Chapter 276

Thinking of this, Onishtambull became more and more courageous, and no longer trembled like he was kneeling on the ground at the beginning, and he didn’t even dare to look at Ye Chen’s eyes.

At this moment, among all the Mroni people, Oni Stambul was the only one who looked directly at Gan Ye Chen. He felt that he was full of powerful energy at this moment.

Although he didn’t have any ability, his strong mind supported him until now, without flinching or fear.

Olot was particularly worried about him in his heart after hearing what Oni Stable said just now.

After all, the relationship between the two of them is very close. Oni Stamboul is Olot’s nephew.

Oni Stambul’s parents died early and called him to Olot.

Olot has always attached “seven sixty-three” to Onistanbul’s Ahu since he was a child. Even though Olot’s methods are very hot, he is very caring and caring for Onistanbul. to the heart of a mother.

At this moment, when Oni Stambul said this, he gave him a wink.

However, Oni Stamboul didn’t even look at Olot, and looked at Ye Chen who was hanging in the air with his head held high.

Olot also knew in his heart that Ony Stamble had a very strong personality since he was a child. Although he didn’t teach him a powerful kung fu, but with his own intelligence, he was often able to avoid danger and evade the powerful ability of the enemy.

The reason why Olot did not teach Oni Stamboul some mana and self-defense when he was young.

It was because he was frail and sickly since he was a child that he was not suitable for training strong skills at all. It was a miracle that he was able to survive until now, so Olot was clear in his heart.

Although he sometimes gets complaints from O’Neill Stable, and O’Neill Stable often says that Olot doesn’t treat him as a nephew, doesn’t care about him, doesn’t even give him mana.

But Olot did not want to tell the truth in his heart to Oni Stamboul. He felt that there was no need for it, and Olot could be cruel to all the Mroni people.

But it was never possible to do this to Oni Stamboul. After all, this was the only bloodline left by his brother and the only bloodline of their family.

Olot really didn’t know what to do at this moment, he was really worried that Ye Chen would be furious at this moment and wiped out Oni Stambul here in an instant, I’m afraid even the corpse would not be found.

Olot also doesn’t know what happened to Oni Stamboul at this moment, why does he have to stand out at this moment?

Ye Chen had already promised to forgive everyone, why he still said that, Olot was very worried in his heart.

Olot is also well aware of Oni Stamboul’s personality, knowing that he is particularly fond of being in the limelight, and he likes to fight injustice, whenever he encounters unfair things.

He has to stand up and uphold justice. Although he has no ability, he has a good heart.

At this moment, Olot, thinking of this, kept looking at Oni Stambler, but Oni Stambler didn’t even look at him at this moment.

Olot was really anxious in his heart, and stood up slowly from the ground. He finally gathered up his courage, raised his head and looked directly into Ye Chen’s eyes, and said to him.

“Master, Oni Stamboul is the youngest of our Mroni people. He is ignorant. You must not care too much about him.”

“He doesn’t even know who you are. He may have offended you just now. Don’t take offense. For the sake of his ignorance, forgive him.”

After Olot said this, he started to tremble, because he had learned how powerful Ye Chen was just now, and he was afraid that talking to Ye Chen would anger Ye Chen.

It also caused the entire Mroni people to be destroyed here. He was also worried about such a thing. It didn’t matter if he died alone.

But it can’t implicate all the Mroni people, Olot is really afraid of such a thing happening.

After all, this young man sitting behind the Void Swallowing Dragon really has such ability, and no one can escape from his palm.

Although Olot usually treats all the Mroni people with some cruelty and some cruelty.

But at this moment, he didn’t want to let all the Mroni people die here like this, and let all the Mroni people be destroyed by their hands.

He felt his importance at this moment, no matter whether he would offend Ye Chen by saying this just now, he also hoped that Ye Chen could raise his hand and let go of all the Mroni people.

After Ye Chen heard Olot say this at this moment, he thought it was interesting. It seemed that the courageous Oni Stable had something to do with Olot.

Otherwise, how could Olot’s personality stand up for Oni Stamboul?

It was impossible to speak for him, the more Ye Chen thought about it, the more interesting he felt. It seemed that there was a good show to play today.

Although Ye Chen knew that Olot had some abilities, but with his little ability, he was not worthy to compete with himself, and he didn’t have to shoot at all.

As long as he uses the energy of time to say a word, he can make Olot die in front of him in an instant, and not even a residue is left. This point, Ye Chen believes in his own strength very much.

We only now know that we have a powerful practice system. Since we have such courage to kill someone, it is a matter of minutes, and there is no need to spend a little bit of destruction.

This point, Ye Chen is very sure in his heart, he feels that he has the supreme energy, he is really very lucky.

At this moment, he was still a little proud in his heart. After all, between heaven and earth, any person and thing are for his own use. As long as he wants to do, no one can stop him.

Ye Chen thought of this at this moment, his eyes were full of confusion, and once again full of evil spirits, looking at Olot who was talking to him just now, he said to him coldly.

2.3 “Have you forgotten your identity? If I hadn’t let you go just now, you still have the right to stand here and talk, I’m afraid it’s already broken into pieces.

“I think you really forgot the lesson just now, do you still want to try it out, to feel the taste of the metal pieces leaving your body.

After Olot heard Ye Chen speak at this moment, he suddenly felt the metal pieces on his body groaning yesterday, and hearing such a voice also made him horrified.

Because Olot has already tried the metal sheet to slowly fall off and slowly rust, that kind of taste.

It was really unbearable pain, it was worse than death, but Olot was not afraid of anything at this moment for his nephew.

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