Chapter 275

So now, after Ye Chen heard Oni Stambul’s words, he felt that he had special potential, and it seemed that he really lacked courageous people like him around him.

Although he has no skill or supernatural ability, it doesn’t matter, as long as Ye Chen wants to become stronger by himself, it really takes minutes.

It doesn’t need to be too complicated, because Ye Chen knows that he has this ability now, and can turn a Muroni star who has no power to become a powerful Muroni star at any time.

When Ye Chen thought about the flattering subordinates around him, he was obedient to himself every day, and his father-in-law was respectful, and he felt bored, and he didn’t even have a quarrel with him.

Ye Chen also knew that when he returned to the earth, he still had to develop some high-tech and make more contributions to mankind, and there was a lack of courageous and knowledgeable people like Oni Stambul around him.

Although he does not have any magic power, his mind is very clear. It seems that he is also very wise and has a high IQ. Maybe he knows a lot of strange things.

It takes a long process to develop new technologies for mankind and bring mankind to a peak era.

Ye Chen was quite clear about this, so he also had plans to keep Oni Stambul by his side.

I want to go back to the earth to develop new technologies for human beings, so that human beings can move towards a more civilized world and a more advanced era.

This is something that Ye Chen has planned now. For the time being, he is on the planet and the Milky Way, and he has to continuously absorb the special abilities of various planets, so that his strength will increase gradually.

In this case, after returning to the earth, we can do whatever we want, develop more powerful skills, and lead mankind to the peak era, to the technology-era.

Right now, it’s all what Ye Chen thought, but at least this plan has gradually taken shape. Ye Chen also believes that in the near future, these wishes and dreams will be realized.

He felt that with his current strength and his powerful practice system, he was getting closer and closer to these dreams, and he was no longer far away.

After absorbing all the planets here, Ye Chen knew that it was time to return to the earth, although this time was a little long.

But through his own efforts, Ye Chen believes that he will soon achieve his current goal.

When Ye Chen thought of this at this moment, he felt that the things he planned were about to start slowly, and he felt a little happy, and also thought of what Oni Stambul said just now. It was also interesting.

It seems that the Mroni star in front of him is indeed different, and he looks a bit of a character. Ye Chen knows that he likes such a person.

In the past, when I was a human, I felt that my good friend was somewhat similar to him, and he was particularly courageous and not afraid of danger.

Even if it encounters any powerful forces, it will not back down, it is just a bit similar to the one in front of Oni Stable.

Ye Chen also knew that it had been a long time since he came to a different planet, and he especially missed his friends on earth.

I also felt as if I was far away from them, and I didn’t know how they were doing there.

Seeing Oni Stamboul in front of him, Ye Chen seemed to think of his good friends, and also felt that he had a few good friends who were somewhat similar to Oni Stamboul in front of him in terms of personality and appearance.

This made Ye Chen feel more emotion in his heart. Looking at Onistambull in front of him, the murderous aura in Ye Chen’s eyes slowly faded, and it became softer.

At this moment, Ye Chen thought that Oni Stambul said his name just now, it sounded like the beginning of Olot, and it seemed that they all belonged to an alien planet.

I also think this name sounds interesting. Although it is a bit cumbersome, it seems to have a very important meaning in it. Otherwise, how could it be called this name?

At this moment, Ye Chen’s eyes were full of confusion, and you were no longer full of evil spirits like you were just now.

At this moment, Ye Chen calmed down a lot in his heart, and he was no longer as murderous as when he was dealing with Olot just now.

At this moment, Ye Chen had a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at Onistambull, who was looking up at him, with a strange tone in his voice, and said to him.

“Oni Stamboul, the name is a bit interesting. You said just now that you have no ability or other abilities, but you have the courage to speak to me like that.”

·0 Seeking flowers…

“Don’t you know who I am? Or you don’t know my abilities. Did you see what happened to your commander just now?”

After Ye Chen said these words, he kept looking straight at Oni Stamboul to see what he would say. After all, the way he treated Olot just now was extremely cruel.

If he hadn’t stopped by himself, I’m afraid the metal pieces on Olot’s body would have already fallen off at this moment, and his flesh and blood were blurred, and even living was worse than death.

Because Ye Chen sometimes knew that after he came to the parallel world, his methods were a bit cruel.

But there was no way, he knew that he had to do this, otherwise he would not be able to conquer the Mercury in front of him, and the Mroni people in front of him.

At this moment, Ye Chen felt that he was still merciful towards Olot, otherwise he would have no life to stand in front of him at this moment, and he was not qualified to live at his feet.

The reason why Olot has been alive until now is because Ye Chen felt that he was still a little useful.

After all, he is the commander of the Mroni people and the overlord here. Although at this moment, Ye Chen knew that he had occupied everything here and absorbed all the energy on Mercury, but he did not want Olot to die.

Because Ye Chen also knew that Olot was not worthy of being the same age here at all, and he did not have the qualification to compare himself with himself based on his ability.

It’s really vulnerable, and it’s not worth mentioning. Ye Chen didn’t have the mood to deal with him at all. Otherwise, Olot would have been wiped out before he made a move, and not even a piece of iron would be left. Down.

On the contrary, Olot’s courage is really different from this Onystamble, but Ye Chen has some appreciation for the Onystamble in front of him.

After hearing Ye Chen say this at this moment, Onishtambull was not afraid. Anyway, he knew that he was dead both vertically and horizontally.

It is better to let yourself fight, let yourself die with some dignity, and die properly.

What if he died in Ye Chen’s hands at this moment.

He knew that as a Mroni star, he would not exist on this planet forever, and there would be a day when the primordial spirit disappeared. again

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