moment.

How could he feel better in his heart, he didn’t want to live, if his uncle died, he felt that there was no point in living.

Oni Stamboul lay on the ground and touched the only piece of metal that Olot had left. He wished he would die for Olot at this moment.

Because he knew in his heart that he had caused Olot to suffer such pain. If he hadn’t acted rashly and stood up and spoke out of his own strength, how could Olot have suffered such pain.

At this moment, Oni Stambul regretted to death in his heart, but he knew that it was too late, and regret was of no use.

Is it possible to bring my uncle back to life, and to make the metal pieces all over his body grow again?

How can his uncle be resurrected now that he has turned into a pool of blood? Onistambull looked at Olot, who was dying, with great pain.

The expression on Oni Stambler’s face at this moment was particularly ferocious, but he knew that he did not have any ability, and even if he hated Ye Chen in his heart at this moment, he could not have any way to treat him.

After all, Ye Chen is the master of time in the whole world, and no one can do anything about him.

Oni Stambul knew that he had no ability at all, he just hated it in his heart, and at this moment, he was no match for Ye Chen at all.

Even if the Mroni people on the entire Soochow Star add up, they will all be sent to death in vain.

Oni Stambul looked at Olot’s expression, and his heart was broken. At this moment, Olot’s head became flat, and he couldn’t tell where the facial features were at all.

But Oni Stamboul was able to see Olot’s eyes. After all, their uncle and nephew were heart-to-heart, and only Oni Stable had the courage to approach Olot.

The Muroni people around here looked at Olot like this, and they all backed away in fright.

After all, Olot looks really terrifying, and he has never seen a planetary person look like this.

So how could they not be afraid of the Mroni people.

“Uncle, you don’t ask him anymore. If you’re gone, what’s the point of my life?”

“I know that the pain you suffer is for me. If it wasn’t for my arrogance, how could you suffer so hard.”

“Uncle, it’s my nephew that I’m sorry for you. You raised me, and I haven’t paid it back yet. You actually bear such a punishment for me.”

“Uncle, can you still hear me? How did you become like this? It’s me who hurt you. 0”

After Oni Stamboul said this, at Olot’s side, he could not wait to endure the same pain as Olot at this moment.

He also hoped to relieve Olot some pain, but he knew that he could do nothing.

After all, all this was controlled by Ye Chen. If Ye Chen didn’t want to stop, I’m afraid Olot would slowly corrupt.

Immediately leaving this planet, I am afraid it will never exist again.

Olot felt that he was about to return to the west, but at this moment, he could clearly hear the words of Oni Stambler beside him.

And I feel that my ear strength has not subsided, and listening to the sound is still so real.

Originally, Olot thought that he would die soon after saying those words, but he heard Oni Stambul’s voice again in a daze.

At this moment, he cheered up again and slowly opened his eyes, even though his eyes had become a slit.

But he still did not give up the chance to survive, struggled hard, and slowly took a breath.

In the haze, Olot felt much more at ease when he saw that Oni Stamboul, who was beside him, still appeared in front of him intact.

He felt that all the pain he suffered was worth it. If Ye Chen wanted to kill Oni Stamboul at this moment, he wouldn’t let Oni Stambul live until now.

Olot’s heart is at ease, it seems that the powerful Lord of Time in front of him has no intention of destroying Onistambull.

Otherwise, he would not have lived to this day and still talked to Olot.

Although all of this was Olot’s guess, he felt that his guess was correct, based on his years of experience.

If this master wants to deal with them now, he will not wait until now, is he testing himself?

Olot felt incredible, even if Ye Chen wanted to test himself, there was no need to treat him in this way.

He felt that he thought too much, maybe Ye Chen didn’t want to keep his promise at all, and didn’t want to give him a chance.

Otherwise, he felt that it was impossible for Ye Chen to treat him like this, and it seemed that he was wrong.

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