Chapter 255 The Mystery of the Saiyans

Unless it is a powerful person, Ye Chen would want to understand the inner changes of that powerful person.

For these people in front of him, it is really not worth using his powerful system to understand these useless things.

But Ye Chen doesn’t know why today, why is he soft-hearted towards the ants kneeling on the ground, and doesn’t want to kill them instantly.

I also feel that they may all be innocent. After all, they have not done anything unfavorable, nor have they done anything excessive to themselves.

So Ye Chen felt that there was really no need to kill them all, let’s keep them, even though they were the ones who went down.

But they are also lives, even though Ye Chen came here, he became bitter.

But he didn’t want to kill innocent people indiscriminately, he naturally wouldn’t let them go, if innocent people, Ye Chen wouldn’t kill them indiscriminately.

After Ye Chen finally came to this strange plain world, he made a plan for himself.

After all, now he kills like numb, it can be said that he kills without blinking an eye.

When he came to this parallel world, he encountered many dangers and had to kill them all, but he knew that those people he killed were all damned people, and they were all villains.

So Ye Chen didn’t have any regrets, but now facing this group of people, he felt that some of them were indeed quite innocent.

But in front of Olot, Ye Chen felt that although he did some evil things, he did not endanger his rights.

Although he was rude to himself just now, and he was particularly in need, he just didn’t know what kind of ability Ye Chen had.

Otherwise, Olot would not be so domineering and overbearing.

Olot really did not expect this young man hanging in the air to have such power.

And it turned out to be the Lord of Time, which really surprised him. He had never seen what the Lord of Time looked like. It turned out to be the young man in front of him.

It seems that he does have a powerful time system, otherwise how could he have such a skill.

And you can control your powerful ability without moving a single bit, and let yourself die miserably.

At this point, Olot had to surrender to Ye Chen in his heart.

Olot is lucky to know that he is still alive now.

It was also Ye Chen who raised his hand, did not take his own life, and wanted to give himself a chance.

Although he doesn’t know how to show his loyalty now, so that Ye Chen can let him go.

But at least he has this opportunity, and he knows that he will not miss this opportunity, Olot thought in his heart at this moment.

This opportunity must be seized firmly, once these opportunities are not seized, I am afraid that I will never survive on this planet.

As long as Olot is allowed to live, he knows he can do whatever he wants.

But I don’t know what kind of questions Marven Ye will come up with and let him choose?

Or let himself do something casually to show his loyalty, Olot is now in a lot of confusion and has a lot of questions, but he keeps these questions in his heart and doesn’t dare to say it.

Because he knew that he was even less qualified to talk to Ye Chen.

If Ye Chen didn’t talk to himself, he couldn’t talk, he could only kneel on the ground all the time, with his head lowered, and he didn’t dare to take a breath.

Ye Chen has been looking at Olot who is kneeling in front of him at this moment, and feels that he is really a planetary person of the peak level of Saiyan rank, and he thinks it is unlikely.

Based on his ability, he dared to claim to be a peak-level Saiyan rank person, which is really ridiculous.

Marven Ye felt that Olot was really over his head, and he dared to compete with himself, even with his ability.

Saying such mad words in front of himself, Ye Chen felt that he was really kind for not killing him at this moment.

Ye Chen just thought Olot’s metal sheet was interesting, so he left him in this world and wanted to give him a chance to test him.

After all, there are not many people with a structure like him, and he is still a planetary person in this galaxy, which is really rare.

That’s why Chen knew that he had kept Olot for this reason, and he had to study Olot’s body structure and what it was composed of.

Where did he come from and why is there such a peculiar combination?

Olot knelt on the ground at this moment, feeling that his metal pieces did not fall as badly as they had just now.

I also felt that I had regained a little power in an instant.

·0 Seeking flowers…

He secretly looked at the metal pieces on his body, and suddenly felt that the metal pieces that had fallen on the ground had already returned to his body and were no longer falling.

He wondered in his heart, did Ye Chen use the time system to put all his metal pieces back in place?

Otherwise, how could such a situation occur? With his current ability, it is impossible to restore the metal piece to the body in an instant.

Olot had a lot of doubts in his heart at this moment, it seems that all this was manipulated by Ye Chen.

Otherwise, such a thing would not have happened. He knew that he was seriously injured now.

Although Ye Chen has not yet shot, he has already lost 90% of his skill, he knows the seriousness of the matter.

It can be regarded as a real experience of Ye Chen’s power.

After all, he just saw that Ye Chen didn’t do anything, just looked at himself quietly, and was very calm.

At the moment when he just shot, the whole time stopped, and Ye Chen didn’t move at all, he still stood there, without any reaction, and his expression did not change in any way.

Olot had to admire his ability, and felt that in the entire world, the entire planet, and the Milky Way, no one was Ye Chen’s opponent anymore.

Even if Huang Level came out at this moment, he might not be able to defeat Ye Chen.

Olot knew that if he didn’t submit to Ye Chen now, who else would he submit to? Could it be that he was still going to die.

Anyway, I always have to surrender to one person, and now that there is a Lord of Time in front of me, it is the best opportunity.

As long as you let yourself live, it is normal to submit to anyone, and there is no choice. Olot only knows that survival is important. As for who you follow in the footsteps, it doesn’t matter.

For so many years, Olot alone has led the Mroni people, and it is indeed very difficult to achieve today’s achievements.

It is also through a lot of hardships, through fighting and killing, through a lot of hard work, to get to where we are today, even though all this is going to be in vain now.

But he felt that it was nothing, and it didn’t matter how he lived now.

He also felt that it was the best choice to return to Ye Chen at this moment. again,

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